Massey Ferguson 135 Raking Alfalfa
Aug 16, 2019

Video: Massey Ferguson 135 Raking Alfalfa

Raking some 2nd cut alfalfa with our 1971 Massey Ferguson 135.


Massey Ferguson 135 Raking Alfalfa

Massey Ferguson 135 Raking Alfalfa

Raking some 2nd cut alfalfa with our 1971 Massey Ferguson 135.... More
Lavender Farm in Ontario

Lavender Farm in Ontario

Drone video filmed and produced for Apple Hill Lavender Farm located in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada.... More
#RootsNotIron - Phase 2

#RootsNotIron - Phase 2

The project compares standard conventional practices with current BMPs, and a modified green cover as much as possible application. The project will assess impacts on yield, profitability, soil health, nutrient sequestration and nutrient transfer, and will generate Ontario data to encourage prod... More
Haybine prep and canola spraying!

Haybine prep and canola spraying!

Haybine prep and canola spraying!... More
Air seeding canola day 2!

Air seeding canola day 2!

Air seeding canola day 2!... More
Finally On To The Canola!!!!

Finally On To The Canola!!!!

The snow is finally melted and we are on to canola!... More
Kwik Kleen Grain Cleaner!! Cleaning Barley Seed

Kwik Kleen Grain Cleaner!! Cleaning Barley Seed

Kwik Kleen Grain Cleaner!! Cleaning Barley Seed.... More

Educating the Community on Crops

Educating the Community on Crops

We see how a community is teaming up with OSU Extension to show how their food is grown.... More
Baleage vs. Haylage

Baleage vs. Haylage

Baleage and Haylage are often used interchangeably, but there are differences. Nebraska Extension Educator Brad Schick explains how they vary and what might be best for your operation.... More
Trade war seeing another escalation

Trade war seeing another escalation

Both commodity and financial markets roiled this week after President Donald Trump proposed a new round of tariffs on imports...... More
Weed of the Week - Bromegrass

Weed of the Week - Bromegrass

In this Weed of the Week, the Hefty Brothers discuss bromegrass, and how to keep in under control on your farm.... More
Current Crop Diseases

Current Crop Diseases

Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems shows us how to identify southern rust on your corn and ways to contain the disease.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says if China doesn’t buy U.S. commodities, someone around the world will. He also says it might be time for some producers to look at returning wheat acres to pasture land.... More
Canadian Vita

Canadian Vita's Ginseng Farm

An introduction to our ginseng farm. With over 35 years of experience, our farm supplies the world with high quality ginseng grown in Ontario, Canada.... More
Maximizing Cereal Rye Cover Crop Management for Multiple Benefits

Maximizing Cereal Rye Cover Crop Management for Multiple Benefits

The project evaluates the effects of a cereal rye cover crop management on cash crop yield, nutrient uptake, weed abundance, erosion reduction, and soil organic matter. It is also the first Ontario study to evaluate a roller crimper as a tool to mechanically terminate cereal rye in a field crop... More
4R Nutrient Stewardship in Saskatchewan

4R Nutrient Stewardship in Saskatchewan

Fertilizer Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan are committed to delivering sustainable solutions for the province’s farmers. The two signed a three-year extension to their 2016 Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) in support of 4R Nutrient.... More
Saskatchewan Farming Reel

Saskatchewan Farming Reel

Here's some highlights of farming in Saskatchewan, Canada... More
Planting Wheat 2018

Planting Wheat 2018

Planting Wheat 2018... More
We Got The Peas!!

We Got The Peas!!

We Got the seed peas unloaded ready for spring planting.... More
Grazing Cattle In Kansas

Grazing Cattle In Kansas

K-State beef cattle specialist Dale Blasi explains the benefits of grazing cattle before winter season.... More
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