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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
Beef Cattle Videos (1189) ›Dairy Cattle Videos (407) ›
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Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, provides an update on wheat pasture and guidance on navigating higher feed costs this winter.... More
Cattle and Climate Preview

Cattle and Climate Preview

University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department Head of Animal Science, Clint Krehbiel, gives us a preview and attendance information for the upcoming Heuermann Lecture on October 25th. For more information visit: More
Unloading Baby Pigs & The Start To Harvest

Unloading Baby Pigs & The Start To Harvest

Start To Harvest 2021- In this one Sawyer and Tork start by unloading the last set of baby weaner pigs for site 2. Next the boys set up the auger on the drying bin, then the start of harvest kicks off, Finally Tork finishes up his loading wall at site 1.... More
How can we define sows

How can we define sows' productivity - Dr. Ken Stalder

How can we define sows' productivity - Dr. Ken Stalder | Swine it... More
How NPB is Building Public Trust to Protect Freedom to Operate

How NPB is Building Public Trust to Protect Freedom to Operate

The Pork Checkoff is on a mission to grow public trust and protect producers’ freedom to operate. Pig farmers are committed to sustainability and doing what’s right for people, pigs and the planet, and we're sharing that story.... More
Nutrient requirements for a sick pig - Dr. Dan Columbus

Nutrient requirements for a sick pig - Dr. Dan Columbus

Nutrient requirements for a sick pig - Dr. Dan Columbus | Swine it... More
Sorting Our May Born Lambs

Sorting Our May Born Lambs

Join us as we feed sheep, spread straw and sort lambs! We have a new handling system and put it to use to separate the males from the females!... More

Touring New Dairy Barn With 50 Stall Rotary Parlour!

Touring New Dairy Barn With 50 Stall Rotary Parlour!

SaskDutch Kid - Touring New Dairy Barn With 50 Stall Rotary Parlour!... More
Advancing Your Cattle Handling Techniques

Advancing Your Cattle Handling Techniques

We talk with an expert on cattle handling techniques, Dr. Ron Gill... More
Heavy Use Area Protection

Heavy Use Area Protection

Heavy Use Area Protection is a way to stabilize a ground surface that is frequently and intensively used by people, animals, or vehicles. This video explores how Ronnie Cook of Wagener, South Carolina, implemented the heavy use area conservation practice on his beef operation.... More
Rural Ramble: Tuff Tire Watering Troughs

Rural Ramble: Tuff Tire Watering Troughs

In this edition of Rural Ramble on the Road, Dan visits with Ian Sculthorpe at South 50 Farms to chat about their Tuff Tire pasture watering troughs.... More
Sheep Farming: Bottle Lambs

Sheep Farming: Bottle Lambs

A look at what is involved with feeding bottle lambs.... More
First Cows in New Pack Barn!

First Cows in New Pack Barn!

SaskDutch Kid - First Cows in New Pack Barn!... More
USMEF Brings Together Beef Exporters and Latin American Buyers

USMEF Brings Together Beef Exporters and Latin American Buyers

More than 130 red meat buyers from 21 countries across Central and South America and the Caribbean gathered in San Jose, Costa Rica, for the 10th anniversary edition of the U.S. Meat Export Federation Latin American Product Showcase. We take you inside this event and explain how it helps improve... More
Manure Know-How — Management and Handling of Manure Safety

Manure Know-How — Management and Handling of Manure Safety

Manure produced from pigs is a valuable nutrient source for crops and an important component of the pork industry’s sustainability story. However, manure has a downside. It produces gases that can be harmful to people and pigs as it breaks down.... More
The best fiber for finishing pigs - Dr. Tom Weber

The best fiber for finishing pigs - Dr. Tom Weber

The best fiber for finishing pigs - Dr. Tom Weber | Swine it... More
Mycotoxins on finishing pigs

Mycotoxins on finishing pigs' diets - Dr. Dan Columbus

Mycotoxins on finishing pigs' diets - Dr. Dan Columbus | Swine it... More

Canada's Agriculture Day - Pig Farm Tour

Join us to tour an Ontario pig farm!... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Beef Cattle Milk Production

Cow-Calf Corner - Beef Cattle Milk Production

OSU Extension beef cattle specialist Dave Lalman shares research findings on how management practices can impact lactation potential in beef cattle.... More
High Nitrate Forage

High Nitrate Forage

Drought can cause many headaches for producers dealing with nitrate in standing forage. UNL Beef Systems specialist, Mary Drewnoski gives us some suggestions for dealing with forage that may be high in nitrate. More
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