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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Legend Organic Farm | Saskatchewan | Know Your Farmer

Legend Organic Farm | Saskatchewan | Know Your Farmer

Legend Organic Farm is a unique operation, as it was created by a large brand (privately held by a socially-conscious family) and is certified with the Real Organic Project. Nature's Path was founded in 1985 and produces a plethora of grain-based products, including breakfast cereals, tortillas,... More
New flock of chickens coming in what we do to get ready

New flock of chickens coming in what we do to get ready

We are a family farm in Ontario showing you what we do on our farm to produce eggs and what goes on day to day. Every day we do chores, gather eggs and make feed. On our farm we plant the crops and harvest them to feed the chickens, also we start our laying hens from day old chicks and raise the... More
Sheep Farming: Building A Creep Pen For Lambs

Sheep Farming: Building A Creep Pen For Lambs

Today at Ewetopia Farms, sheep farming meant getting the final creep pen for Suffolk groups 5 & 6 built. We setup our creep pens in a way that is efficient for us and is well liked by the lambs. We also managed to get some manure cleaned out of several pens.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, explains which countries are the largest importers of beef.... More
Ohio Lawmakers Pass Multiple Bills Important To Agriculture

Ohio Lawmakers Pass Multiple Bills Important To Agriculture

Lawmakers in Columbus passed multiple bills recently that, because of their significance to agriculture, Ohio Farm Bureau has been advocating for. Learn about legislation adopted to help new and beginning farmers, a bill that created guidelines for lease agreements and a boost for funding throug... More
How E-Commerce is Impacting the Beef Industry

How E-Commerce is Impacting the Beef Industry

Electronic commerce – or e-commerce – is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It’s a popular way to do business – especially during the pandemic. We have a closer look at the impact of e-commerce on the beef industry - both now and in the future.... More
Assembling molasses lick tanks and the steers finally came down to the yard

Assembling molasses lick tanks and the steers finally came down to the yard

Assembling molasses lick tanks and the steers finally came down to the yard | Millionaire Farmer... More

Adding lysine to pigs’ summer diets, with Dr. Qingyun Li

Adding lysine to pigs’ summer diets, with Dr. Qingyun Li

Adding lysine to pigs’ summer diets, with Dr. Qingyun Li | Swine Campus | Swine it... More
How can swine producers improve profits by considering summer strategies? - Dr. Matt Ritter

How can swine producers improve profits by considering summer strategies? - Dr. Matt Ritter

How can swine producers improve profits by considering summer strategies? - Dr. Matt Ritter | Swine Campus | Swine it... More
Impact of the Ukraine-Russia War on the Meat and Livestock Value Chain

Impact of the Ukraine-Russia War on the Meat and Livestock Value Chain

The Ukraine-Russia war is straining an already stressed global supply chain and increasing volatility in commodity markets. Last week, NPB hosted a Pork Checkoff-funded webinar to provide analysis on the current situation to pork producers.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, continues his series on management considerations for replacement heifers.... More
Sheep Barn/Housing: Why We Built the Barn We Did!

Sheep Barn/Housing: Why We Built the Barn We Did!

What kind of barn should I build if getting into sheep farming or looking to expand my sheep operation? This is a big question for many people, and we get alot of people asking us about our barn, so hopefully this video answers some questions you may have.... More
Dairy Farm, Ontario Canada | Slurry Management System installation

Dairy Farm, Ontario Canada | Slurry Management System installation

Dairy Farmer, Tom Boon is based in Ontario, Canada. He explains why he opted to install The EASYFIX Slurry Technology and the benefits he has seen since the installation of the Aeration System.... More
I could hear EWE a MILE away! | one LOUD mama, one BLACK leg & BILLY

I could hear EWE a MILE away! | one LOUD mama, one BLACK leg & BILLY'S MAMA LAMBED!

IT'S GO TIME! Once again, the ewes know the weekend is approaching... and so is their desire to lamb. Lots of saves, and more issues with weak lambs.... More
Big Picture Outcomes for the Beef x Dairy Trend

Big Picture Outcomes for the Beef x Dairy Trend

The idea of crossbreeding dairy cows to beef sires has become a growing practice on dairies. We have a closer look at this trend, and how it’s a win-win for both the beef and dairy industries.... More
Sheep Farming: How To Handle Lots Of Lambs

Sheep Farming: How To Handle Lots Of Lambs

Today at Ewetopia Farms, we spent the day trying to get caught up after shearing yesterday. It is amazing how just one day away from normal routines can set you back on a farm. So after, putting out fresh bedding to all four barns, we started getting our different lamb groups organized so that t... More
Avian Influenza and Small Flocks, NS 2022

Avian Influenza and Small Flocks, NS 2022

Hear an update on Avian Influenza (as of March 30, 2022) and how Nova Scotia poultry are impacted. Learn what you can do to help protect your birds, what to do if your birds seem sick, and what to expect if you or someone near by has avian influenza in their flock, and more! This webinar was int... More
Avian Influenza in Oklahoma

Avian Influenza in Oklahoma

Dr. Rod Hall, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry state veterinarian, has information on the recent confirmed case of avian influenza in the state.... More
COVID Discovery in Pig Cells Could Lead to Human Treatments

COVID Discovery in Pig Cells Could Lead to Human Treatments

Recent revelations in China have health authorities circling back to a large live animal food market in Wuhan as the genesis of the coronavirus pandemic.... More
Addressing Both Pasture Fertility and Weed Control

Addressing Both Pasture Fertility and Weed Control

Cattle producers know the value of grazed forages - and improving pasture production means better feed for your cattle and more profit potential for your operation.... More
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