Minister Walker: We want to enable Ontario firms to develop data driven business models
Mar 19, 2019

Video: Minister Walker: We want to enable Ontario firms to develop data driven business models

The consultations will explore three key topics. The first is restoring public trust and confidence. We're going to ensure we stay accountable by introducing world-leading, best-in-class data privacy protections. The second is creating economic benefits. We want to enable Ontario firms to develop data-driven business models so they can leverage the commercial value that data can offer. And the third is enabling better, smarter, efficient overnment. We want to unlock the value of government data by promoting the use of data-driven technologies across government.


Minister Walker: We want to enable Ontario firms to develop data driven business models

Minister Walker: We want to enable Ontario firms to develop data driven business models

The consultations will explore three key topics. The first is restoring public trust and confidence. We're going to ensure we stay accountable by introducing world-leading, best-in-class data privacy protections. The second is creating economic benefits. We want to enable Ontario firms to devel... More

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