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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (73) ›Canola (361) ›
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Farm Basics - Yield Maps

Farm Basics - Yield Maps

Brian and Darren Hefty explain what yield maps are and how farmers use them to detect and solve problems in their crop fields.... More
Soybean Marketing Update

Soybean Marketing Update

NDSU Extension's Dr. Ken Hellevang shares critical information on drying and storing soybeans into spring and summer of 2019.... More
Sclerotinia White Mold

Sclerotinia White Mold

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about controlling white mold in soybeans and other crops.... More
White Grubs

White Grubs

The Hefty brothers share ideas for controlling white grubs in your crop fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Bristly Foxtail

Weed of the Week - Bristly Foxtail

Brian and Darren describe bristly foxtail and give advice on getting it under control on your farm.... More
Iron Talk - Static Electricity & Seed Treatments

Iron Talk - Static Electricity & Seed Treatments

Darren Hefty explains how to use static electricity to your advantage when applying dry seed treatments.... More
Ag Minute - Water and Plant Food

Ag Minute - Water and Plant Food

Darren Hefty explains the relationship between water in the soil and a plant's ability to take in nutrients.... More

Mesonet Weather January 2019

Mesonet Weather January 2019

Wes Lee looks at how the recent rains have impacted soil conditions, and Gary McManus says we can expect more precipitation this winter.... More
Nitrogen & sulfur leaching in wheat

Nitrogen & sulfur leaching in wheat

Brian Arnall says with the amount of rainfall in the state, nitrogen and sulfur leaching is likely and tells us how to combat the issue.... More
Wheat & Canola Update

Wheat & Canola Update

Josh Lofton tells us how the mix of cold and warm temperatures this winter have impacted the canola and wheat crops. He also previews the upcoming All-Crops Conference.... More
Farm Basics - Preventing Weed Resistance

Farm Basics - Preventing Weed Resistance

Darren and Brian Hefty explain the concerns many farmers have about weed resistance and what can be done to combat it. They discuss which weeds to watch for and how multiple methods of control can help prevent resistance on your farm.... More
2019 Sorghum Symposium - Barb Kliment

2019 Sorghum Symposium - Barb Kliment

Barb Kliment of the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board explains who will be speaking at the 2019 Sorghum Symposium as well as an update on the crop.... More
Soybeans in Louisiana Rotting in Fields as a Result of the Trade War

Soybeans in Louisiana Rotting in Fields as a Result of the Trade War

In Louisiana the tariffs have forced soybean farmers to leave their crops in the field to rot.... More

Wildfires' Impact Still Being Felt As Winter Storms Races Across U.S.

The National Weather Service is caught up in the partial shutdown. Vital data for an upcoming winter storm is being provided even as forecasters remain unpaid.... More
Raising Conventional Corn

Raising Conventional Corn

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the various advantages and challenges of raising conventional corn. They explain how these methods may differ from ones in the past, and offer tips to help farmers have successful corn harvests.... More
Fixing Saline Soils

Fixing Saline Soils

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the problem with saline soils and how to fix them. They explain how to use your soil test properly to balance the nutrients in the soil as well.... More
Winter Grazing - Mitch Stephenson

Winter Grazing - Mitch Stephenson

University of Nebraska Range and Forage Specialist Dr. Mitch Stephenson shares how winter grazing can benefit both your pastures and your cattle.... More
Weed of the Week - Common Purslane

Weed of the Week - Common Purslane

Can you identify this week's weed? This week it's common purslane. Darren and Brian Hefty discuss where it grows and methods to keep it out of your crop areas.... More
Ag Minute - Preparing Soil for Planting

Ag Minute - Preparing Soil for Planting

Darren Hefty explains how soil has to be prepped in order to plant the seed for the upcoming season properly. He discussed what plants need to grow, and how proper planting sets farmers up for a successful harvest in the fall.... More
Soil testing is a key to plant success

Soil testing is a key to plant success

Do you know what nutrients and minerals are in your soil? If not, it can be difficult to determine what fertilizers your plants will need. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains the best way to get your soil tested.... More
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