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Farm Safety Videos

Watch videos on different agricultural topics related to farm safety while also getting informed on this very important subject. Learn about staying safe on the farm while using chemicals, handling livestock, working alone, operating machinery, and more from trusted organizations and fellow farmers.
Leg Arms "Arm" Crushed|How It Happened

Leg Arms "Arm" Crushed|How It Happened

What a horrible thing to happen to Scott Welker (Leg Arms). We are just so thankful it wasn't worse and that he will likely make a full recovery. Accidents like this are rare but always possible. Safety is so important and we must do what it takes to prevent such things.... More
OFA Lunch and Learn - Fire Prevention and Insurance on the Farm

OFA Lunch and Learn - Fire Prevention and Insurance on the Farm

In this joint webinar from the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and Co-operators we will discuss fire prevention and building a relationship with your local fire department. We will also discuss and review current marketplace trends within the Ontario insurance landscape and discuss key elemen... More
Mental Health Support Through Raising Hope — You

Mental Health Support Through Raising Hope — You're Not Alone

It's okay to talk about stress and seek help. Listen to Cheryl Dean-Witt, Ag Nurse-RN at the University of Kentucky, as she discusses the Raising Hope organization. Also watch as Dale Dobson, Safety Administrator with the KY Department of Ag, presents a Raising Hope coin to a local firefig... More
ROPS and Seat Belts Save Lives! Rollover Demonstration - Practice Tractor Safety

ROPS and Seat Belts Save Lives! Rollover Demonstration - Practice Tractor Safety

What happens if your tractor rolls over and you do not have ROPS and a seat belt? Nothing good... Series injury that could likely lead to death. Watch this demonstration of a rollover and the difference ROPS and a seat belt will make!... More
The Importance of Grain Bin Safety & Farm Rescue - Stay Safe For Your Family!

The Importance of Grain Bin Safety & Farm Rescue - Stay Safe For Your Family!

Dale Dobsen, Safety Administrator with Kentucky Department of Agriculture, discusses several grain bin safety products, best practices and rescue solutions. Stay safe in and around grain bins! Watch and learn how to do so.... More
Grain Bin Safety

Grain Bin Safety

Did you know March is Farm Safety Month? Every year Arkansas Farm Bureau offers grain bin safety training to farmers, firefighters, EMTs and other first responders in an effort to combat grain bin entrapments. Thank you to our friends at Mississippi Farm Bureau for helping provide the equipment ... More
Cultivating Caution: Why is Agricultural Safety Important?

Cultivating Caution: Why is Agricultural Safety Important?

Join experts Salah Issa and Bob Aherin as they dive into the history of agricultural safety efforts in the US, discuss ongoing concerns like tractor overturns and grain bin entrapments, and look ahead to how new technologies like autonomous equipment could impact safety on the farm. This webinar... More

Managing Farm Safety and Health Video Series - Child Safety

Managing Farm Safety and Health Video Series - Child Safety

A farm is a great environment to grow up on, but the farm and farmyards are dangerous. 10% of all fatalities on farms involve children. Children should not be allowed on the farm if they are not properly supervised. Children see tractors and farm machinery as toys.... More
Managing Farm Safety and Health Video Series - Health of Farmers

Managing Farm Safety and Health Video Series - Health of Farmers

Managing your own personal health and safety needs to be central to good management on the farm. About a third of all reported injuries are due to poor manual handling. Most manual handling accidents result in back injury. Try to develop ways of minimising the need to carry out manual handling t... More
Managing Farm Safety and Health Video Series - Tractor Safety

Managing Farm Safety and Health Video Series - Tractor Safety

Tractors and farm vehicles can help you save time, money and increase productivity, but they are also very hazardous if not operated in a safe manner.... More
Farm Safety: Climbing Feed Bins Safely

Farm Safety: Climbing Feed Bins Safely

Poultry farmers already know that climbing feed bins can be dangerous. In fact, accidents that happen on farms across the world are most attributed to slips, trips and falls. So today, Jason Jackson shares some helpful tips to ensure you and the people you work with stay as safe as possible when... More
NFU Safety on the Farm: Grain Bins & Augers

NFU Safety on the Farm: Grain Bins & Augers

Grain handling in bins can become routine and when a worker is in a hurry an accident can happen. Sadly, year after year, people who enter grain bins are trapped and engulfed in grain resulting in suffocation. The number of grain bin fatalities can be greatly reduced if farmers and their workers... More


Award winning farm safety video produced by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association wth support from Farm Credit Canada. Check it out. Show it to groups, at meetings or to a friend. And always plan farm safety!... More
Farm Safety: Preventing Tractor Rollovers

Farm Safety: Preventing Tractor Rollovers

Tractors are an essential piece of equipment in helping farmers get their work done, but they can be very dangerous if not used safely. Watch this video to learn how rollovers happen and how to apply the key principles of centre of gravity and tractor stability to ensure safe operation.... More
Harvest Safety Tips

Harvest Safety Tips

Wheat harvest has begun in parts of the Post Rock District. Sandra Wick, crop production agent, shares important farm equipment safety reminders. Our Kansas farmers play a huge role in helping to feed us and the world, so let's all be generous to them as they move equipment on our roads. We wish... More
Farm Safety Walkabout- Lessen the Risk of Falls on the Farm

Farm Safety Walkabout- Lessen the Risk of Falls on the Farm

Farm Safety Walkabout- Lessen the Risk of Falls on the Farm | Farm Safety Centre... More
Growing Safely - PTO Safety

Growing Safely - PTO Safety

In this Growing Safely video, Steve Wettschurack, Agricultural Emergency Response specialist, recounts a tragic accident involving a grower caught in his tractor’s power take off. Dan Neenan, National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) director, also discusses the practical and sim... More
Growing Safely - Farm Electrical Safety

Growing Safely - Farm Electrical Safety

Tony Harvey, of Alliant Energy, discusses the importance of electrical safety including electrical hazards and what to do if you experience an electrical accident.... More
Dairy - Safety in the Barn

Dairy - Safety in the Barn

This video clip is an introduction to safety for new and inexperienced workers handling dairy cows / livestock in the barn in British Columbia’s dairy farms. It covers topics such as trips, falls, cow attack safety, moving dairy cows safely, escape routes, ask your supervisor for help and ani... More
Farm Safety: Rural Road Safety

Farm Safety: Rural Road Safety

Traffic accidents can occur in an instant. Recognize some of the challenges faced by both slow moving vehicle operators and other road users and learn how both can better share the road safely with others.... More
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