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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Swine (142) ›
Video:  Pig Farming: "Modern Trends in Swine Production" 1961; Hog Farm Practices

Video: Pig Farming: "Modern Trends in Swine Production" 1961; Hog Farm Practices

Check out this 1960s film on swine production. See how the industry has developed in the past fifty years... More
Video:  2016 Lifetime Acheivement Award: Jim Haggins

Video: 2016 Lifetime Acheivement Award: Jim Haggins

Honours individuals who have played an integral role in advancing the pork industry in Alberta and celebrates their long-term commitment and unwavering dedication to the industry.... More
Video:  CanFax Market Drivers Report - November

Video: CanFax Market Drivers Report - November

CanFax Market Drivers Report, Brian talks about why there has been some market improvement after a year of volatility and down trending markets, the effect a weaker Canadian dollar is having and why there will be a lot meat coming on to the market in 2017.... More
Angus VNR: Beef Demand Up, Export Competition will Increase

Angus VNR: Beef Demand Up, Export Competition will Increase

Dan Basse, president of AgResource Company, talks about beef demand domestically and developing abroad. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
U.S. Meat Consumption - David Widmar

U.S. Meat Consumption - David Widmar

David Widmar, Purdue University agricultural economist, discusses U.S. meat consumption and per capita trends for beef, pork and poultry since 1970.... More
Video: Lely Vector testimonial - Glen South Farm - Ireland

Video: Lely Vector testimonial - Glen South Farm - Ireland

Lely Vector testimonial - Glen South Farm - Ireland... More
Video: Hog Market Analysis With Ron Plain

Video: Hog Market Analysis With Ron Plain

Ron Plain, University of Missouri Extension economist, analyzes hog market movements, pork exports and production numbers. ... More

Kansas Ranch Battles BRD With ZACTRAN

Kansas Ranch Battles BRD With ZACTRAN

We visit a Kansas operation that utilizes Merial's ZACTRAN to help control Bovine Respiratory Disease... More
Video: Effects of full fat or defatted rice bran and xylanase on growth performance of weanling pigs

Video: Effects of full fat or defatted rice bran and xylanase on growth performance of weanling pigs

Gloria Casas is a Ph. D. candidate in the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory. In this presentation, she discusses the effects of feeding full fat rice bran and defatted rice bran, without or with the addition of microbial xylanase, on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling ... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk says it’s important to select cows based on udder soundness. ... More
Video:  Red Tape, Lengthy Processes Delay New And Expanded Barns

Video: Red Tape, Lengthy Processes Delay New And Expanded Barns

Red tape, lengthy processes delay new and expanded barns.... More
Video:  Manitoba Sheep Association Tour

Video: Manitoba Sheep Association Tour

Manitoba Sheep Association Tour Near Altona... More
Video: Cattle Handling - Growing Winter Corn For Grazing

Video: Cattle Handling - Growing Winter Corn For Grazing

Dr. Bart Lardner a research scientist at the Western Beef Development Center in Lanigan, Saskatchewan,Canada discusses research they have done on winter corn grazing.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains how to estimate the amount of hay cattle producers need to get through the winter.... More
AGam In Kansas - Dr. Bob Larson With The BCI Pregnancy App

AGam In Kansas - Dr. Bob Larson With The BCI Pregnancy App

With the advent of phone technology and apps, that’s really provided us maybe the best opportunity to marry those two things, in that by collecting pregnancy data at the chute, when we’re collecting whether the cows are pregnant, how far along in pregnancy they are, their body condition, their a... More
What Is The Biggest Challenge For The Beef Industry

What Is The Biggest Challenge For The Beef Industry

We asked cattlemen and women from around the country what are some of the biggest challenges they see for the industry now and into 2017... More
Video: Video Tour of a Pork Plant Featuring Temple Grandin

Video: Video Tour of a Pork Plant Featuring Temple Grandin

A tour of a pork plant guided by Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University and widely considered to be the world's leading expert on humane animal handling at meat packing plants. This video provides an honest look at how pigs are handled at pork packing plants... More
Farm Factor - Josh Roe With Speciality Livestock Info

Farm Factor - Josh Roe With Speciality Livestock Info

Kyle and Josh who shares the importance of Specialty Livestock to the state.... More
Video: How to help a horse gain weight

Video: How to help a horse gain weight

Keeping weight on a “hard-keeping” horse can be a challenge. A common immediate response to horse weight gain is increasing the feed intake or switching to a higher calorie feed.... More
Video: How to weigh horse feed

Video: How to weigh horse feed

How do you measure your horse’s feed? It’s important to consider the nutrient levels in each of your horse feed scoops.... More
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