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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Convey Genetic Potential, Reap Rewards

Convey Genetic Potential, Reap Rewards

Assistant director of supply management and analysis for the Certified Angus Beef brand, gives tips for marketing commercial feeder calves.... More
The History, Usage, and Preservation of Native Clover

The History, Usage, and Preservation of Native Clover

Most forages commercially grown in the United States today have origins in other continents. Many native plants, including grasses, clovers, and forbs, have been forgotten and underutilized since the time prior to European settlement of North America.... More
CFAP Testimonial

CFAP Testimonial

Connecticut producer Ned Ellis shares his CFAP experience.... More
GEA Bidirectional Blades

GEA Bidirectional Blades

See the GEA bidirectional blades in action! A great option for center manure drops.... More
3 Big Cattle Costs

3 Big Cattle Costs

Beef Systems Extension Educator Aaron Berger discusses the three largest expenses for cattle producers and the best ways to manage them.... More
Forage mixtures for animal health

Forage mixtures for animal health

Grant Lastiwka shares thoughts about forage stands, forage mixes and management. He talks about the forage trials taking place across Alberta trying different crops and crop mixes. The trials will also explore various management tactics.... More
What Is Antibiotic Resistance?

What Is Antibiotic Resistance?

Resistance is when bacteria stop responding, or don’t respond as well, to antibiotics. It’s a phenomenon that pre-dates man made antibiotics, however, any antibiotic use, in humans OR animals, can lead to resistance.... More

Pork Producers Recovering From COVID Collapse

Pork Producers Recovering From COVID Collapse

Pork producers in South Dakota and the region are recovering after the collapse of the meat processing sector and their markets due to COVID. Michelle Rook reports the industry outlook is improved for 2021 and that's also good news for soybean farmers and consumers.Heartland Consumer Report on ... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Stage 1 of Calving

Cow-Calf Corner - Stage 1 of Calving

Glenn Selk walks us through the first stage of calving.... More
How and Why We Tag Our Sheep

How and Why We Tag Our Sheep

This video shows us how we go about tagging our sheep and also the reason for why we need to do this.... More
Aquaculture in Ontario, Canada

Aquaculture in Ontario, Canada

Join Dr. Marcia Chiasson, Manager at the Ontario Aquaculture Research Centre, as we discuss what the aquaculture industry looks like in Ontario, Canada.... More
Vet Scripts - Backyard Chickens & Biosecurity

Vet Scripts - Backyard Chickens & Biosecurity

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information for backyard poultry growers.... More
Water: Essential Nutrient Often Overlooked in Pigs

Water: Essential Nutrient Often Overlooked in Pigs

Water doesn’t get the attention it deserves because it is abundant, easy to access and inexpensive, but that will change in the future, said John Patience, PhD, professor of animal science at Iowa State University.... More
The biggest mistake about pig creep feeding - Dr. Rommel Sulabo

The biggest mistake about pig creep feeding - Dr. Rommel Sulabo

The biggest mistake about pig creep feeding - Dr. Rommel Sulabo | Swine it... More
How Hog Farmers Pump Manure 101

How Hog Farmers Pump Manure 101

How Hog Farmers Pump Manure: In this one the boys give y'all a whole rundown on how they pump manure out of their hog barns. From the pit of the building, to the manure pump, to out to the field. Everything will be covered.... More
Caring for Turkeys

Caring for Turkeys

In this video, Canadian turkey farmers Kathryn and Clair talk about the level of care and attention that goes into raising their flocks of turkeys. From housing to ventilation, biosecurity and nutrition, you’ll learn about it all here.... More
Combat Seasonal Infertility with Strong Husbandry

Combat Seasonal Infertility with Strong Husbandry

Seasonal infertility continues to be a widespread problem for sow herds across the US.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Giving Assistance to Heifers

Cow-Calf Corner - Giving Assistance to Heifers

Glenn Selk explains how a difficult birth can impact a cow’s chances for calving success in the future.... More
How the NRCS Can Help Improve your Operation

How the NRCS Can Help Improve your Operation's Productivity

In the cattle business, getting the most out of available natural resources is important to maximizing production.... More
Vet Scripts - Pet Food Recall

Vet Scripts - Pet Food Recall

Dr. Barry Whitworth tells us about a pet food recall and how to tell if our dogs may have been impacted.... More
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