Johnsongrass & Toxicity
Jun 15, 2018

Video: Johnsongrass & Toxicity

Alex Rocateli has advice for producers who would like to use Johnsongrass for hay.

Johnsongrass & Toxicity

Johnsongrass & Toxicity

Alex Rocateli has advice for producers who would like to use Johnsongrass for hay.... More
 Marc Hutlet Seeds Crops Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds Crops Update

In this video we feature nodal root development in corn, IDC in soybeans, and examples of Encirca Satellite Imagery App.... More
 Melodie Chan, veterinarian, shares lessons she learned working in agriculture

Melodie Chan, veterinarian, shares lessons she learned working in agriculture

Melodie Chan, Dairy Veterinarian, says despite not growing up on a farm, she has a big passion for agriculture. She shares how she followed a plan and found the tools she needed to succeed in an unexpected role. You'll enjoy the lessons she learned along the way.... More
Ag Minute - Insects Can Be Harmful To Crops

Ag Minute - Insects Can Be Harmful To Crops

Darren Hefty talks about the negative impact of harmful bugs in crops and gardens.... More
Weed of the Week - Biennial Wormwood Sage

Weed of the Week - Biennial Wormwood Sage

Brian and Darren Hefty have tips to get biennial wormwood under control on your farm.... More
Farm Basics - Growing Degree Units

Farm Basics - Growing Degree Units

The Hefty brothers explain what a GDU or GDD is, and how to calculate it and apply it to understanding the growth or your crops.... More
What is the Value of ESAP to the Beef Industry?

What is the Value of ESAP to the Beef Industry?

Each year, the Environmental Stewardship Award Program -- also known as ESAP -- recognizes the nation’s best operations for their stewardship and conservation efforts. We have a look at how ESAP works and the value it brings to the beef industry.... More

Meet Prof. Asim Biswas (sustainable soil management)

Meet Prof. Asim Biswas (sustainable soil management)

Asim Biswas is a professor in the School of Environmental Sciences who researches sustainable soil management for the benefit of crops and the environment.... More
 Farming in Canada

Farming in Canada

Check out this video of awesome field operation aerial shots and grazing cattle. You get to see some cool sunset shots, too.... More
 Field crop research in Alberta

Field crop research in Alberta

This video features the work being done by the Mackenzie Applied Research Association (MARA) in northern Alberta.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says wheat prices are ticking up, but the rains could bring down the mood of producers who still have wheat in the field.... More
Cover Crops & Insects

Cover Crops & Insects

Cover Crops & Insects: Dr. Don Cook, Research Entomologist at MSU-DREC, Stoneville, Miss., provides an overview of the effect that cover crops may have on early-season insect pressure in a following soybean or corn crop.... More
Nighttime Heat Stress on Wheat

Nighttime Heat Stress on Wheat

K-State agronomists Krishna Jagadish and Allan Fritz talk about a research project they're conducting, which is testing the impact of high nighttime temperatures on a wheat stand's ability to produce good yields and quality grain...they're artificially introducing controlled heat to wheat overni... More
Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccination of broilers against Salmonella can help poultry producers reduce the pathogen’s prevalence at processing and may also benefit bird performance, Kalen Cookson, DVM, director of clinical research, Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Farmland Values: Behind the Numbers

Farmland Values: Behind the Numbers

FCC Farmland Values Report is out. Nationwide, values are up 8.4%. But what does that mean in your part of the country?... More
Ceva Swine trials

Ceva Swine trials

Ceva swine publishes and shares scientific trials and data with the swine producers and industry.... More
Breed Cattle that Work

Breed Cattle that Work

Brian McCulloh, Wood Hill Farms, Viroqua, Wisconsin, says it’s a seedstock producer’s job to study the numbers and make cattle that work for their customers. He talks about getting all the best in one package.... More
Wheat Stand Consistency - Paul Jasa

Wheat Stand Consistency - Paul Jasa

Wheat Stand Consistency – Paul Jasa, Nebraska Extension engineer, gives tips on how growers can improve their wheat stand consistency.... More
Wheat Varieties - Stephen Baenziger

Wheat Varieties - Stephen Baenziger

Wheat Varieties – Stephen Baenziger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor and wheat breeder, talks about the different wheat varieties at the Fairbury, Nebraska wheat plot tour. Stephen also explains how growers must understand the risks before choosing a specific wheat variety.... More
Pork Industry Shows Patience and Faith On Trade

Pork Industry Shows Patience and Faith On Trade

Thousands descended on the Iowa State Fairgrounds this week for the World Pork Expo. As exhibitors made their way around the show ring, pork industry leaders made their case for U.S. producers to compete on the world stage.... More
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