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Pulse Videos

Check out our collection of videos on pulses, including videos pulse varieties, pest control, pulse planting and harvesting equipment, and more.
 Pulse for the Planet

Pulse for the Planet

This introductory video features the highlights of the Global Pulse Federation’s 2018 conference.... More
IPGA interviews Saskatchewan

IPGA interviews Saskatchewan's ag minister

The India Pulses and Grains Association speaks with Lyle Stewart, Saskatchewan's ag minster, about pulse production in the province and Canada's trade relationship with India. ... More
Canada Putting Pressure on India To Remove Unexpected Pulse Tariff Barriers

Canada Putting Pressure on India To Remove Unexpected Pulse Tariff Barriers

Canada's Minister of Agriculture Lawrence MacAulay provides Andrea Gal from an update on what the Canadian government is doing to get India to remove this unexpected trade barrier.... More
 We Got The Peas!!

We Got The Peas!!

We Got the seed peas unloaded ready for spring planting.... More


What’s a pulse? The word “pulse” comes from the Latin word puls, meaning potage or thick soup. Pulses are the dry edible seeds of pod plants in the legume family. Pulses include dry peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas and are high in protein and fibre and low in fat. More than 6,000 farmers in Al... More
  We Are Alberta Pulse Growers

We Are Alberta Pulse Growers

Alberta pulses are good for food, for the farm and for you! Alberta Pulse Growers represents 6,000 growers of field pea, dry bean, lentil, chickpea, faba bean and soybean in Alberta.... More
 Alberta Pulse Growers Plot to Field

Alberta Pulse Growers Plot to Field

Alberta Pulse Growers Plot to Field program focuses on moving small-plot research toward applicability on an individual farm basis. There's a lot more to it than simply super-sizing the research recipe. Long-standing protocols developed to suit small plots need to be rethought, redesigned and ex... More

 ThinkSask Value-Added AGT 2017

ThinkSask Value-Added AGT 2017

Murad Al-Katib, President and CEO of AGT Food and Ingredients: Why the world’s largest lentil exporter chose to locate in Saskatchewan.... More
 Harvesting Peas - Farming In Canada

Harvesting Peas - Farming In Canada

2012 NewHolland CX8080 combining peas with the 35 foot MacDon flex draper header. This field yielded over 60 bushels an acre,best pea crop to date.... More
 AAC Lacombe Yellow Pea Harvest

AAC Lacombe Yellow Pea Harvest

Harvesting AAC Lacombe Yellow Peas on Irrigation.... More
 Moving Crop Research From Plot To Field Scale

Moving Crop Research From Plot To Field Scale

Rob Dunn in Cypress County talks about doing field scale research with pulse crops. He is part of the Alberta Pulse Commission Plot to Field project that aims to bring plot scale research to the field scale to test whether the research results hold at the larger scale.... More
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers : Transportion and Market Access

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers : Transportion and Market Access

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers and Pulse Canada are committed to ensuring that export markets for pulses remain open for our growers, and that grower voices and interests are represented around the table with transportation companies.... More
Final Day Of Pea Harvest

Final Day Of Pea Harvest

Working hard to get the yellow peas harvested. Dry Peas is traditionally a dryland crop but this year with the drought and the heat it made it worth growing on irrigation.... More
 Stamp Seeds Bean Ladder Install

Stamp Seeds Bean Ladder Install

High speed video of our farm installing a bean ladder to help prevent cracks in pulse crops from dropping.... More
 Pulse Crops: Lentils And Chickpeas With Brian Clancey - CTV Farmgate

Pulse Crops: Lentils And Chickpeas With Brian Clancey - CTV Farmgate

Brian Clancey, President, STAT Communications Ltd., Vancouver BC, discusses movement, prices and expected stocks for the pulse crops Lentils and Chickpeas for the rest of this current crop year and his forecasts for acreage, demand and price (in terms of probabilities) in the 2017-2018 crop year... More
 Red Lentils Night Harvest

Red Lentils Night Harvest

Red Lentils Night Harvest 2016. Canada. KF Kambeitz Farms.... More
 Fababean Crop Production

Fababean Crop Production

Dr. Bert Vandenberg from the University of Saskatchewan, Crop Development Centre one of the world's top plant breeders as he displays various attributes of Fababeans.... More
Pulse Market Price Outlook: Peas And Beans

Pulse Market Price Outlook: Peas And Beans

Brian Clancey, President, STAT Communications Ltd., Vancouver BC, discusses movement, prices and expected stocks for the pulse crops peas and beans for the rest of this current crop year and his forecasts for acreage, demand and price (in terms of probabilities) in the 2017-2018 crop year.... More
Video:  Red Lentils Night Harvest

Video: Red Lentils Night Harvest

Red Lentils Night Harvest,Canada.... More
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