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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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 Canadian Farm Business

Canadian Farm Business

This talk was given to an audience of farmers at the Pacific Agriculture Show in Abbotsford, BC, Canada, in January 2017. It formed part of the "Habits for Successful Farm Business Managers" session, and focused on how to find and capture opportunities in the farming sector.... More
 Start Off On The Right Foot

Start Off On The Right Foot

Make sure your farm has the risk protection it needs.... More
A Day In The Life Of A Farmer

A Day In The Life Of A Farmer

Gary Adam, a farmer in Alberta, gave a day in the life tour of being a farmer. He goes through his day and explains what he does and why.... More
Hybrid Fall Rye Crop

Hybrid Fall Rye Crop

Ron Weik & Gordon Geisam of FP Genetics of Regina, Sk. and Kyle Heggie a farmer from Leross, Sk. Learn about the development of a new fall rye hybrid variety called Brasetto. See the production of the crop as it looks in the spring and again at harvest time. The hybrid fall rye matures more even... More
Wolf Trax Nutrients are Helping us Grow - Wedgworth

Wolf Trax Nutrients are Helping us Grow - Wedgworth's Fertilizer

See how Vice President, Jimmy Matthews, and Director of Agronomic Services, Dr. Nael El-Hout are using Wolf Trax Innovative Nutrients to grow their fertilizer business in Florida.... More
Weed Of The Week - Volunteer Wheat

Weed Of The Week - Volunteer Wheat

This week's Weed of the Week is volunteer wheat. Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how to identify and control it on your farm.... More
IMPACT: Managing Weeds, Insects And Diseases

IMPACT: Managing Weeds, Insects And Diseases

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is helping Iowa farmers manage weeds, insects and diseases in their fields. Pest management is key to high yields and quality grain.... More

Clemson Featured On RFD-TV Talking About Sweet Potato Ban

Clemson Featured On RFD-TV Talking About Sweet Potato Ban

Matt Howle and Gavin Berry, Clemson DPI, appear on RFD-TV to talk about sweet potato ban lifted in Clarendon and Florence counties.... More
Ag Minute - Late Spring Frost

Ag Minute - Late Spring Frost

Darren Hefty talks about what a late spring frost might do to your crops.... More
Farm Basics - Ag PhD Spray Tip Guide

Farm Basics - Ag PhD Spray Tip Guide

On this week's Farm Basics, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the Ag PhD Spray Tip Guide and how to use it to choose the right spray tips for your sprayer.... More
Soybean Burndown

Soybean Burndown

Brian & Darren Hefty discuss the best products for burning off weeds in the spring and preparing soybean ground for planting.... More
Boost Pasture Production With Dow AgroSciences

Boost Pasture Production With Dow AgroSciences

See how products from Dow Agrosciences can help you get ahead of weeds and grow more grass on your operation. Go to this website for more information: More
 Quinoa Crop Production

Quinoa Crop Production

Michael and Colin Dutcheshen of Northern Quinoa Corporation from Saskatoon, SK., and Neil Stranden a farmer near Outlook, SK.... More
Giving Your Corn Crop the Best Start

Giving Your Corn Crop the Best Start

The period from seeding to emergence is very important to attain maximum yield for your corn crop. Daniel Masse, Commercial Agronomist with Dow Seeds discusses what to look for as your crops start their growing season.... More
Agri-Food Trade Commissioners: Trends in Europe

Agri-Food Trade Commissioners: Trends in Europe

Discover key EU marketplace trends to tailor your Canadian agri-food exports to European consumer needs.... More
 Prairie Soybean Crop Research

Prairie Soybean Crop Research

Garry Hnatowich a research scientist with the Irrigation Development Center in Outlook, Saskatchewan discussing his work on experimenting with various soybean varieties for growing in the prairies.... More
Sharing On-Farm Success: Mooregrove Farms

Sharing On-Farm Success: Mooregrove Farms

Chad and his wife, Debbie, run Mooregrove Farms – a 130 beef cow-calf operation near Mooretown, Ontario. The Andersons have expanded their cow numbers in recent years. See how with help from Growing Forward 2, they’ve turned the challenge of growth into an opportunity to improve both biosecurity... More
Magruder Plots: "Check"

Magruder Plots: "Check"

SUNUP learns about the wheat research milestone at the Magruder Plots and the celebration surrounding it.... More
Summer Crops

Summer Crops

SUNUP starts with advice from Josh Lofton about summer crop plantings.... More
Yield Loss From Weeds - Peter Sikkema

Yield Loss From Weeds - Peter Sikkema

Peter Sikkema, University of Guelph professor of field crop weed management, explains how weed pressures during a critical period can impact corn yields.... More
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