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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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6 Steps For Successful OUT-OF-SEASON Breeding in Sheep

6 Steps For Successful OUT-OF-SEASON Breeding in Sheep

6 Steps For Successful Out-of-Season Breeding in Sheep | Sandi Brock... More
Federal Rules and Regulations Update

Federal Rules and Regulations Update

For years, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association has been leading the fight against unnecessary and burdensome regulations. Scott Yager, NCBA’s Chief Environmental Counsel, has the latest on some of the federal rules and regulations that could have an impact on cattle producers.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains why it’s important to let bulls determine dominance before the breeding season.... More
Prof. Ben Bohrer (meat and animal-derived products)

Prof. Ben Bohrer (meat and animal-derived products)

Ben Bohrer is a professor in the Department of Food Science who researches meat and other animal derived products.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel talks about the economic impact African Swine Fever had in countries like China.... More
Guarding Pigs Against PRRS

Guarding Pigs Against PRRS

Hiep Vu, UNL Assistant Professor of Animal Science, explains porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and the impacts it can have on a swine operation.... More
Mycoplasma elimination possible, but more difficult on farrow-to-finish sites

Mycoplasma elimination possible, but more difficult on farrow-to-finish sites

With the right program in place, eliminating mycoplasma pneumonia is possible on many hog farms. Farrow-to-finish sites are still the most difficult to clean up, however, reported Swine Vet Center’s Paul Yeske, DVM.... More

Maple Leaf Foods – 360° View: Explore a Sow Barn

Maple Leaf Foods – 360° View: Explore a Sow Barn

Maple Leaf Foods – 360° View: Explore a Sow Barn | Maple Leaf Food Corp... More
Alliance Genetics Canada Swine Genetics

Alliance Genetics Canada Swine Genetics

At Alliance Genetics Canada we continually challenge ourselves to go beyond “best” to make our swine customers more successful. We offer the best in Canadian Swine Genetics and lead the industry with genetic improvement, research, testing and performance.... More
Nursery Pig Care - Mat and Gruel Feeding

Nursery Pig Care - Mat and Gruel Feeding

Feeding pigs on a mat or using a gruel are two key ways to promote feed intake. Watch as Jamie Pietig shows how to mix gruel and feed it to young pigs.... More
African Swine Fever (11/02/19)

African Swine Fever (11/02/19)

We take a look at how Oklahoma officials are preparing should African Swine Fever ever surface in the United States.... More
A Little Story about Land Stewardship

A Little Story about Land Stewardship

NRCS worked with Twin Brook Creamery near Lynden, WA to install steel tanks as an alternative to earthen lagoons, eliminating the potential for seepage into groundwater.... More
Benefits of a New Holland Forage Harvester

Benefits of a New Holland Forage Harvester

Higher quality feed can make a real difference in an operation's bottom line. See how some custom forage operators in California are using equipment from New Holland to produce a better product for their customers.... More
Livestock Markets with Lee Schulz

Livestock Markets with Lee Schulz

Iowa State University Livestock Economist Lee Schulz explains what the recent Cattle on Feed report suggests about where the market is headed. Lee also analyzes prices and export opportunities for beef and pork.... More
Minnesota Cattleman Talks Policy Issues

Minnesota Cattleman Talks Policy Issues

Don Schiefelbein, a Minnesota cattleman and Policy Chair for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, shares his thoughts on the current state of the beef industry and some of the policy issues that are top of mind for NCBA.... More
How NCBA Grows Consumer Demand for Beef

How NCBA Grows Consumer Demand for Beef

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association, through Beef Checkoff funded programs, works to grow consumer demand for beef.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Maintaining Body Condition

Cow-Calf Corner - Maintaining Body Condition

Glenn Selk has information on how changes in body condition scores of cattle can impact rebreeding.... More
Dairy at Guelph at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre

Dairy at Guelph at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre

Dr. Trevor Devries, Dr. Stephen Leblanc and Dr. Christine Baes discuss Dairy at Guelph, a cross-faculty group that was created by professors who want to improve contacts and communications amongst all University of Guelph research teams that conduct research work related to dairy.... More
Building the Pigs a Place in the Barn - Project List

Building the Pigs a Place in the Barn - Project List

Bitter cold temperatures drive us inside. Into the barn, where we not only try to keep ourselves warm but help out the pigs by building them a new way into the barn and their own private stall.... More
Unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers tied to breeders

Unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers tied to breeders

An unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers underscores the importance of obtaining a good history and obtaining input from bird caretakers, David French, DVM, a staff veterinarian with Sanderson Farms, told Poultry Health Today.... More
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