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Barley Farming Videos

Watch videos on everything to do with barley crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to barley. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
The barley is in the bin!

The barley is in the bin!

South Sask Farmer - The barley is in the bin!... More
Trucking Barley From The Combines!

Trucking Barley From The Combines!

South Sask Farmer - Trucking Barley From The Combines!... More
Final Bales And Working Under Barley Crop

Final Bales And Working Under Barley Crop

Northern farmer - Final Bales And Working Under Barley Crop We finish up With First Cut Hay20 and I take ole smokey and work up last years Barley Crop that was unharvested!... More
Barley harvest with the 1682 and the 860!

Barley harvest with the 1682 and the 860!

South Sask Farmer - Barley harvest with the 1682 and the 860!... More
Alberta Barley Cheers Canadian Beer Day 2020

Alberta Barley Cheers Canadian Beer Day 2020

Alberta Barley celebrates Canada Beer Day 2020 featuring Eighty-Eight Brewing Company, Marda Loop Brewing, Annex Ale Project, and Village Brewery. #CDNBeerDay #BeerProud #AlbertaBarley More
Harvesting barley northern Alberta

Harvesting barley northern Alberta

Blum Enterprises Family Farm - Drying and thrashing barley. Ohhhh and moving a load of canola. Canola is going up $$$$... More
Swathing Barley With MacDon M205 Swather!

Swathing Barley With MacDon M205 Swather!

Swathing Barley With MacDon M205 Swather! | SaskDutch Kid... More

Cutworms in the barley

Cutworms in the barley

South Sask Farmer - Cutworms in the barley!... More
We picked some shtones and finished seeding the barley

We picked some shtones and finished seeding the barley

Straight Pipe Acres - We picked some shtones and finished seeding the barley... More
2020 Seeding Near Inglis Manitoba Canada

2020 Seeding Near Inglis Manitoba Canada

The most important Manitoba crop continues to be wheat, which accounts for more than 40% of crop production value. Canola and flaxseed follow close behind in terms of production value, while barley, oats and rye are also significant crops in Manitoba. Even though grain production is dominant i... More
Strategies to Grow High Quality Malt Barley in the Northeast

Strategies to Grow High Quality Malt Barley in the Northeast

Listen to Dr. Heather Darby, UVM Extension Agronomist discuss techniques to grow high quality malt barley in the Northeast. This is the first video in a series to explain the best management practices for growing grain suitable for Malt in the Northeast.... More
Highest barley yield: Timaru farmer sets world record

Highest barley yield: Timaru farmer sets world record

TIMARU, New Zealand -- Timaru growers Warren and Joy Darling have been growing barley for more than 30 years and were inspired to set a world record at their Poplar Grove Farm this season after last year harvesting 11.5 tonnes a hectare; the record attempt took place on January 23 with a yield o... More
What is the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre?

What is the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre?

The CMBTC's Andrew Nguyen explains what the Winnipeg facility does in a nutshell.... More
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