Canadian Western Agribition - Regina, SK
Dec 17, 2018

Video: Canadian Western Agribition - Regina, SK

Ryan Bender - Today I checked out the Canadian Western Agribition which is the best beef show on the continent and the largest livestock show in Canada. The Agribition is a combination of agriculture, entertainment which also features shopping, and food. It allows people to get up close and personal with livestock.


Canadian Western Agribition - Regina, SK

Canadian Western Agribition - Regina, SK

Ryan Bender - Today I checked out the Canadian Western Agribition which is the best beef show on the continent and the largest livestock show in Canada. The Agribition is a combination of agriculture, entertainment which also features shopping, and food. It allows people to get up close and pe... More
Starting to rebuild the 4020s engine!!

Starting to rebuild the 4020s engine!!

south sask farmer - Starting to rebuild the 4020s engine!!... More
How to Install the 44” 100 Series Snow Blower

How to Install the 44” 100 Series Snow Blower

Use your 100 Series Lawn Tractor all year long by adding a snow blower for the winter months. These steps show you how to install the 44” Snow Blower to your tractor’s front hitch. These installation instructions apply to model year 18 machines and newer.... More
Weed of the Week Common Speedwell

Weed of the Week Common Speedwell

The Hefty brothers discuss control options for common speedwell on the farm.... More
Weather Outlook - Al Dutcher

Weather Outlook - Al Dutcher

Al Dutcher, Nebraska Extension agricultural climatologist, gives his forecast for the coming week.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Don Roose

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Don Roose

The Farm Bill passes as the clock runs out, and another Obama rule is washed away. As part of our Justice in Agriculture series, we see the fallout from a six-year fight with the USDA. These stories and market analysis with Don Roose.... More
Policy Changes Ripple Down to The Farm

Policy Changes Ripple Down to The Farm

Months of contentious debate and negotiation came to a close this week as the 2018 Farm Bill was approved by both the House and Senate in one of the final acts of the 115th U.S. Congress.... More

Preventing Needlestick Injuries - Proper Use on Swine and Hog Farms

Preventing Needlestick Injuries - Proper Use on Swine and Hog Farms

Needlestick injuries can cause serious harm to you, your workers and your overall swine operation. In this video, the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center discusses:... More
Modern pig farming

Modern pig farming

Hungary Dan-Farm - Modern pig farming... More
Watch live piglet births up close in hog farmer Paul

Watch live piglet births up close in hog farmer Paul's farrowing barn

Hog farmer Paul, from the RM of Cartier, sent us this video of one of his sows giving birth. The process of birthing a litter of pigs is called farrowing. Sows are moved to the farrowing barn a few days before their expected due date.... More
Farm Management finally made simple

Farm Management finally made simple

Frank discovers BigFarmNet for easier pig farm management.... More
Reducing Drivedown Loss in Wheat

Reducing Drivedown Loss in Wheat

Darren Hefty offers advice on reducing drivedown loss in wheat fields.... More
Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Feed withdrawal before moving broilers to the processing plant appears to increase their susceptibility to Salmonella, indicates research from the University of Georgia. When feed is withdrawn, a decrease in lactic acid production occurs, causing the pH to become more neutral. The result is an ... More
Dryland Cropping Systems - Cody Creech

Dryland Cropping Systems - Cody Creech

University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s dryland cropping systems specialist, Dr. Cody Creech, talks about the challenges western farmers face and how they’re working to overcome them.... More
Derrell Peel Cattle Market Update

Derrell Peel Cattle Market Update

Derrell Peel has an update on cull-cow markets.... More
Market Monitor: Global Wheat Outlook

Market Monitor: Global Wheat Outlook

Kim Anderson says lower wheat production across the globe has him cautiously optimistic about prices.... More
Demo of New Holland CX8.80 and CR8.90 combines. South Saskatchewan, Canada

Demo of New Holland CX8.80 and CR8.90 combines. South Saskatchewan, Canada

This videos is about a Demo of New Holland CX8.80 and CR8.90 combines. South Saskatchewan, Canada.... More
Kinze True Depth™ Hydraulic Down Force with Lift Assist

Kinze True Depth™ Hydraulic Down Force with Lift Assist

When it comes time to switch from beans to corn on your split row planter, True Depth offers lift assist for making it easier to raise your push row units for storage. Brad, Kinze technology specialist, explains how to engage lift assist.... More
Selling wheat and observing wild bushes

Selling wheat and observing wild bushes

south sask farmer - Selling wheat and observing wild bushes... More
John Deere S790 combines combining wheat in Saskatchewan

John Deere S790 combines combining wheat in Saskatchewan

This video features John Deere S790 combines harvesting wheat in Saskatchewan. JD tractors and grain carts are also in action.... More
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