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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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Sudden Death Syndrome

Sudden Death Syndrome

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about sudden death syndrome in soybeans and how to identify and stop it on your farm.... More
Iron Talk: Spray Timing Tips

Iron Talk: Spray Timing Tips

On this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about the importance of planning your spray timing in your fields.... More
Arkansas Considers Post-Emerge Dicamba Ban

Arkansas Considers Post-Emerge Dicamba Ban

The Arkansas officials who are considering banning dicamba herbicide for post-emergent use are getting an earful from farmers on both sides of the issue.... More
Wood Chip Bioreactor Controls Tile Line Nitrate Load

Wood Chip Bioreactor Controls Tile Line Nitrate Load

The Dudley Smith farm in Illinois is tiled and wired. Todd Gleason has more on how the University of Illinois is doing nitrogen loss research near Pana.... More
 Production Of Canola Exceeds Wheat

Production Of Canola Exceeds Wheat

Canola has become the country's most important crop in 2017, according to Statistics Canada.... More
Ag Minute - Beneficial Insects

Ag Minute - Beneficial Insects

Darren Hefty talks about the many different beneficial insects that can be found in house or field.... More
Weed Of The Week - Russian Thistle

Weed Of The Week - Russian Thistle

This week's Weed of the Week is Russian thistle. Brian and Darren Hefty go over the options for controlling Russian thistle on your farm.... More

Farm Basics - Corn Reproductive Stages

Farm Basics - Corn Reproductive Stages

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the corn reproductive stage... More
Stop Sequential Applications of Dicamba in Cotton

Stop Sequential Applications of Dicamba in Cotton

"There's really no reason we need to be spraying dicamba in our cotton crop at this point." - Dr. Larry Steckel, UT Extension... More
Agriculture In High River – Rooted In People

Agriculture In High River – Rooted In People

High River is Alberta’s headquarters for agri-business and is surrounded by some of the most diverse and productive agricultural land in the world, positioning High River as a key producer in the supply chain for Calgary and the surrounding area.... More
Crop Update

Crop Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds crop update for June 30th including glyphosate timing in tolerant corn and soybean crops... More
Wheat Coming On

Wheat Coming On

Idaho wheat is now just two weeks from the first harvest, just as market prices start to rise.... More
Identifying Palmer Amaranth And Waterhemp In Wisconsin Using Vegetative Characteristics

Identifying Palmer Amaranth And Waterhemp In Wisconsin Using Vegetative Characteristics

Learn how to identify problematic pigweeds like Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth in Wisconsin with UW-Extension Weed Specialist Mark Renz.... More
Cover Crop Interseeding: No-till Drill Modification

Cover Crop Interseeding: No-till Drill Modification

Daniel H. Smith discusses modifying a no-till drill to interseed cover crops. Smith is a regional agronomist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Nutrient and Pest Management Program.... More
Stop Sequential Applications Of Dicamba In Cotton

Stop Sequential Applications Of Dicamba In Cotton

"There's really no reason we need to be spraying dicamba in our cotton crop at this point."... More
High/Low Input Farming

High/Low Input Farming

Dr. Ronnie Schnell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agronomist, discussed with Stiles Farm Field Day attendees the possibilities of using low or high crop input methods.... More
AgriLife Research In Amarillo Taking To The Skies With Drones

AgriLife Research In Amarillo Taking To The Skies With Drones

The maiden voyage of the first unmanned aerial system or drone by Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Amarillo was flown over wheat plots before their harvest in the final week of June.... More
Market Monitor: Prospects For Wheat.

Market Monitor: Prospects For Wheat.

Kim Anderson says world crops could give Oklahoma wheat producers a reason to plant more acres in 2018.... More
SWAT MAPS - Variable Rate Fertilizer & Seed

SWAT MAPS - Variable Rate Fertilizer & Seed

The intent of this video is to illustrate the indisputable benefit of using Soil, Water and Topography MAPS for applying variable rate fertilizer and seed. SWAT MAPS are the most valuable, all-in-one variable rate service, and have become an asset to farmers all over Western Canada.... More
Pioneer® GrowingPoint® agronomy podcast — Recent Hail damage and potato leaf hopper discussion.

Pioneer® GrowingPoint® agronomy podcast — Recent Hail damage and potato leaf hopper discussion.

YouTube: In this week’s episode, DuPont Pioneer field agronomists Josh Shofner and Brian Buck discuss recent hail damage and potato leaf hopper management.... More
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