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Ag Minute - Corn Rootworms and Bt

Ag Minute - Corn Rootworms and Bt

Darren Hefty explains the importance of using Bt traits in corn to control corn rootworms.... More
HYDROPONIC LETTUCE HOUSE. Spring is in the air!

HYDROPONIC LETTUCE HOUSE. Spring is in the air!

We have so many plans for this season, including, cutting back on certain field crops and adding a few NEW crops and a new large greenhouse!... More
Brian Ryberg - Strip tilled 22" corn, soy & sugar beets

Brian Ryberg - Strip tilled 22" corn, soy & sugar beets

Brian Ryberg started strip tilling sugar beets five years ago. He now raises corn, soybeans and sugar beets in 22-inch rows interseeded with cover crops on 5,200 acres. Without any hit on yields these new practices have cut several expensive field operations, lowered fuel and fertilizer costs an... More


Took a tour of one of ontario's largest maple syrup producer.... More
How To Germinate Palm Seeds- Growing palms in Cold Canada

How To Germinate Palm Seeds- Growing palms in Cold Canada

I speak more about the medium I use for germinating seed successfully. I know a lot of people use things like potting soil, ProMix HP and orchid moss for germination and have incredible results.... More
Clearing up Concerns

Clearing up Concerns

Greg Ibach, USDA undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, talks about ways to lessen the segmentation between consumers and cattlemen.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says commodity prices are slipping and producers should expect them to stay there for a while.... More

Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee reminds us that Spring technically starts next week, but we can expect freezes well into April. Gary McManus is watching the possibility of drought expanding into central Oklahoma soon.... More
Corn and Soybean Seed Treatments

Corn and Soybean Seed Treatments

The Hefty brothers discuss the importance of using multiple seed treatments on your corn and soybean seed.... More
Weed of the Week - Green Foxtail

Weed of the Week - Green Foxtail

This weed of the week is Green Foxtail. Brian and Darren will discuss how to stop this weed on your farm.... More

Al's Forecast

Spring is only a few more days away. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week ahead.... More
Trial Results for Defendor® Specialty Herbicide

Trial Results for Defendor® Specialty Herbicide

Trial Results for Defendor® Specialty Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience... More
Dr. Marc Lucotte - Glyphosate: A Controversial Product That We Need to Use Wisely

Dr. Marc Lucotte - Glyphosate: A Controversial Product That We Need to Use Wisely

Marc will share his research on AMPA rates in soil after glyphosate use and how it effects soil function. How healthy soil with a vibrant microbiome life is able to dissipate glyphosate residue more efficiently.... More
Weed Control In Pastures

Weed Control In Pastures

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss options for great weed control in pasture ground.... More
Fall vs. spring urea in Minnesota

Fall vs. spring urea in Minnesota

Extension nutrient management specialist Fabian Fernandez discusses research in Minnesota showing that in recent years, due in large part to wetter-than-normal springs, fall urea applications have resulted in reduced yields.... More
Hemp Insurance Programs

Hemp Insurance Programs

There are now programs available to insure your hemp crop. FSA Nebraska FSA Public Affairs/Outreach Coordinator Bobbie Kriz-Wickham shares the latest information.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson describes how producers can manage inputs for their wheat crop and still make a profit.... More
Renewable Industry Awaits EPA Appeal on Small Refinery Exemption Ruling

Renewable Industry Awaits EPA Appeal on Small Refinery Exemption Ruling

For nearly 5 years, the ethanol industry has been battling to keep its share of the motor fuel market.... More
Growing hard neck garlic in Ontario, zone 5

Growing hard neck garlic in Ontario, zone 5

Here’s how we grow our hard neck garlic! They taste way fresher, better and last for months!... More
Ontario Ginseng Growers Association The Farmer

Ontario Ginseng Growers Association The Farmer's Story

Ontario Ginseng Growers Association | The Farmer's Story... More
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