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Ag Business & Finance Videos

Watch business and finance videos as they relate to the agriculture industry. Economists and agribusiness professionals discuss and analyze commodity trends, market prices, weather effects, and more in these informative videos. Stay up-to-date on the business side of agriculture with these videos, and learn more about commodities, risk, government regulations, and how to make your farm more profitable.
Grain Market Analyst - Jeff Peterson

Grain Market Analyst - Jeff Peterson

Jeff Peterson, President of Heartland Farm Partners discusses current crop prices. Jeff also discusses the United States Mexico Canada Agreement, which will replace NAFTA, and how it will affect American producers.... More
Farm Stress - Lynn DeVries

Farm Stress - Lynn DeVries

Nebraska Extension Educator of Early Childhood Programs Lynn DeVries discusses ways farmers who feel stressed can better connect with their families and where to find help if needed.... More
Farm Bill Update

Farm Bill Update

Amy Hagerman has an update on the expiration of the farm bill and explains its impact on CRP payments. She also has information on the upcoming Rural Economic Outlook Conference.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says even though there’s not much movement in the commodity markets right now, don’t expect them to stay on the bubble much longer.... More
Market Analysis - Scott Brown

Market Analysis - Scott Brown

Scott Brown, University of Missouri Extension Ag Economist, discusses the current cattle on feed report. He also discusses how the hog market has been affected by Hurricane Florence.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says grain markets are slow, but he thinks they may have found a bottom... More
Anticipating Sept 1 Corn and Soybean Stocks

Anticipating Sept 1 Corn and Soybean Stocks

September 1 Corn Stocks; September 1 Soybean Stocks... More

Grain Market Analysis With Frayne Olson

Grain Market Analysis With Frayne Olson

Frayne Olson, North Dakota State University Extension Ag Economist, discusses the current crop progress report. Frayne also discusses trade and storage situations for soybean farmers.... More
2018 Farm Bill

2018 Farm Bill

As US Farmers in Idaho and across the nation get in the 2018 Harvest, Congress considers the 2018 farm bill. But time is running out, the Sept. 30 expiration date for the bill looms large on the Hill and the American Farm Bureau is hopeful that the farm bill conference committee as soon as poss... More
Trade Aid Impacts Farmers and Consumers

Trade Aid Impacts Farmers and Consumers

USDA will be providing farmers payments to compensate them for damages to agricultural markets from the U.S. tariff schedule and trade war with countries like China. For example soybean farmers will get $1.65 per bushel on half of their 2018 production. Michelle Rook looks at how this trade ai... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says even after the latest WASDE report, “you give me quality, I’ll give you $5.50 wheat."... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says China is controlling soybean prices and Russia is controlling wheat prices.... More
Grain Market Analysis - Elaine Kub

Grain Market Analysis - Elaine Kub

Elaine Kub, author of “Mastering the Grain Markets: How Profits are Really Made” discusses the current crop progress report as well as trade talks in DC and how the recent weather has been affecting the crops.... More
Marketing Corn & Soybeans this Fall

Marketing Corn & Soybeans this Fall

The dramatic fall in the price of corn and soybeans earlier in the year has put farmers in a unique marketing position.... More
Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Lee Schulz from Iowa State University discuss the cattle on feed and slaughter reports as well as how the Department of Agriculture is helping hog producers.... More
Wheat Market Ups and Downs

Wheat Market Ups and Downs

The wheat market has been a rollercoaster ride this summer, prices are expected to gradually rise.... More
U.S. and Mexico Close to a Deal on NAFTA

U.S. and Mexico Close to a Deal on NAFTA

A new deal on NAFTA might see the light of day by next week according to trade representatives from Mexico.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

We talk commodity prices with Kim Anderson.... More
Grain Market Analysis - Todd Hultman

Grain Market Analysis - Todd Hultman

Todd Hultman, DTN Grains Analyst, discusses the lasted crop progress report. Todd also discusses China and its impact on the soybean market.... More
Secretary Perdue Overview of Trade Mitigation Package

Secretary Perdue Overview of Trade Mitigation Package

President Trump instructed Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to make sure that American farmers did not bear the brunt of unfair retaliatory tariffs from China and other nations. After careful analysis by the team at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, we’ve formulated our strategy to mitig... More
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