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Rural Agriculture Safety Conference - Ellen Duysen

Rural Agriculture Safety Conference - Ellen Duysen

Ellen Duysen from the University of Nebraska Medical Center explains the upcoming Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Conference and what type of workshops registrants will be able to attend.... More
Soybean Marketing Update

Soybean Marketing Update

In this week's update, Frayne Olson, NDSU Extension crops economist/marketing specialist, compares U.S. soybean prices to prices around the world to demonstrate the variability in prices and the importance of export location in base levels.... More
Second-Crop Rice Harvest having Good Yields

Second-Crop Rice Harvest having Good Yields

South Louisiana rice farmers are finishing up their ratoon or second harvest. The yields have been good and are needed because of lower rice prices. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story from Acadia Parish.... More
Weed of the Week - Prostrate Vervain

Weed of the Week - Prostrate Vervain

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss this week's weed of the week, prostrate vervain. They'll discuss prevention, as well as modes of action to rid your farm of this weed.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Cattle & Hay Needs

Cow-Calf Corner - Cattle & Hay Needs

Glenn Selk explains how much hay cattle need in order to maintain growth.... More
Hay Exporters Battle Back after Port Slowdowns

Hay Exporters Battle Back after Port Slowdowns

Global trade is complex. Markets, years in the making, can evaporate over a misinterpreted word or labor dispute.... More
Crop Residue Exchange - Jay Parsons and Daren Redfearn

Crop Residue Exchange - Jay Parsons and Daren Redfearn

UNL Extension’s Jay Parsons and Daren Redfearn introduce the Crop Residue Exchange. They also discuss how grazing can affect croplands.... More

Wheat Rust & Winter Weather

Wheat Rust & Winter Weather

Bob Hunger talks about the potential for rust to appear on wheat if we have a mild winter.... More
Pesticide Updates - Clyde Ogg

Pesticide Updates - Clyde Ogg

UNL Extension’s Clyde Ogg discusses updates in pesticide regulations. Clyde also talks about events growers can go to for more information. ... More
Weed of the Week - Stinging Nettle

Weed of the Week - Stinging Nettle

The Hefty brothers share ideas for controlling stinging nettle on and around your farm.... More
Ag Minute - Compost

Ag Minute - Compost

Darren Hefty talks about the growing popularity of using compost in gardens and on the farm.... More
Zinc Management

Zinc Management

Brian and Darren talk about properly managing zinc levels in the soil.... More
Xtend Soybeans

Xtend Soybeans

The Hefty brothers discuss the soybean trait options currently available to help you make a seed purchase decision for 2019.... More
Growing Luck - Texas Black-eyed Peas

Growing Luck - Texas Black-eyed Peas

Black-eyed peas & Texas South Plains farmers. Peas in a pod. Together bringing the world a little luck... More
Water Symposium - November 9, 2018

Water Symposium - November 9, 2018

The 2018 Nebraska Water Symposium recently took place at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Innovation Campus. Jesse Starita explains how this event differs from previous years.... More
Approaches to Immobile Nutrient Management

Approaches to Immobile Nutrient Management

Brian Arnall explains different approaches to immobile nutrient management.... More
2 X 2 Placement

2 X 2 Placement

Darren Hefty discusses the benefits and risks of 2 X 2 placement in planting, as well as in-furrow treatment options.... More
Ag Minute - Waterways

Ag Minute - Waterways

Darren Hefty explains the patches of greenery among farmers' fields and how they benefit the environment around them.... More
Benefits of Copper in Soil

Benefits of Copper in Soil

Darren and Brian Hefty explain the benefits that copper has for soil and how it can improve yields over time on your farm.... More
Soil layers & How Water Moves through them

Soil layers & How Water Moves through them

We head to the soil pit for a quick lesson from Jason Warren on how water moves through the soil.... More
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