Weed of the Week - Common Mullein
Jun 27, 2019

Video: Weed of the Week - Common Mullein

This week's weed of the week is common mullein. This tall weed can produce over 100,000 seeds, so you'll want to get it under control.


Weed of the Week - Common Mullein

Weed of the Week - Common Mullein

This week's weed of the week is common mullein. This tall weed can produce over 100,000 seeds, so you'll want to get it under control.... More
Importance of Fungicides in Soybeans

Importance of Fungicides in Soybeans

In this week's segment, Brian and Darren discuss the importance of fungicides in soybeans, and when you should spray.... More
Field scout. Trimble Ag Software.

Field scout. Trimble Ag Software.

Soil Compaction Maps. MY AGRO. Field scout. Trimble Ag Software. Video#10. Canada.... More
Spraying Pre-emerge Herbicide -- SP275F Guardian Sprayer

Spraying Pre-emerge Herbicide -- SP275F Guardian Sprayer

Spraying pre-emerge corn herbicide on some strip-tilled corn on corn ground.... More
ROCKING AND ROLLING Rite Way Mfg Land Roller rolling rocks

ROCKING AND ROLLING Rite Way Mfg Land Roller rolling rocks

Northern farmer got the land roller to push in the rocks and smooth out the new hay feild.... More
Some, but not all bugs are bad. Wireworm, cereal leaf beetle and beneficial insects.

Some, but not all bugs are bad. Wireworm, cereal leaf beetle and beneficial insects.

Haley Catton shares her research into wireworm, cereal leaf beetle and beneficial insects in Alberta crop lands. Alberta has 3 native species of wireworm making a resurgence since the loss of Lindane as a control. Cereal leaf beetle arrived in Alberta in 2005. It struggles to survive in really d... More
Oakner Location Expansion

Oakner Location Expansion

Cargill has invested in the Oakner facility to offer greater grain delivery opportunities for producers in the region. Explore the advancements and see how we are committed to the community.... More

Stockpiling Forages for Year-Round Grazing

Stockpiling Forages for Year-Round Grazing

Stockpiling forages and feeding small grains crops year-round can help cattle producers offset the higher costs of hay. That is the message from Dr. Larry Redmon, Extension program leader and associate department head for soil and crop sciences at Texas A&M University in College Station. His r... More
When Will Georgia Farmers See Funds from the Disaster Relief Legislation?

When Will Georgia Farmers See Funds from the Disaster Relief Legislation?

President Trump put pen to paper authorizing billions of dollars in disaster relief for areas affected by hurricanes and other recent natural disasters, the word "relief" however, an understatement, especially for farmers in South Georgia who say the money can't get here soon enough.... More
The USDA Helps with New Farmers and Ranchers

The USDA Helps with New Farmers and Ranchers

Farming isn't the easiest occupation and to many people's surprise, it can be difficult to get into if you haven't been around it your whole life. Good news; USDA has a program that recruits, retains, and supports new farmers and ranchers.... More
Sheep Farm

Sheep Farm

Farm & Food Care Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm... More
Canadian Agriculture: A Strong and Growing Sector

Canadian Agriculture: A Strong and Growing Sector

Canada’s agricultural sector produces a diverse basket of high-quality foods that are in demand across the country and exported around the world. Working with the provinces and territories, the Government of Canada supports the sector through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and through in... More
The End Of Plant 2019

The End Of Plant 2019

Mac Farms - All done our corn planting The End Of Plant 2019... More
Maintenance on the Corn Planter and Rounding up Cows

Maintenance on the Corn Planter and Rounding up Cows

Mac Farms - Maintenance on the Corn Planter and Rounding up Cows... More
USMEF at Seoul Food 2019

USMEF at Seoul Food 2019

USMEF at Seoul Food 2019... More
Erin Borror Presentation at 2019 U S Meat Traders Club in China

Erin Borror Presentation at 2019 U S Meat Traders Club in China

Erin Borror Presentation at 2019 U S Meat Traders Club in China... More
Lameness in poultry can start in the hatchery

Lameness in poultry can start in the hatchery

Lameness in poultry is often associated with bird weight, bacterial infections or the condition of the litter, but it actually begins much earlier in the bird’s life — often in the hatchery.... More
High-Quality Beef Shines in the Export Market

High-Quality Beef Shines in the Export Market

Clint Walenciak, Certified Angus Beef’s director of packing, talks beef exports and where the brand is headed, literally. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association. Visit www.CABpartners.com or www.angus.org for more information.... More
Markets with Jeff Peterson

Markets with Jeff Peterson

Jeff Peterson, President of Heartland Farm Partners, joins the show to share his thoughts on where corn and soybean prices will go. Jeff also talks about the challenges he’s currently seeing, how cattle producers should approach feed decisions and the best options for risk management.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us how close dew points have been tracking with air temperatures. Gary McManus says we could see drier conditions for the remainder of June.... More
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