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Ag Business & Finance Videos

Watch business and finance videos as they relate to the agriculture industry. Economists and agribusiness professionals discuss and analyze commodity trends, market prices, weather effects, and more in these informative videos. Stay up-to-date on the business side of agriculture with these videos, and learn more about commodities, risk, government regulations, and how to make your farm more profitable.
IPTV: Market Analyst Darin Newsom

IPTV: Market Analyst Darin Newsom

Enjoy feature stories and market analysis with Darin Newsom... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Don Roose

IPTV: Market Analyst Don Roose

The details begin to come forward on how the two major party candidates want to shape the economy. Diversification helps one state’s dairy industry hedge against uncertainty. Market analysis with Don Roose.... More
Precision Ag Tools

Precision Ag Tools

K-State agronomist, Ignacio Ciampitti has been working with Saline County farmer, Justin Knopf on how to use the information from different precision imaging tools.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Angie Setzer

IPTV: Market Analyst Angie Setzer

On this episode of Market to Market, we explore what a Clinton presidency would mean to rural America, how adequate rain and good crop conditions feed market bears, and how rural butchers are working to stay a cut above the rest. These stories and market analysis with Angie Setzer.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst John Roach

IPTV: Market Analyst John Roach

One down and one to go; what Trump's "yes" to the Republican Party could mean for rural America. One cattle buyers' quest to build genetics in herds out West. Market analysis with John Roach.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Darin Newsom

IPTV: Market Analyst Darin Newsom

Congress battles to prevent a patchwork of GMO labelling laws, a medical study attacks subsidized agricultural commodities, and two brothers feed an overseas market for fans of American pork. Market analysis with Darin Newsom.... More
Wheat Market Monitor Kim Anderson

Wheat Market Monitor Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson estimates how low wheat prices could go and explains the FSA Marketing Assistance Loan. ... More

Derrel Peel on Livestock Markets

Derrel Peel on Livestock Markets

Derrell Peel discusses how uncertainty in the aftermath of the Brexit vote could impact livestock markets and beef imports/exports. ... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

IPTV: Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

What’s in a label? Congress misses a deadline over GMO’s. North American leaders take disparaging comments on trade policy in stride. Bridging the gap between rural and urban America via the tourist trail. Market analysis with Naomi Blohm.... More
Video: Angus VNR - Market Declines Reflected In $Values July 1

Video: Angus VNR - Market Declines Reflected In $Values July 1

Recent cattle market declines will cause a slight decrease for dollar value indexes ($Values) beginning July 1, when Angus Genetics Inc. conducts its annual update of the economic assumptions used in its bioeconomic selection tools. While $B and $W will see projected declines for the first time ... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Mark Gold

IPTV: Market Analyst Mark Gold

The Brits say see you later to the European Union in a historic vote. Drones are cleared for commercial takeoff over a field near you. Wildfires pick up the pace as they blaze through the West. Market analysis with Mark Gold.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Elaine Don Roose

IPTV: Market Analyst Elaine Don Roose

More pushback on global trade deals. The aftermath of a Bakken crude spill fires-up political debate. One dairy blazes its own trail from the bulk tank to the front door. Market analysis with Don Roose.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Elaine Kub And Walt Hackney

IPTV: Market Analyst Elaine Kub And Walt Hackney

Biofuel backers put the squeeze on the EPA, the Secretary takes a Cuban delegation on a home-grown tour, and government reports move the dials in the commodity markets. These stories and market analysis with Elaine Kub and Walt Hackney.... More
Planting Has Huge Economic Impact

Planting Has Huge Economic Impact

Its the planting season in South Dakota and it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars for farmers to raise a crop. Michelle Rook looks at the economic activity that generates in local communities.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Tomm Pfitzenmaier

IPTV: Market Analyst Tomm Pfitzenmaier

The Supreme Court opens the taps for Waters of the U.S. lawsuits. Texas torrents take their toll down South. Tobacco farmers find a silver lining as they transition from the golden leaf. Market analysis with Tomm Pfitzenmaier.... More
Brazil’s Safrinha Corn Crop Update

Brazil’s Safrinha Corn Crop Update

Alastair Stewart, DTN South American correspondent, gives an update on Brazil’s second-crop corn harvest. Alastair also talks about political uncertainty in Brazil and Argentina’s corn and soybean crops. ... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Sue Martin

IPTV: Market Analyst Sue Martin

On the road, again, the President takes TPP around the Pacific Rim. Spring storms twist and shout around the grain belt. Carnivores process cancer warnings. Market analysis with Sue Martin.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Brian Roach

IPTV: Market Analyst Brian Roach

Is a new report enough to settle the debate over genetically modified foods? The EPA garners more criticism over its proposed biofuel requirements, and sibling rivalry pushes the passion of restoring old iron. Market analysis with Brian Roach.... More
Net Farm Income - Tina Barrett

Net Farm Income - Tina Barrett

Tina Barrett, Nebraska Farm Business Inc. executive director, discusses finalized 2015 net farm incomes for her group of producers. Tina also talks about debt-to-asset ratios, working capital and family living expenses. ... More
Market Monitor (5/07/16)

Market Monitor (5/07/16)

Kim Anderson talks about the wheat tour across Oklahoma and Kansas, and what their yield predictions could mean for the price of wheat in the state. ... More
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