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Wheat Videos

Discover what’s happening in the world of wheat through videos on wheat news, wheat fertilizer application, wheat varieties, harvesting, planting, research, Think Wheat, and more.
Lahoma - Developing Wheat Varieties

Lahoma - Developing Wheat Varieties

We look at potential wheat varieties with Brett Carver at last month’s Lahoma field day.... More
Wheat Diseases - Stephen Wegulo

Wheat Diseases - Stephen Wegulo

Wheat Diseases – Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, gives an update on wheat diseases in Nebraska.... More
Increasing Protein In Wheat

Increasing Protein In Wheat

The Hefty brothers discuss how to maximize the protein in your wheat crop.... More
Nighttime Heat Stress on Wheat

Nighttime Heat Stress on Wheat

K-State agronomists Krishna Jagadish and Allan Fritz talk about a research project they're conducting, which is testing the impact of high nighttime temperatures on a wheat stand's ability to produce good yields and quality grain...they're artificially introducing controlled heat to wheat overni... More
Wheat Stand Consistency - Paul Jasa

Wheat Stand Consistency - Paul Jasa

Wheat Stand Consistency – Paul Jasa, Nebraska Extension engineer, gives tips on how growers can improve their wheat stand consistency.... More
Wheat Varieties - Stephen Baenziger

Wheat Varieties - Stephen Baenziger

Wheat Varieties – Stephen Baenziger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor and wheat breeder, talks about the different wheat varieties at the Fairbury, Nebraska wheat plot tour. Stephen also explains how growers must understand the risks before choosing a specific wheat variety.... More
Wheat Trends - Randy Pryor

Wheat Trends - Randy Pryor

Wheat Trends – Randy Pryor, Nebraska Extension educator, talks about the recent wheat plot tour and shares a little history of Nebraska’s wheat production.... More

Wheat Update

Wheat Update

David Marburger gives an overview of the growing season and the conditions leading to harvest.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says the first wheat going to the elevator is about what he expected when it comes to quality.... More


Throughout this spring we apply various applications to our wheat to help increase the yield. Applications such as top dressing for applying nitrogen or applying fungicides to protect the wheat from disease help our wheat yield increase!... More
Economics of Harvesting Wheat Straw

Economics of Harvesting Wheat Straw

At the 2018 Wheat Field Day, Dr. Jordan Shockley spoke about the economics of harvesting wheat straw, a product in high demand in central Kentucky for livestock bedding , mulch, and construction.... More
Identifying Stripe Rust in Wheat

Identifying Stripe Rust in Wheat

Absolute® Maxx is a cost-effective option for fast control of stripe rust, maximizing yield potential of your winter wheat.... More
Scab Identification and Control in Wheat

Scab Identification and Control in Wheat

Spray Prosaro fungicide to control fusarium head blight, or scab, a disease that leads to elevated DON levels, low grain fill and yield loss.... More
Lahoma Field Day - Talking Wheat Varieties

Lahoma Field Day - Talking Wheat Varieties

David Marburger takes us through the progress of some of the wheat varieties on the station.... More
Using Wheat as a Cover Crop

Using Wheat as a Cover Crop

At the 2018 Wheat Field Day at the Princeton Research and Education Center, Dr. Erin Haramoto presented Using Wheat as a Cover Crop.... More
Early Wheat Fungicides

Early Wheat Fungicides

The Hefty brothers explain the reason for early application of fungicide in wheat, and the importance of using multiple modes of action.... More
Checking Wheat for Powdery Mildew

Checking Wheat for Powdery Mildew

Bob Hunger about powdery white mildew showing up in parts of Oklahoma.... More
Iron Talk - Stream Bars In Wheat

Iron Talk - Stream Bars In Wheat

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about using stream bars or stream spray tips to apply nitrogen in your wheat crop.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says there’s a focus on protein in hard red winter wheat as spring wheat is planted around the world.... More
Grass Herbicides For Wheat

Grass Herbicides For Wheat

Brian and Darren talk about having a successful grass control program for your wheat crop.... More
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