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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (73) ›Canola (364) ›
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Farm Basics - Growing Degree Units

Farm Basics - Growing Degree Units

The Hefty brothers explain what a GDU or GDD is, and how to calculate it and apply it to understanding the growth or your crops.... More
 Farming in Canada

Farming in Canada

Check out this video of awesome field operation aerial shots and grazing cattle. You get to see some cool sunset shots, too.... More
 Field crop research in Alberta

Field crop research in Alberta

This video features the work being done by the Mackenzie Applied Research Association (MARA) in northern Alberta.... More
Cover Crops & Insects

Cover Crops & Insects

Cover Crops & Insects: Dr. Don Cook, Research Entomologist at MSU-DREC, Stoneville, Miss., provides an overview of the effect that cover crops may have on early-season insect pressure in a following soybean or corn crop.... More
Nighttime Heat Stress on Wheat

Nighttime Heat Stress on Wheat

K-State agronomists Krishna Jagadish and Allan Fritz talk about a research project they're conducting, which is testing the impact of high nighttime temperatures on a wheat stand's ability to produce good yields and quality grain...they're artificially introducing controlled heat to wheat overni... More
Wheat Stand Consistency - Paul Jasa

Wheat Stand Consistency - Paul Jasa

Wheat Stand Consistency – Paul Jasa, Nebraska Extension engineer, gives tips on how growers can improve their wheat stand consistency.... More
Wheat Varieties - Stephen Baenziger

Wheat Varieties - Stephen Baenziger

Wheat Varieties – Stephen Baenziger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor and wheat breeder, talks about the different wheat varieties at the Fairbury, Nebraska wheat plot tour. Stephen also explains how growers must understand the risks before choosing a specific wheat variety.... More

Severe Drought Grips the Southwest

Severe Drought Grips the Southwest

With record setting temps in both directions, heavy Midwestern storms, and extreme drought across the nation, Mother Nature is keeping farmers and ranchers on edge.... More
 Manitoba Seeding 2018

Manitoba Seeding 2018

 Pulse for the Planet

Pulse for the Planet

This introductory video features the highlights of the Global Pulse Federation’s 2018 conference.... More
Wheat Trends - Randy Pryor

Wheat Trends - Randy Pryor

Wheat Trends – Randy Pryor, Nebraska Extension educator, talks about the recent wheat plot tour and shares a little history of Nebraska’s wheat production.... More
 The Season Begins - Treating Seed

The Season Begins - Treating Seed

Prairie Soil Services initiated the Field of Dreams project in 1999.Their objective was to achieve yields that would break through pre-existing notions of what wheat and canola crops should produce on the Prairies by planting the latest high-performance seed varieties together with all the macro... More
Weed of the Week - Arkansas Wild Rose

Weed of the Week - Arkansas Wild Rose

The Hefty brothers have tips on controlling wild rose on your farm and around your home.... More
Farm Basics - Cation Exchange Capacity & Nitrogen

Farm Basics - Cation Exchange Capacity & Nitrogen

Darren and Brian Hefty explain what cation exchange capacity is, and how farmers use it to decide how much nitrogen they should apply to their fields.... More
 Manitoba Planting season

Manitoba Planting season

Planting season 2018 in Springfield, Manitoba.... More
Air Seeding in Southern Saskatchewan

Air Seeding in Southern Saskatchewan

On the outskirts of Theodore Saskatchewan Just South of the Yellowhead Highway one of the farmers is busy planting a crop of Canola.... More
Iron Talk Protecting Bees From Insecticides

Iron Talk Protecting Bees From Insecticides

Controlling insects in crops is important, but so is making sure bees are not harmed due to insecticide application. Darren Hefty talks about protecting bees from insecticides.... More
Getting The Most Out Of Liberty Herbicide

Getting The Most Out Of Liberty Herbicide

More and more growers are switching to Liberty Link crops. The Hefty brothers give their advice on getting the best performance from Liberty herbicide.... More
Dicamba - Reducing Drift And Improving Performance

Dicamba - Reducing Drift And Improving Performance

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about taking steps to properly use dicamba, not only to avoid repeating the problems of 2017, but to improve performance as well.... More
Wheat Update

Wheat Update

David Marburger gives an overview of the growing season and the conditions leading to harvest.... More
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