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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Sunday Morning Feeding and Trying Out the New Concrete!

Sunday Morning Feeding and Trying Out the New Concrete!

SaskDutch Kid - Sunday Morning Feeding and Trying Out the New Concrete!... More
Addressing Beef Industry Sustainability Misconceptions

Addressing Beef Industry Sustainability Misconceptions

NCBA and the Beef Checkoff work hard to ensure that when consumers hit the meat case, they choose beef.... More
Transportation Challenges Post-Ida Relates to Infrastructure Needs

Transportation Challenges Post-Ida Relates to Infrastructure Needs

Much of the floodwater from Hurricane Ida has receded - but the damage is done. High water contributed to dozens of deaths and the winds knocked down transmission lines that feed the New Orleans area.... More
Preparing for Tough Times Final

Preparing for Tough Times Final

In agriculture, so many things are out of our reach. The same can be said of many professions. Preparing for the tough times, and taking heart that you've done your best, and that you're in the right job, can help you get through to the better times.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Calving in High Heat

Cow-Calf Corner - Calving in High Heat

Mark Johnson has information on calving in high temperatures.... More
EPA Releases Inspection Report of Ace Black Ranch

EPA Releases Inspection Report of Ace Black Ranch

Ace Black Ranch finally got an inspection report from the EPA. That’s after a summer of struggling with drought and heat issues.... More
Federation of State Beef Councils: Putting Checkoff Dollars to Work

Federation of State Beef Councils: Putting Checkoff Dollars to Work

The Federation of State Beef Councils is made up of the Qualified State Beef Councils that collect the $1 per-head beef checkoff that is divided among many great programs that help to increase consumer demand.... More

Sheep Farming: Fall Lambing Begins

Sheep Farming: Fall Lambing Begins

Not quite fall, but our fall lambing groups have started to lamb.... More
Ted Bouvier- Livestock Integration

Ted Bouvier- Livestock Integration

Ted Bouvier runs an organic farm in the beautiful valley near Beulah, Manitoba. In this video Ted talks about how he uses cattle to manage the land in a year of adverse conditions.... More
Understanding Beef Consumers

Understanding Beef Consumers

For many years, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, as a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, has conducted market research to better understand consumers and their views about beef. Shawn Darcy, NCBA's Senior Director of Market Research, provides insight on the long-term value of these effo... More
The most important pig in America, Idaho Pasture Pigs

The most important pig in America, Idaho Pasture Pigs

Our sow, Meredith had her first litter 2 months ago. 7 barrows and 3 gilts. she nursed every single one them until weaning time. The piglets were skittish at first, but with constant socialization they are becoming more friendly towards humans.... More
360 farrower – indoor breeding

360 farrower – indoor breeding

360 farrower – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
How fiber acts in sows? - Dr. Tom Weber

How fiber acts in sows? - Dr. Tom Weber

How fiber acts in sows? - Dr. Tom Weber | Swine it... More
Alternative ingredients in swine nutrition - Dr. Pedro Urriola

Alternative ingredients in swine nutrition - Dr. Pedro Urriola

Alternative ingredients in swine nutrition - Dr. Pedro Urriola | Swine it... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Jeff French

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Jeff French

Ida leaves a trail of destruction from Louisiana to the Northeast. Flooding concerns loom as harvest nears. Exploring the efforts to repeal rabies. Market analysis with Jeff French.... More
How NCBA Develops Its Policy Positions

How NCBA Develops Its Policy Positions

Mark Eisele, Policy Chair of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association and a Wyoming cattle producer, explains how NCBA develops its policy priorities and shares some of the issues that are top of mind for the industry.... More
Blister Beetle Management

Blister Beetle Management

Nebraska Extension Entomology Educator Dave Boxler discusses blister beetles and how to mitigate the risk of poisoning to horses and other forage grazers.... More
Vet Scripts - Ivermectin

Vet Scripts - Ivermectin

Rosslyn Biggs explains why people should not consume medicine developed for animals.... More
EWE IN or EWE OUT? ?? | Here we GROW again! *sorta...

EWE IN or EWE OUT? ?? | Here we GROW again! *sorta...

WE ARE MOVING SHEEP! Some weaning... Some sorting... Some cleaning... and... SOME NEW ADDITIONS BROUGHT BACK TO THE FLOCK!... More
Durham Region beef farm tour!

Durham Region beef farm tour!

Thanks for checking out Breakfast from the Farm in Lindsay! Want to learn more about farming in the region or Ontario? Watch this video or check out our other Ontario farm tour videos here: More
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