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Markets with Darin Fessler

Markets with Darin Fessler

Darin Fessler of Lakefront Futures & Options discusses recent price movements in corn and soybeans, updates on the ethanol market and how tension between the U.S. and China could impact trade.... More

Al's Forecast

After a hot week across many parts of the state, is it time for some relief? Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher brings us our forecast.... More
Ethanol Industry Slowly Restarting

Ethanol Industry Slowly Restarting

OPEC countries floated the idea of extending production cuts aimed at boosting the price of crude oil.... More


Preparing for another cold front moving in this weekend, so we decided to plant the rest of the corn.... More
Autonomous Agriculture - Ontario

Autonomous Agriculture - Ontario's First Commercial DOT Autonomous Fertilizer Spreader

This week's episode showcases the first commercially used DOT autonomous fertilizer spreader, in all of Ontario.... More
John Deere 9510R Tractor Planting Soybeans

John Deere 9510R Tractor Planting Soybeans

John Deere 9510R Tractor Planting Soybeans | Ontario Canada... More
Special Announcement from Corteva Agriscience

Special Announcement from Corteva Agriscience

Damon Palmer, Pasture& Land Management Leader for Corteva Agriscience, talks about his company's commitment to the long-term success of the beef industry including a new 0% financing program to help producers navigate these unprecedented times.... More

CFAP Payments

CFAP Payments

Nebraska FSA Outreach Coordinator Bobbie Kriz-Wickham discusses USDA’s new Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) which provides payments to producers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.... More
Weather Dampens Breakneck Planting Progress

Weather Dampens Breakneck Planting Progress

Planting progress is way ahead of last year’s pace, but does lag behind in North Dakota, Pennsylvania and parts of Tennessee.... More
Weed of the Week - Venice Mallow

Weed of the Week - Venice Mallow

Brian and Darren Hefty share control options for venice mallow.... More
Seasonal Rally in Soybean Prices

Seasonal Rally in Soybean Prices

Seasonal Rally in Soybean Prices.... More
John Deere 9200 4WD Tilling Ground

John Deere 9200 4WD Tilling Ground

John Deere 9200 4WD Tilling Ground | 2020 | Ontario Canada... More
Crop Shuttle with Cleaning Table

Crop Shuttle with Cleaning Table

Crop Shuttle with Built In Potato Cleaning Table - Leave the Dirt In the Field Available In Ontario, Canada From Northern Equipment Solutions.... More
Iron Talk - Fungicide Spraying

Iron Talk - Fungicide Spraying

Is your sprayer properly setup for fungicide treatment? Darren Hefty runs through the gamut on how to best prepare.... More
Drilling soybeans 2020

Drilling soybeans 2020

Drilling soybeans 2020 | ontario ag guy... More
This Week in the Markets

This Week in the Markets

DTN Lead Analyst Todd Hultman explains how certain sectors of ag are dealing with market instability, why soybeans could be particularly important in the coming months and the role weather is playing in the markets.... More
Proper Grain Bin Management Saves Lives

Proper Grain Bin Management Saves Lives

One problem this spring, not related to COVID 19, are grain producers across the Midwest, including some in Kentucky, dealing with grain quality issues in storage bins that are causing problems during unloading.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Angie Setzer

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Angie Setzer

As America opens back up, supply lines adjust, again. Spring planting may be done, but new challenges emerge. Market analysis with Angie Setzer.... More
Farmers Markets Open With An Eye Toward Safe Sales

Farmers Markets Open With An Eye Toward Safe Sales

Farmers markets around the country have begun to reopen by following the latest COVID 19 restrictions established in their states. Markets for fresh fruits and vegetables, along with other farm products, are available in Kentucky now.... More
Installing Tile During the Growing Season

Installing Tile During the Growing Season

Is it worth installing tile after you've planted? What happens to the plants you were raising? Find out in this week's Ag PhD.... More
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