Summer Harvest
Aug 21, 2018

Video: Summer Harvest

Combine harvesting in Douglas, Ontario, Canada. August, 2018.


Summer Harvest

Summer Harvest

Combine harvesting in Douglas, Ontario, Canada. August, 2018... More
Grain Farmers of Ontario - Justin

Grain Farmers of Ontario - Justin

Grow Ontario Together is a collaboration of agriculture organizations that recognize the need to work together – with each other, with the public, with environmentalists, with municipalities, concerned citizens and with governments – to provide leadership that supports the triple bottom line for... More
 AgriProfit: Analyze Your Operation for Maximum Profitability

AgriProfit: Analyze Your Operation for Maximum Profitability

AgriProfit is a program that gives individual producers an opportunity to truly analyze their operations and see the opportunities for improving profitability and operational efficiencies.... More
 A Day on The Farm - Spraying The Trials

A Day on The Farm - Spraying The Trials

Spraying the trials for the 20th annual Field Of Dreams.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

We talk with Kim Anderson about the state of soybeans around the world.... More
U.S. Invites China to Renewed Trade Talks

U.S. Invites China to Renewed Trade Talks

Earlier this week, President Trump tweeted this country was built on tariffs and that they are now leading us to great new trade deals. Many farmers have said they’re willing to wait out the trade skirmish while others are left wondering how long they can hold out.... More

Harvest 2018 Canadian Foodgrains Bank Killarney - 24 combines

Harvest 2018 Canadian Foodgrains Bank Killarney - 24 combines

The Killarney Growing Project donates the proceeds from this harvest to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in an attempt to end hunger.... More
Ontario Pork - Amy

Ontario Pork - Amy

Grow Ontario Together is a collaboration of agriculture organizations that recognize the need to work together – with each other, with the public, with environmentalists, with municipalities, concerned citizens and with governments – to provide leadership that supports the triple bottom line for... More
2018 America

2018 America's Pig Farmer Of The Year Finalist - Patrick Bane

Raising pigs has been a life-long passion for Patrick Bane, whose family has been raising pigs for three generations. Bane raises 74,000 pigs on his farm in west-central Illinois, where he focuses on public health, hiring the best people and maintaining herd health.... More
2018 America

2018 America's Pig Farmer of the Year Finalist - Kevin Rasmussen

Employee care is important to providing a safe product at KLR Pork, where Rasmussen markets 26,000 pigs a year from his farrow-to-finish farm. As a fourth-generation Iowa farmer, he believes the employees who work for him are family – and that makes all the difference in the product they produce... More
Ontario Pork - John

Ontario Pork - John

Grow Ontario Together is a collaboration of agriculture organizations that recognize the need to work together – with each other, with the public, with environmentalists, with municipalities, concerned citizens and with governments – to provide leadership that supports the triple bottom line for... More
Nebraska Livestock Matrix - Steve Martin

Nebraska Livestock Matrix - Steve Martin

Ag Promotion Coordinator Steve Martin from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture explains the Nebraska Livestock Matrix and how it can be used to benefit producers and counties alike.... More
Improving Economic Feed Efficiency With Corn Silage - Terry Klopfenstein

Improving Economic Feed Efficiency With Corn Silage - Terry Klopfenstein

University of Nebraska Professor Emeritus of Ruminant Nutrition Terry Klopfenstein discusses new University research on using corn silage to improve cattle feed efficiency.... More
Palmer Amaranth Management in Balance Bean Soybeans - Amit Jhala

Palmer Amaranth Management in Balance Bean Soybeans - Amit Jhala

Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist explains a new variety of soybean called Balance Bean and how it will help with managing Palmer Amaranth in the field.... More
Market Analysis - Doug Simon

Market Analysis - Doug Simon

Doug Simon from Tredas gives his analysis of the crop progress report. Doug also discusses the August WASDE Report and how trade has affected it.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Don Roose

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Don Roose

Roundup herbicide loses its case in court. The White House waits for China at the negotiating table. The price of dicamba damage continues to grow Market analysis with Don Roose.... More
Grain Farmers of Ontario - Henry

Grain Farmers of Ontario - Henry

Grow Ontario Together is a collaboration of agriculture organizations that recognize the need to work together – with each other, with the public, with environmentalists, with municipalities, concerned citizens and with governments – to provide leadership that supports the triple bottom line for... More
Schouten Dairy Farm, Canada

Schouten Dairy Farm, Canada

Dairy farmer of Canada... More
AWC West: The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay & Frances MacAulay Share Farm Vision

AWC West: The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay & Frances MacAulay Share Farm Vision

The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, attended the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Calgary with his wife, Frances MacAulay in March 2018. This farm couple has run a family farm in Prince Edward Island since the 1970s, along with their three daughte... More
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