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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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I Had To Get This Off Her Hoof

I Had To Get This Off Her Hoof

SaskDutch Kid - I Had To Get This Off Her Hoof... More
Researching Feed Efficiency

Researching Feed Efficiency

Dave Lalman has an update on a cattle on forage efficiency study.... More
Applying Swine Manure on Emerged Corn Provides Efficient Use of Nutrients

Applying Swine Manure on Emerged Corn Provides Efficient Use of Nutrients

Over the top broadcast application of liquid swine manure provides nutrients to growing corn up to the V3 stage of growth. Minimal damage is done to the total plant population of the application area.... More
Maximizing Productivity Starts in the Pasture

Maximizing Productivity Starts in the Pasture

Producers who manage their forage resources well also maximize their profit potential. Damon Palmer, Pasture & Land Management Leader for Corteva Agriscience, explains how improving grass resource can really pay off for cattle producers.... More
Crate versus pen: stress behavior in sows - Dr. John McGlone

Crate versus pen: stress behavior in sows - Dr. John McGlone

Crate versus pen: stress behavior in sows - Dr. John McGlone | Swine it... More
Selling Fat Hogs Here In Iowa

Selling Fat Hogs Here In Iowa

Selling Fat Hogs On A Family Farm: In this one the boys start off the day with some snow removal and opening up frozen bin slides. Then it’s on to sorting and loading 3 loads of fat hogs at Site 2.... More
Sheep Farming: Feeding Newly Shorn Sheep

Sheep Farming: Feeding Newly Shorn Sheep

Sheep Farming: Feeding Newly Shorn Sheep | Ewetopia Farms... More

Installing New Salt Block Holders In Our Barn!

Installing New Salt Block Holders In Our Barn!

SaskDutch Kid - Installing New Salt Block Holders In Our Barn!... More
Forage Management During Drought

Forage Management During Drought

Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky explains ways to cultivate a grazing and forage management plan during and after drought.... More
Getting Started With a Weed Control Program

Getting Started With a Weed Control Program

Damon Palmer, Pasture & Land Management Leader for Corteva Agriscience explains how to identify a weed problem in your pasture. Then Scott Flynn of Corteva Agriscience offers some helpful advice on how to determine what products you need to fight invasive species.... More
As it turns out Episode 5: Livestock Price Insurance (LPI)

As it turns out Episode 5: Livestock Price Insurance (LPI)

Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association - As it turns out Episode 5: Livestock Price Insurance (LPI)... More
Hoof Trimmer On Canadian Dairy!

Hoof Trimmer On Canadian Dairy!

SaskDutch Kid - Hoof Trimmer On Canadian Dairy!... More
Can Farmers Use Antibiotics?

Can Farmers Use Antibiotics?

Farmers can use antibiotics in chicken farming to protect the health and welfare of the birds. Antibiotics are given to treat the birds when they are sick, and to prevent them from getting sick in the first place.... More
Misconceptions About Compensatory Growth in Pigs - Dr. Mariana Menegat

Misconceptions About Compensatory Growth in Pigs - Dr. Mariana Menegat

Imagine if with a few key concepts you could have the potential to create a massive positive impact for swine producers?... More
Eliminating Weed Competition Improves Pasture Productivity

Eliminating Weed Competition Improves Pasture Productivity

Damon Palmer, Pasture & Land Management Leader for Corteva Agriscience talks about how Corteva helps ranchers meet their land goals.... More
Molecular Test Helps Identify Pathogenicity in New Strains of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus

Molecular Test Helps Identify Pathogenicity in New Strains of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus

A genetic technique which could help improve predictions about the virulence of infectious bursal disease (IBDV) has identified pathogenicity in seven new strains of the virus which causes an immunosuppressive condition.... More
Extension Explains - New Equine Technology

Extension Explains - New Equine Technology

Kris Hiney tells us how artificial light can help horses start cycling.... More

IT'S HAPPENING!!! | Spring Lambing 2021

What started out as a tough weekend, has most definitely turned a corner this afternoon! And wait until you see what she had!!!... More
Aquaculture and Aquaponics Specialist Mike McQuire

Aquaculture and Aquaponics Specialist Mike McQuire

Mike McQuire, the Aquaculture and Aquaponics Specialist from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, chats with Kaylee Moore from the Ontario of Aquaculture Research Station about his current role and how it helps support the aquaculture industry in Ontario.... More
Middle of Winter Chores on Dairy Farm!

Middle of Winter Chores on Dairy Farm!

SaskDutch Kid - Middle of Winter Chores on Dairy Farm!... More
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