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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (73) ›Canola (357) ›
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Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Specialty Crop Producers

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Specialty Crop Producers

Producers of specialty crops including fruits, vegetables, horticulture, tree nuts, honey or maple sap may be eligible for direct financial assistance through USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2.... More
Improving Corn Storage Returns

Improving Corn Storage Returns

In this video learn how to improve corn storage returns by better understanding seasonality in both futures contract prices and futures contract price spreads.... More
Corn Silage 2020 Done For Now?

Corn Silage 2020 Done For Now?

Corn Silage 2020 Done For Now? | Mac Farms... More
New Eastern Canada DEKALB® Soybean Varieties, Early Maturity | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science

New Eastern Canada DEKALB® Soybean Varieties, Early Maturity | The Front Row | Bayer Crop Science

Introducing three new DEKALB® soybean varieties for farmers in Eastern Canada that are packed full of yield potential for your fields.... More
Trucking Barley From The Combines!

Trucking Barley From The Combines!

South Sask Farmer - Trucking Barley From The Combines!... More
Cascading Waterways and there Benefit to Nutrient Retention

Cascading Waterways and there Benefit to Nutrient Retention

Cascading Waterways and there Benefit to Nutrient Retention... More
Iron Talk - Deep Fertilizer Placement

Iron Talk - Deep Fertilizer Placement

Darren Hefty talks about the benefits of placing your fertilizer deeper in the soil, rather than broadcasting it.... More

Corrected Payment Eligibility Regulation Issued

Corrected Payment Eligibility Regulation Issued

USDA's Farm Service Agency published an updated regulation in the Federal Register at that corrects an unintentional "actively engaged" definition change included in USDA's Payment Limitation and Payment Eligibility rule that was initially published on August 24.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson gives us an update on wheat prices, and explains how world wheat production could impact the U.S. market.... More
Learning from Soil With Lysimeters

Learning from Soil With Lysimeters

The Soil Health Interpretive Centre (SHIC) in Elora, Ontario contains 18 lysimeters providing researchers with a unique opportunity to study soils. Lysimeters allow researchers to study the soil water budget, monitor the movement of nutrients through soil, microbial respiration, and greenhouse g... More
Corn Harvest 2020 | New Holland CR 9080 Combine Harvesting Corn

Corn Harvest 2020 | New Holland CR 9080 Combine Harvesting Corn

Corn Harvest 2020 | New Holland CR 9080 Combine Harvesting Corn | Ontario, Canada... More
More peppers equals more cash

More peppers equals more cash

Ontario Farmland has appreciated at a compound annual growth rate of 8.3% over the past 70 years. That is impressive. The question is Why! Well there are lots of reasons and one of them is that productivity has increased substantially for many crops grown in the region.... More
Horticulture School

Horticulture School

Manitoba Agriculture - Horticulture School Topics covered today: Planning on Staying Profitable in the Era of Coronavirus 2020 Fruit Crop Season Summary Grasshoppers: How Weather Affects Levels and Management Options... More
The Hardest Harvest

The Hardest Harvest

The Hardest Harvest documentary shares the details of what happened at Nature Fresh Farms in the summer of 2020. Covid-19 has been devastating for many industries: for us, it led to the temporary removal of our workforce from our farms, as well as 7.8 million pounds of produce going to waste wit... More
FSA Updates

FSA Updates

Nebraska FSA Public Affairs/Outreach Coordinator Bobbie Kriz-Wickham provides some important updates and deadlines on various programs.... More
Sorghum As Grain Based Ethanol Production

Sorghum As Grain Based Ethanol Production

Agronomist Peter Tomlinson talks about the research being done at K-State and other Universities on testing grain sorghum to make it as competitive as corn in the grain ethanol industry.... More
Weed of the Week-Volunteer Soybeans

Weed of the Week-Volunteer Soybeans

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss control options if you have volunteer soybeans in corn and other crops.... More
4-H Upcycling Contest Can Be Challenging and Fun

4-H Upcycling Contest Can Be Challenging and Fun

There's an old saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure. It's an adage that was put to the test recently by more than sixty 4-H students who participated in the multi-state Upcycle Challenge. We take a look at a couple of the winning entries and what the inspiration was behind the c... More
Cropping Systems

Cropping Systems

Josh Lofton tells us why building a system will benefit long-term crops.... More
SMART Seeder MAX-S™ Virtual Launch - Precision Agriculture Conference 2020

SMART Seeder MAX-S™ Virtual Launch - Precision Agriculture Conference 2020

Incase you missed us click the play button for our virtual unveil and detailed introduction to the SMART Seeder MAX-S™ at the Precision Agriculture Conference hosted by "SMART Seeder MAX-S™ - Changing The Game On Agronomic Tools & High Resolution Digital Seeding/Planting" Precision ... More
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