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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (67) ›Canola (351) ›
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Dow Seeds Advanced Soybean Breeding Program

Dow Seeds Advanced Soybean Breeding Program

Extensive soybean breeding program.... More
Seeds Update

Seeds Update

Crop Update featuring soybeans, canola, and corn. ... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Ted Seifried

IPTV: Market Analyst Ted Seifried

After a sluggish start, the rural economy gets moving.... More
New CaseIH Precision Air 5 Series Air Cart

New CaseIH Precision Air 5 Series Air Cart

Introducing the new Precision Air 5 series air carts which offer superior air seeding, featuring patented downdraft metering; air valve controls at each meter, a wide-stance frame and single-or double-shoot distribution. ... More
Ear Shake Test To Determine Corn Pollination Progress

Ear Shake Test To Determine Corn Pollination Progress

Shown and discussed is a quick-test, by dissecting and shaking the corn ear, to check the progression of pollination.... More
The Best of Hyland And Mycogen

The Best of Hyland And Mycogen

Jeff Loessin, General Manager of Dow Seeds provides an overview of the new organization and its focus on helping farmers to succeed.... More
Pea Harvest With Six Oxbo Harvesters

Pea Harvest With Six Oxbo Harvesters

Pea harvest taking place in South Western Ontario. ... More

IPTV: Market Analyst Dan Hueber

IPTV: Market Analyst Dan Hueber

Experts and producers flock to D.C. for a discussion about Bird Flu.... More
Limagrain And Canterra Seeds Will Bring New Wheat Varieties To Western Canada.

Limagrain And Canterra Seeds Will Bring New Wheat Varieties To Western Canada.

Patrick Spadin of Limagrain provides an overview of the company which is a farmer cooperative which has grown into one of the largest seed companies in the world.... More
Understanding Soybean Growth Stages

Understanding Soybean Growth Stages Soybean Report: Holly Loucas from Dow AgroSciences describes the two plant growth stages - Vegetative V Stages and the Reproductive R Stages of the plant.... More
Video: Cotton Planting Update

Video: Cotton Planting Update

why cotton producers are upbeat about the 2015 crop... More
Outlook For Corn And Soybean Prices

Outlook For Corn And Soybean Prices

Outlook for Corn and Soybean Prices Following the USDA’s Estimates of June 1 Stocks.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson shares what influenced the $0.40 jump in wheat prices and if there’s an uptrend in the near future... More
Darren Hefty - Crop Tour Video 2015

Darren Hefty - Crop Tour Video 2015

2015 Corn Belt Crop Tour Interview with Darren Hefty of AgPhD Media in Valtic, South Dakota.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Virgil Robinson And Walt Hackney

IPTV: Market Analyst Virgil Robinson And Walt Hackney

Government reports get big reactions from commodity traders.... More
Iron Talk - Tractor A/C Care

Iron Talk - Tractor A/C Care

Darren looks at ways to help keep your factor as cool as possible.... More
Soybean Aphids Management

Soybean Aphids Management

Brian & Darren look at ways of controlling soybean aphids.... More
John Deere Planters

John Deere Planters

Meet the new ExactEmerge models – and new ExactEmerge retrofit kits for select older models.... More
Precision Farming

Precision Farming

Darren looks at what happens when things aren't so precise.... More
Soybean Flowering

Soybean Flowering

Brian & Darren look at this stage of growth in soybeans.... More
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