Weed Of The Week - Buffalobur
Jul 19, 2019

Video: Weed Of The Week – Buffalobur

The weed of the week is buffalobur! Learn how to keep this nasty weed under control.

Weed Of The Week - Buffalobur

Weed Of The Week - Buffalobur

The weed of the week is buffalobur! Learn how to keep this nasty weed under control.... More
Market Monitor - WASDE Report

Market Monitor - WASDE Report

Kim Anderson has the latest WASDE report and both good and bad news about wheat prices.... More
Peek inside a Manitoba nursery pig barn

Peek inside a Manitoba nursery pig barn

Hog farmer Kenny, from the Rural Municipality of Springfield in Manitoba, shared video shows a nursery barn with weanling pigs at about 6 weeks of age. You can see the feeder in the centre of the pens and the water on the wall, providing the pigs with fresh water and feed at all times. To ensure... More
Nursery Swine

Nursery Swine

Charles de Villiers Nursery Swine... More
9000 US GAL Manure Tank Injects Manure In Organic Corn Field

9000 US GAL Manure Tank Injects Manure In Organic Corn Field

Check out the largest in-row manure applicator in the world at 9000USG! The tank is designed to be able to go through 30" high corn without ever touching the crop! The tank in the video was applying a relatively high rate at 12,000GPA of dairy manure at approximately 5mph. For their 1200' lon... More
FR780 Forage Cruiser Highlights

FR780 Forage Cruiser Highlights

Industry leading chop quality, efficient engine and a new NIR system provides information to make land management decisions year after year to maximize farming efficiency.... More
SP310F Guardian™ Sprayer in Action

SP310F Guardian™ Sprayer in Action

The New Holland SP310F Guardian front boom sprayer can be configured with 1,000 or 1,200 product tanks and booms from 90 - 135 ft. Adjust ride height up to 78 inches for late season spraying.... More

N500C: Crop Changeover

N500C: Crop Changeover

Complete a crop changeover on N500C Series Air Seeders.... More
Vegetable garden in the Backyard

Vegetable garden in the Backyard

How to grow vegetables and fruits in your Backyard - Sustained Farming in your backyard. First in Series of the vegetables and fruits that we grow in Calgary, Canada. In this video, I provide a brief overview of my garden and the vegetables and fruits that have been grown for this season. ... More
Cultivating - John Deere 4020

Cultivating - John Deere 4020

We hook up the cultivator to the 4020 and fill it with leftover starter fertilizer from the planter!... More
Food Forest | Northern Ontario | Homestead Do-Over

Food Forest | Northern Ontario | Homestead Do-Over

The Food Forest Is Alive!!! The 4 fruit trees have been in for a month and so far so good. Everything is growing and it wont be long before we are harvesting Raspberries.... More
Ontario Announces Next Excellence in Agriculture Award Recipient

Ontario Announces Next Excellence in Agriculture Award Recipient

As a leader in cricket powder for food products for people, pets and livestock, Entomo Farms supplies over 50 companies and has begun harvesting the cricket castings as a super fertilizer, aiming to be a zero-waste facility. Since 2015, Entomo Farms has created 30 full-time jobs, with a planned ... More
State of the Sector 2019: Bright and Bold

State of the Sector 2019: Bright and Bold

State of the Sector 2019: Bright and Bold : AgricultureCanadaEng... More
Listening and Learning to Support Agri-food Businesses

Listening and Learning to Support Agri-food Businesses

The Ontario government is looking for ways to cut red tape and help businesses continue to create and project jobs. Ministers Ernie Hardeman & Michael Tibollo met with Ontario agriculture representatives in Woodbridge to discuss the challenges agriculture faces and how to best support the indust... More
Casting a light on mental health: Tim May, Dairy Farmer, Rockwood

Casting a light on mental health: Tim May, Dairy Farmer, Rockwood

Dairy farmer Tim May took part in Minister Hardeman’s Roundtable discussions on Mental Health in farming. May encourages you to talk about it.... More
Casting a light on mental health: Brendan Byrne, Grain Farmers of Ontario

Casting a light on mental health: Brendan Byrne, Grain Farmers of Ontario

Sometimes calling a friend can make the difference. Brendan Byrne at Grain Farmers of Ontario discussed mental health for farmers at Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Ernie Hardeman’s Mental Health roundtables. Byrne urges you to make that call for help.... More
Japanese Beetles and Thistle Caterpillars

Japanese Beetles and Thistle Caterpillars

The Japanese beetle is making itself at home in more parts of the state, and thistle caterpillars are hitting producers in large numbers. Extension Entomologist Dr. Bob Wright explains what producers can do and what to look for.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee explains the science behind the recent heat advisories. Gary McManus shows the long-term weather averages for this time of year and how cooler conditions are right around the corner.... More
Live-production management practices that help contain Salmonella

Live-production management practices that help contain Salmonella

Avoidance of wet litter and well-timed feed withdrawal are two of several management steps that will help control the load of Salmonella going into the processing plant, Lloyd Keck, DVM, senior technical services veterinarian, Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
First Excellence in Agriculture Award

First Excellence in Agriculture Award

Government of Ontario Announcements Check out the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario and learn about their Farmer-led Research and why they won the first Excellence in Agriculture Award.... More
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