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Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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B.C. farmers worry about more Avian flu transmission

B.C. farmers worry about more Avian flu transmission

Farmers in B.C.'s Fraser Valley are on edge: at least 10 farms have been affected by the virus, two of them being larger commercial operations. Previous Avian flu outbreaks resulted in the culling of millions of birds.... More
Genomic Technology Sheds Light on Salmonella Serotypes in Breeder Flocks

Genomic Technology Sheds Light on Salmonella Serotypes in Breeder Flocks

A technology called CRISPR-SeroSeq, which amplifies a section of the Salmonella genome, is helping paint a clearer picture of the serotypes circulating in breeder flocks.... More
Corteva: Helping You Steward the Land

Corteva: Helping You Steward the Land

Pasture. It’s your lowest-cost feed source. We’ve got a look at some Range & Pasture products from Corteva Agriscience that can help you meet any challenge and grow the best pasture to maximize your profit potential.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Finally, Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses bermudagrass pastures and why it may be important to fertilize in drought stricken areas.... More
Intro to Ration Balancing

Intro to Ration Balancing

Intro to Ration Balancing | NS Perennia... More
Lambs Want To Be Out On Pasture...Or Do They?

Lambs Want To Be Out On Pasture...Or Do They?

Today we let the newly weaned Dorset ewe lambs out on pasture for the first time. Most people believe that sheep automatically want to be outside and that is only natural. But reality is not always like that. Our lambs were born in the winter which in Canada means there was lots of snow and cold... More
Underwater Harvesting (BC Farmers

Underwater Harvesting (BC Farmers' Market Trail Stories, Haida Gwaii BC)

You harvest with a lot of love and devotion, and be grateful that that forest is going to give you something to put on a plate, a beautiful meal.”... More

Feds Battle Rabies in Wildlife

Feds Battle Rabies in Wildlife

Viruses carry a certain bit of known and unknown to them. Even after chemist Louis Pasteur’s discoveries in the areas of pasteurization, microbial fermentation and vaccination - some of the viruses he fought to remove from our lives remain.... More
What grains in swine feed may be providing more energy than we predict? - Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra

What grains in swine feed may be providing more energy than we predict? - Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra

Accurately defining our nutrient loadings when formulating diets is essential for nutritionists. If we are not accounting for enough enough energy from hindgut fermentation, we may be over feeding energy during certain stages of production.... More
Dr. Brent Sexton: Utilizing different PEDv vaccination strategies in sow herds

Dr. Brent Sexton: Utilizing different PEDv vaccination strategies in sow herds

Even with different types of vaccines available for PEDv, it still is a common issue that swine farms struggle with. In this episode, Dr. Clayton Johnson interviews Dr. Brent Sexton about his experiencies with PEDv vaccines and how he has been utilizing a different vaccination method to try and ... More
Weaning Pigs & Prepping for Corn Planting

Weaning Pigs & Prepping for Corn Planting

We weaned 1360 pigs and worked on getting equipment ready for planting corn.... More
Sustainable egg production (BC Farmers

Sustainable egg production (BC Farmers' Market Trail Stories, Cobble Hill BC)

“It’s amazing to have that instant and immediate customer feedback where people have a direct relationship with us as farmers. They know us and they trust us.”... More
Lonestar Game Face 313J aka NICK

Lonestar Game Face 313J aka NICK

This bull was bought of the 83 South Simmental Bull Sale back in March of this year, 2022. In the words of Nick Fletcher himself... '' These calves come with a lot of style, muscle tone, great feet and the females have great udders.''... More
A Nursery For Newborns

A Nursery For Newborns

Setting the nursery in pasture! We have twins!... More
How-To: Udder Scoring Cattle

How-To: Udder Scoring Cattle

HOW-TO: UDDER SCORING CATTLE Guidelines and examples explaining how to udder score your cattle to improve the accuracy of your genetic evaluation.... More
HPAI - Dr. Don Reynolds

HPAI - Dr. Don Reynolds

NL Professor and Poultry Veterinarian Dr. Don Reynolds gives us an update on HPAI and how it has impacted both industrial and small flocks around our region. With multiple poultry mortalities Nebraska Extension is currently seeking sources of carbon material for composting purposes.... More
Ritchie Industries: Livestock Watering Leaders

Ritchie Industries: Livestock Watering Leaders

Ritchie automatic waterers have set the standard in quality for nearly a century. We learn more about the company's automatic livestock waterers and how they can help your operation.... More
Meatpackers Created False Shortage

Meatpackers Created False Shortage

Meatpackers worked with the Trump Administration to create the perception of a meat shortage during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.... More
Grillscrest Farms – Part 1 – Taking the next step with GEA AMS

Grillscrest Farms – Part 1 – Taking the next step with GEA AMS

Amy and Scott Grills of Grillscrest Farms in Frankford, Ontario brought their dairy facility forward to the next step. They were in an old tie-stall barn and decided to go for a new build with a GEA DairyRobot R9500. From Day 1, Wood’s Dairy Source has accompanied them through every step of the ... More
EWE ARE EVICTED!! | fixing BAD ideas, reaching BIG MILESTONES, and we have a SQUATTER

EWE ARE EVICTED!! | fixing BAD ideas, reaching BIG MILESTONES, and we have a SQUATTER

Back in the sheep barn this week cleaning up some loose ends... literally. My big idea of running water through the nanny to help wean the bottle lambs backfired.... More
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