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Corn Videos

Look through our collection of videos on corn, including videos on corn news, planting, harvesting, growing,corn crop diseases,ethanol, and more.
Spring Herbicide Activity Progress

Spring Herbicide Activity Progress

This is an update on corn preemergence herbicide research conducted at Rochester, MN.... More
Weed Tips: Volunteer Roundup Ready Corn

Weed Tips: Volunteer Roundup Ready Corn

This week's Weed of the Week is volunteer Roundup Ready corn. Brian and Darren go over options to control it on your farm.... More
Tissue Testing And Visual Nutrient Deficiencies

Tissue Testing And Visual Nutrient Deficiencies

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about doing tissue testing throughout the season to help identify nutrient deficiencies in your field.... More
Choosing the right seed treatment for your conditions

Choosing the right seed treatment for your conditions

Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Seeds tells us about the importance of a seed treatment for vitality after planting as well as choosing the correct seed treatment based out your soil and environmental conditions.... More
The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

Paul Foran, Market Development Specialist at Dow AgroSciences tells us about the science behind their eNtrench nitrogen stabilizer and the financial and environmental benefits producers will have when using eNtrench.... More
Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer In Corn

Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer In Corn

Manage corn nitrogen fertilizer to maximize yields and minimize costs.... More
Post-Emergence Herbicides In Corn

Post-Emergence Herbicides In Corn

It is time for farmers to control weeds in their corn fields. However, the cool, wet start to the growing season makes it doubly important to read and follow herbicide labels.... More

Scouting For Insect Damage - Bob Wright

Scouting For Insect Damage - Bob Wright

Bob Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist, describes how farmers can scout their fields for signs of insect damage.... More
U.S. Corn Trade - Jon Doggett

U.S. Corn Trade - Jon Doggett

Jon Doggett, National Corn Growers Association executive vice president, talks about trade relationships with Mexican buyers and the future for U.S. trade deals.... More
Adjusting Nitrogen For This Corn Crop

Adjusting Nitrogen For This Corn Crop

Despite the wet weather many think may be causing nitrogen fertilizer to get away from corn plants, it is still far too early to make that decision.... More
Spring 2017 Nitrogen Concerns

Spring 2017 Nitrogen Concerns

University of Minnesota Extension educator Brad Carlson discusses wet spring conditions and the potential for nitrogen loss in corn.... More
Iron Talk - Nitrogen Placement In Corn

Iron Talk - Nitrogen Placement In Corn

During this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about the different options for nitrogen placement in your corn field.... More
Corn Fungicides

Corn Fungicides

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the different corn fungicide options and the best timing for each corn fungicide.... More
Replant Field Evaluation

Replant Field Evaluation

Field agronomist, Scott Eversgerd discusses corn fields that have been replanted.... More
U.S. Corn Exports - Tom Sleight

U.S. Corn Exports - Tom Sleight

Tom Sleight, U.S. Grains Council president and CEO, describes the current state of trade relations with Mexican corn buyers. Tom also talks about emerging markets for U.S. grain and biotechnology issues with China.... More
Scouting For Corn Seedling Diseases

Scouting For Corn Seedling Diseases

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes why corn growers should scout for seedling diseases.... More
Post Emerge Residuals In Corn

Post Emerge Residuals In Corn

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the different post emerge residual option to use in corn.... More
Ag Minute Corn Emergence

Ag Minute Corn Emergence

Farmers aim to have their corn plants all emerge at the same time. Darren Hefty explains in this Ag Minute.... More
Key Growth Stages In Corn

Key Growth Stages In Corn

There are several corn growth stages that are important to pay attention to. Brian and Darren Hefty explain in this segment.... More
The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

Video about the science behind their eNtrench nitrogen stabilizer and the financial and environmental benefits producers will have when using eNtrench.... More
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