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Georgia Joins Spain and Italy As a Strong Producer of Olives

Georgia Joins Spain and Italy As a Strong Producer of Olives

When thinking about the best olive oils in the world…places like Spain and Italy come to mind. However, there's now one operation in Georgia that can also make that claim and has the hardware to prove it.... More
Protecting Your Corn Fields From Insects

Protecting Your Corn Fields From Insects

Bugs got you down? In this segment of Ag PhD, Brian and Darren discuss how to protect your crops from insects.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Elaine Kub

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Elaine Kub

A long-awaited trade pact goes into effect. Helping turn gardeners into farmers. Market analysis with Elaine Kub.... More
Nitrate Toxicity in Forage

Nitrate Toxicity in Forage

Alex Rocateli explains why some types of forage can become toxic after rain followed by hot, dry conditions.... More

Al's Forecast

It’s July and the heat is on! Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Cover Crops in Sixty Inch Corn Update

Cover Crops in Sixty Inch Corn Update

Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) Ross Wilson, of Ausable Bayfield Conservation, provides a June 2020 update on the work to use #covercrops after corn and #60inchcorn in this trial south of Clinton, Ontario, Canada.... More
Strawberry Fruit Rots, Leaf Diseases and Viruses

Strawberry Fruit Rots, Leaf Diseases and Viruses

This video is part of the 2020 strawberry and raspberry IPM workshop. This webinar covers strawberry fruit rots, leaf diseases and strawberry viruses.... More

Chopping Hay With a Claas 820 Chopper!

Chopping Hay With a Claas 820 Chopper!

Chopping hay then we toke the roofs off!!... More
Learning How to Plant Onions with Kevin Jennen

Learning How to Plant Onions with Kevin Jennen

This video is a follow up from when I toured the Jennen Greenhouse and today they are planting their onions. They plant with two different styles of planters and Kevin will explain how both of those work.... More
Protecting Soybeans After Flowering

Protecting Soybeans After Flowering

in order to maximize yields, it's important to keep your soybeans safe from disease. In this segment, Brian and Darren discuss how to keep your beans protected.... More
How to Upload Western Bean Cutworm Trap Counts

How to Upload Western Bean Cutworm Trap Counts

How to upload your Western Bean Cutworm trap counts to the Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network using the Survey123 app.... More
John Baitley and his experience with the Enlist Weed Control System

John Baitley and his experience with the Enlist Weed Control System

John Baitley in Prince Edward County, Ontario describes his first experience with the Enlist Weed Control System.... More
Time To Start Dropping First Cut Silage

Time To Start Dropping First Cut Silage

Mowing with our Kuhn FC283RTG and Massey Ferguson 4253. First cut silage 2020 in Nova Scotia Canada.... More
Watermelon Season in Georgia is Always Special

Watermelon Season in Georgia is Always Special

Nothing says summertime in Georgia quite like slicing into a fresh, juicy watermelon. That's why Damon Jones recently traveled out to Toombs County to get an update on this year's crop and give you some advice on what to look for at the grocery store.... More
Corn Growth Staging

Corn Growth Staging

Nebraska Extension Educator Jennifer Rees explains the importance of accurate growth staging before applying post-emergence herbicides.... More
Summer Crops & Nitrogen

Summer Crops & Nitrogen

Brian Arnall has information on proper nitrogen applications and how there is still time to apply.... More
Capitol Hill Tries to Help Rural America Cash-in on Carbon

Capitol Hill Tries to Help Rural America Cash-in on Carbon

Representatives from a broad range of agricultural groups gathered in Washington D.C. this week to testify about a piece of legislation that could move farmers and ranchers one step closer to participating in a carbon credit market.... More
Renewable Fuels Month

Renewable Fuels Month

June is Renewable Fuels Month in Nebraska. Jeff Wilkerson of the Nebraska Corn Board and Eugene Goering of the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff discuss the impacts of renewable fuel in the state.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says most of the wheat crop is in the bins and producers are seeing premiums for protein over 11 percent.... More
Farmers Await China Buying as Tensions Rise

Farmers Await China Buying as Tensions Rise

South Dakota farmers are still waiting for China to ramp up their buying as part of the Phase One trade deal, but tensions are high.... More
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