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Ag Business & Finance Videos

Watch business and finance videos as they relate to the agriculture industry. Economists and agribusiness professionals discuss and analyze commodity trends, market prices, weather effects, and more in these informative videos. Stay up-to-date on the business side of agriculture with these videos, and learn more about commodities, risk, government regulations, and how to make your farm more profitable.
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says some analysts blame slowing markets on the coronavirus, but he says there are a lot more variables impacting prices around the world.... More
Markets with Doug Simon

Markets with Doug Simon

Tredas' Doug Simon stops by to discuss the upcoming WASDE report, how the coronavirus is impacting the market and if you should be thinking about locking in some of your input costs.... More
Upcoming USDA Deadlines

Upcoming USDA Deadlines

Amy Hagerman reminds producers of upcoming USDA deadlines.... More
Ag Uncertainty in 2020

Ag Uncertainty in 2020

Nebraska Extension Public Policy Specialist Brad Lubben discusses how commodity prices and new trade agreements could affect your decisions on key farm policy programs like ARC and PLC.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says China will more than likely wait to buy soybeans until after the US-China agreement goes into effect next month.... More
Economic Development that focuses on both work and life skills

Economic Development that focuses on both work and life skills

Nearly one hundred years ago, coal was the major power source for much of the United States. At that time, there were 800,000 coal miners – about 2 percent of the workforce. A portion of that group was the force behind economic growth in the Appalachian Mountain.... More
IFES 2019 - Farm Bill

IFES 2019 - Farm Bill

It has been a year since Congress passed and the President signed into law the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (the 2018 Farm Bill).... More

Markets with Luke Beckman

Markets with Luke Beckman

Central Valley Ag’s Luke Beckman tells us how the market is reacting to Phase One of the China trade deal. Luke also shares how delays in South American crop production could present opportunities for U.S. exports.... More
Finding Farm Workers - Mike Briggs

Finding Farm Workers - Mike Briggs

Mike Briggs, feedlot manager of Briggs Feed Yard, explains why hiring and keeping quality farm workers can be a challenge for the ag industry.... More
USMCA Passes Senate Committee, Full Vote TBA

USMCA Passes Senate Committee, Full Vote TBA

After several false starts, Vice Premier Liu He, is expected to arrive in Washington D.C. next week to continue high level negotiations in the U.S./China trade war.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson has an update on market conditions for commodities.... More
ARC-IC in 2019: Release for the 2019 ARC-IC Payment Calculator

ARC-IC in 2019: Release for the 2019 ARC-IC Payment Calculator

Agricultural Risk Coverage at the Individual Level (ARC-IC) could be an attractive commodity title program for some farms. If all of a Farm Service Agency (FSA) farm is prevent plant or the FSA farm has low yields, ARC-IC may result in the most favorable payment outcome of the programs.... More
Market Analysis with Darin Newsom

Market Analysis with Darin Newsom

Darin Newsom of Darin Newsom Analysis stops by to give us an update on the markets. We discuss how tensions in the Middle East shook up trading this week, current relations with China and the newly ratified USMCA trade agreement.... More
Markets with Richard Preston

Markets with Richard Preston

Richard Preston of Preston Farms in Hardin County, Kentucky provides advice on making business decisions during uncertain times.... More
2020 Crop Budgets

2020 Crop Budgets

Glennis McClure, Extension Educator for Farm and Ranch Management Analytics, outlines the 2020 Nebraska Crop Budgets.... More
EPA rules October RFS rules to stand

EPA rules October RFS rules to stand

Less than 24 hours after impeaching the President of the United States, the U.S. House passed the USMCA trade pact.... More

What's Ahead for Ethanol with Roger Berry

Nebraska Ethanol Board Administrator Roger Berry examines some problems the ethanol industry faced this year in terms of the EPA's handling of RVO and SREs and provides a sneak peek at what the future may hold.... More
Overview of ARC and PLC programs

Overview of ARC and PLC programs

A comparison of the PLC, ARC-CO, and ARC payment programs for Wisconsin farmers.... More
Markets with Jeff Peterson

Markets with Jeff Peterson

Heartland Farm Partners President Jeff Peterson looks at what the latest trade news with China could mean for the 2020 production season, and previews what he’ll be watching in ag when the calendar turns.... More
Prepaying For Crop Inputs

Prepaying For Crop Inputs

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about factors to consider when prepaying for next year's crop inputs.... More
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