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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (67) ›Canola (354) ›
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Subsurface compaction

Subsurface compaction

High agricultural traffic can cause significant subsurface compaction. In this video, we discuss how to identify the signs and the BMP's you can put in place to reduce it.... More
Manitoba Horticulture 2021 Growing Season

Manitoba Horticulture 2021 Growing Season

Manitoba Agriculture - Manitoba Horticulture 2021 Growing Season - Sweet Corn Production - Part 1... More
Farm Basics - Balanced Soil Fertility

Farm Basics - Balanced Soil Fertility

Brian and Darren Hefty explain the importance of having soil fertility "balanced", as well as things that could indicate a problem with soil fertility.... More
Pesticide Safety

Pesticide Safety

Kevin Shelton has information on how to safely apply pesticides and other chemicals.... More
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Chad Hart, Iowa State Extension Economist and Crop Markets Specialist, analyzes upcoming crop insurance deadlines. Chad also offers reasons why the current grain rally might be running out of steam.... More
Wheat Stem Sawfly management for 2021

Wheat Stem Sawfly management for 2021

Jamie leads a discussion with Haley Catton, Brian Beres & Dr. Hector Carcamo about Wheat Stem Sawfly populations in southern Alberta. The conversation covers 2021 growing season risk, wheat varieties to reduce risk and potential damage/losses from the pest.... More
Soil remediation

Soil remediation

Eroded knolls are an indication of tillage or water erosion; mechanical soil remediation can in some cases be a good option to restore productivity. This video will explore one farmer’s successes in moving soil from lower slope deposits back up the slope.... More

Merrin Macrae - Phosphorus and Cover Crops in Ontario

Merrin Macrae - Phosphorus and Cover Crops in Ontario

Prerecorded presentation for the 13th Annual Minnesota Nutrient Management Conference February 16th, 2021... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Shawn Hackett

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Shawn Hackett

USMCA countries discuss what's next for immigrant farm labor. Mayors along the Mississippi give the mighty river a new report card. Market analysis with Shawn Hackett.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us which parts of the state may soon have a flush of alfalfa weevils. Gary McManus says drought is shifting across the state.... More
COVID- 19 Vaccine Information For Farm And Agriculture Workers (EN)

COVID- 19 Vaccine Information For Farm And Agriculture Workers (EN)

COVID- 19 Vaccine Information For Farm And Agriculture Workers (EN)... More
Winter CropTalk March

Winter CropTalk March

Manitoba Agriculture - Winter CropTalk March - Conventional Soybean Production Soybean Update... More
Crop desicating methods & results

Crop desicating methods & results

Ken Coles, Farming Smarter Executive Director, shares results of a desiccant trial at the July 23, 2020 Plot Hop. It shows the results from timing, nozzle size and angle, application speed, chemical rates, and products. Attendees had the opportunity to examine crops a week after spray.... More


Duck Foot Parts Inc - Soybeans... More
U.S. and Mexico Seek Warmer Relationship

U.S. and Mexico Seek Warmer Relationship

One sector looking to replenish jobs is agricultural farm labor. President Biden met last week with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and this week, he continued his tour of USMCA countries.... More

Al's Forecast

With spring around the corner and planting not far away, we all want to know what the weather is going to be. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Cold Weather & Property Loss Recuperation

Cold Weather & Property Loss Recuperation

Amy Hagerman has information for producers who may have suffered property damage or loss during the recent cold weather.... More
Tillage erosion

Tillage erosion

Explore the outcomes of soil erosion as a result of tillage, and what effects crop residue can have on reducing this erosion.... More
Crop staging in cereals

Crop staging in cereals

Moddus plant growth regulator gives you versatility: you can grow the cereal variety you want the way you want and push your crop’s potential to heights you might not have thought possible... More
Boychuck Soybeans

Boychuck Soybeans

Duck Foot Parts Inc - Boychuck Soybeans... More
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