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Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Hospitals offer inspiration for next-generation poultry biosecurity tools

Hospitals offer inspiration for next-generation poultry biosecurity tools

Researchers in Canada are looking to human hospitals as inspiration for developing next-generation techniques to improve biosecurity on poultry farms.... More
Spreading the Straw

Spreading the Straw

Rams running through the straw we put out for them is a lot easier than forking it out. And it's good exercise for the rams.... More
A Look Inside A Pig Barn and the Safety of U.S. Food

A Look Inside A Pig Barn and the Safety of U.S. Food

It is no secret that the United States has the safest, healthiest and most affordable food supply in the world. Pork producers work hard everyday to make that happen. But a recent news story tried to put some doubt in consumers' minds about the nation's pork industry.... More
Control key to protecting flocks from more virulent, resistant E. coli

Control key to protecting flocks from more virulent, resistant E. coli

In poultry production, Escherichia coli has long had a reputation as an opportunist, causing infection only after a primary pathogen had first cleared the way.... More
The capability of traceability

The capability of traceability

Joe Leathers, General Manager of Texas-based 6666 Ranch and co-chair of the Producer Traceability Council, talks about the need and opportunities surrounding the federal disease traceability program now in development.... More
Strategies to move more pigs from birth to harvest

Strategies to move more pigs from birth to harvest

Litter sizes on US hog farms have steadily increased over the past couple of decades, with 14, 16, even 20 pigs per litter commonplace. But that’s a good-news/bad-news development as those large litters often come at a price, which is more low-birthweight piglets.... More
Swine Herd Health Basics

Swine Herd Health Basics

Dr. Andrew Bents discusses the three pillars of a successful swine herd health program; vaccinations, responsible antibiotic use and a good biosecurity program.... More

Soaring pork prices push up Chinese food costs

Soaring pork prices push up Chinese food costs

Soaring pork prices that nearly doubled in December over a year ago kept inflation at a seven-year high despite government efforts to ease meat shortages caused by a disease outbreak, official data showed Thursday.... More


Afrim | Dairy Ontario... More
Meet Chris Hoffman - 2019 America

Meet Chris Hoffman - 2019 America's Pig Farmer of the Year Finalist

Growing up with a love of animals, Chris Hoffman has worked his way up to owning a pig farm now that sells 34,000 pig annually. Hoffman focuses on animal well-being on his farrow-to-finish farm. Additionally, he raises more than 235,000 broilers a year.... More
Exploring Water Quality and Swine Health

Exploring Water Quality and Swine Health

Researchers at the University of Minnesota in collaboration with the Minnesota Pork Board and Christensen Farms are working at the West Central Research and Outreach Center to learn more about how the quality of water supplied to nursery pigs might affect their health and performance.... More
Farming is a Community Effort: Mensink Farms

Farming is a Community Effort: Mensink Farms

Laughter in the good times and support into the future. That's what it's like to be a pig farmer who cares. Dave Mensink explains how he brings these principles to life in his community.... More
Topigs Norsvin Research PRRS

Topigs Norsvin Research PRRS

Topigs Norsvin Research PRRS | Topigs Norsvin... More
Wet Dry Feeder-Finisher Pig Care

Wet Dry Feeder-Finisher Pig Care

Feeder adjustment is important to reduce wastage but allow proper intake. Learn what to look for in a properly set feeder and proper micron size for ground feeds.... More
Animal Care on Pig Farms: Morris Murphy Shows Why It’s His No. 1 Priority

Animal Care on Pig Farms: Morris Murphy Shows Why It’s His No. 1 Priority

Morris Murphy uses high-tech modern barns to care for his pigs. Why? It’s two-fold. First, consumers expect animal care to be a priority for farmers and second, and most importantly, it’s the right thing to do.... More
Producing Safe Food: Justin Edwards’ We Care Commitment

Producing Safe Food: Justin Edwards’ We Care Commitment

Every day Justin Edwards makes countless decisions on his pig farm, and each decision he makes is guided by producing safe food. He believes that providing nutritious, safe food is the most important thing that he does on his farm.... More
The Highest Environmental Standards: Langdon Farms Shows We Care

The Highest Environmental Standards: Langdon Farms Shows We Care

For three generations, John Langdon and his family have raised pigs on the same land and worked hard to be the most sustainable and kind to the land as possible.... More
Caring For Bummer (BOTTLE) Lambs

Caring For Bummer (BOTTLE) Lambs

Ideally, I wouldn't have any... but with a prolific flock, unfortunately, I have to pull some lambs off as mom can't support much more than 2 lambs at a time. I have left a few triplets in the pen with mom, but have had to keep a close eye on them to ensure they haven't gone backwards.... More
Evaluating the piglet grimace scale as a method of acute pain assessment

Evaluating the piglet grimace scale as a method of acute pain assessment

Maria Lou is an Animal Science graduate student conducting research on the piglet grimace scale, which identifies and assesses changes in facial expression when an animal is experiencing acute pain.... More
Three keys to successful IBV control

Three keys to successful IBV control

Highly contagious and constantly evolving, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is notoriously difficult to control. According to the University of Georgia’s Mark Jackwood, vaccination is critical to keeping flocks protected — but vaccinating properly is key.... More
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