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Horticulture Videos

Explore our collection of horticulture videos, including videos on sustainable farming practices, Manitoba Horticulture School, small farms, community gardens, horticulture management and more
Potential Pitfalls of Urban Farming

Potential Pitfalls of Urban Farming

Just a few miles away lies a pocket of unincorporated county land, and another neighborhood farm – Dogpatch Urban Gardens – which also felt blindsided by bureaucracy in the recent past.... More
Soil Borne Disease Series: Club Root

Soil Borne Disease Series: Club Root

A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of club root... More
Ranger Nick: How Do You Pronounce the Word Pecan?

Ranger Nick: How Do You Pronounce the Word Pecan?

Whether you say PEE-can or puh-CON, they're important in Georgia. This month Ranger Nick learns about sprayer calibration, as well as disease and insect problems producers face during the pecan growing season.... More
Timber Harvesting Operation Has Proven Beneficial

Timber Harvesting Operation Has Proven Beneficial

For Trevor Crosby, the logging business is something that's been instilled in him since birth, so much so that eight years ago, when he was just twenty years old, he decided to start his own logging operation.... More
Research Plays Important Role in Future of the Pecan Crop

Research Plays Important Role in Future of the Pecan Crop

Georgia is one of the top states for pecan production, so it's important for growers to stay up to date on all the latest research, industry information, and equipment to make them as productive and efficient as possible.... More
Beneficial Tachinid Flies Help Control Corn Ear Worms in Hemp

Beneficial Tachinid Flies Help Control Corn Ear Worms in Hemp

Dr. Armando Falcon-Brindis is studying how when Corn Ear worms feed on hemp, beneficial Tachinid flies lay eggs on the worms.... More
The Life of a Beekeeper

The Life of a Beekeeper

Why would anyone want to become a beekeeper? Your back will probably hurt; you will overheat; and you will surely suffer some bee stings. Yet, beekeepers have been at it for thousands of years. Local beekeeper Joe Hurley will discuss the attraction of honey bees and relate some of his beekeeping... More

What is Bacterial Streak and Bulb Rot in Onions?

What is Bacterial Streak and Bulb Rot in Onions?

It’s a bacterial disease dubbed the ‘onion devourer’ by UGA researchers. Damon Jones tells us what this discovery means for the industry and what growers can do to mitigate their risks with planting season right around the corner.... More
Wrapping up 2021 in grapes with Miravis® Prime

Wrapping up 2021 in grapes with Miravis® Prime

Horticulture Specialist Eric Phillips shares what he saw from Miravis Prime fungicide in grapes throughout the 2021 season.... More
Community Gardening in a Changing Climate

Community Gardening in a Changing Climate

As the climate changes, food production faces increasing challenges, making innovative and equitable solutions for growing and accessing healthy food all the more important for communities across Waterloo region.... More
Wrapping up 2021 in fruit and Miravis Prime

Wrapping up 2021 in fruit and Miravis Prime

Horticulture Specialist Hank Markgraf gives a quick run-down of the 2021 season, talking about tough growing conditions and Miravis® Prime fungicide performance in grapes and blueberries.... More
Ontario Apple Packline Process

Ontario Apple Packline Process

Apples are gently washed and float down the packline getting ready to head to grocery stores.... More
Cavendish Farms Growing Our Best in Southwestern Ontario

Cavendish Farms Growing Our Best in Southwestern Ontario

For its residents, “rain or shine” is an all-too-familiar term. And for the onions and other vegetables grown in the region.... More
Monosem 10 Row Carrot Precision Seeder - High Tunnel Planting

Monosem 10 Row Carrot Precision Seeder - High Tunnel Planting

Monosem Precision Custom Built Seeders and Planter - Most Important Pass - Accuracy Matters... More
How Watermelon Grow in Canada

How Watermelon Grow in Canada

It’s one of the sweetest tastes of summer - watermelon! And while we’ve all had that juicy red fruit on a hot summer day, many of us don’t know how or even where they are grown. It’s a good thing we’ve found Pete! Pete and his family are Ontario farmers that grow watermelons.... More
Manitoba Horticulture School

Manitoba Horticulture School

Manitoba Agriculture - Topics covered today: Discussion on this past years horticulture crops Manitoba Horticulture School - Oct 15... More
Bumper Crops: Cranberry Color Management

Bumper Crops: Cranberry Color Management

How do cranberries get their deep red color? In this "Bumper Crops" episode the topics around cranberry crop color management are discussed by Dr. Amaya Atucha... More
Sustainability and The Whole Farm Approach

Sustainability and The Whole Farm Approach

The Whole Farm approach is all about sustainability and improving our farms for the future. In this video, Doug Martin talks about the important roll a diverse crop rotation plays in making farms more resilient... More
Pumpkins Used for More Than Fall Decorations

Pumpkins Used for More Than Fall Decorations

Whether it's using them for decoration or the latest recipe, pumpkins are in high demand as the fall season rolls around. Damon Jones takes us to Mitcham Farms in Newton County where visitors can pick out the perfect pumpkin no matter what their needs may be.... More
Manitoba Horticulture School Summer 2021

Manitoba Horticulture School Summer 2021

Manitoba Agriculture - Topics covered today: Questions and Answers discussion with Manitoba, Horticulture Specialists... More
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