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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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The Power of the Snout

The Power of the Snout

Since 2018, research has been conducted at the Tsawwassen First Nation Farm School, located on Tsawwassen First Nation land in Delta, British Columbia. The study focused on determining best management practices for rotating grazing hogs in vegetable production. Research was conducted involving t... More
What Are We Seeing In Terms Of Pig Birth Weight?

What Are We Seeing In Terms Of Pig Birth Weight?

In this episode, Dr. Knauer talks about how genetics can have a huge impact on a sow and her litter performance. Besides talking about selection process criteria, Dr. Knauer also shares his knowledge and some updates on pig birth weight and what to expect over the next few years.... More
Pond View Farms Tour - Newfoundland and Labrador

Pond View Farms Tour - Newfoundland and Labrador

Pond View Farms is a dairy farm located in Goulds, Newfoundland and Labrador. Follow Farmer, Rebecca Williams through a tour of some of their farm technology.... More
Sheep Farming: Attempting To Shear Sheep!/July 31, 2022

Sheep Farming: Attempting To Shear Sheep!/July 31, 2022

Today at Ewetopia Farms, we spent most of the day trying to get the wool off our Suffolk replacement ewe lambs so we can pick out our show string. Sheep shearing is much harder to do than it looks! We also spent time working with our sick ewe lamb. We are still struggling to get her back on he... More
Checking out the cows

Checking out the cows

Checking out the cows | S&C Livestock... More
The Borth Family - Ontario Turkey Farmers

The Borth Family - Ontario Turkey Farmers

Get a sneak peek into life on an Ontario Turkey farm.... More
Sheep Breeding Season: Our First Suffolk Groups Done!/July 29, 2022

Sheep Breeding Season: Our First Suffolk Groups Done!/July 29, 2022

Today at Ewetopia Farms, we setup our first two Suffolk breeding groups for lambs in January. We show you how we choose our ewes to match with our rams, how we record them, how we move them, how we feed them, and why we breed them in the old barn instead of the new Coverall buildings.... More

Circulation Fans Reduce Severity Of Footpad Dermatitis

Circulation Fans Reduce Severity Of Footpad Dermatitis

Footpad dermatitis causes significant foot problems for broilers, which adversely affects bird welfare and the market for broiler paws, according to Zoie McMillian, graduate research assistant, University of Maryland.... More
This GFB Conference is Called Our Most Important

This GFB Conference is Called Our Most Important

Those who attend the GFB Young Farmers and Ranchers Leadership Conference enjoy networking opportunities, educational sessions, and a little fun in the sun. Damon Jones explains why it continues to be the organization's most important event.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses anaplasmosis in cattle.... More
Nebraska Bison

Nebraska Bison

Nebraska Bison – In a state where cattle outnumber people, it’s refreshing to see an operation that is dedicated to raising Bison for consumption. We recently took a trip to “Nebraska Bison” to get an idea of what it takes to make an operation like this work.... More
Colostrum Yield Selection

Colostrum Yield Selection

Dr. Knauer has been working as a swine extension specialist at North Carolina State University, focusing on genetics and production management. He shares his knowledge of where we are right now in terms of colostrum yield and what studies have shown. I invite you to watch the complete episode!... More
Dr. Jamil Faccin: Swine diet vitamin averages across the U.S. industry

Dr. Jamil Faccin: Swine diet vitamin averages across the U.S. industry

Vitamins can sometimes be overlooked due to their cheap and easy inclusion in swine diets. With stabilization issues under certain conditions, we tend to put more in the diet than is required, but how much extra is everyone adding? In this episode with Dr. Jami Faccin, we talk about his survey o... More
Senior Horse Challenge - PPID & Other Health Issues

Senior Horse Challenge - PPID & Other Health Issues

This video shows horses before and after treatment for PPID.... More
The impact of pollution on equine health - Dr. Janet Beeler-Marfisi

The impact of pollution on equine health - Dr. Janet Beeler-Marfisi

Dr. Beeler-Marfisi is a researcher at the Ontario Veterinary College and has been looking at the impact of pollution on equine health.... More
How Dry Conditions Affect The Hoof

How Dry Conditions Affect The Hoof

This short excerpt discusses how the hoof is affected in hot and dry weather and the negative impact it can have on hoof health.... More
How can you get buy-in from swine producers on research studies?

How can you get buy-in from swine producers on research studies?

Dr. Burton holds is an Associate Veterinarian for Suidae Health & Production. It’s part of her job to coordinate field-based research. Here she shares some thoughts on how to get the producers to actively support and participate in the research, according to her needs. Interesting, right?... More
Dr. Mariana Kikuti: PRRSV 1C variant - Will it stick around?

Dr. Mariana Kikuti: PRRSV 1C variant - Will it stick around?

PRRS virus continues to create new variants, what a surprise… However, as unfortunate as it is, we need to tract the spread and transmission of these new variants to best keep our herds healthy. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Mariana Kikuti about her work tracking a novel PRRSV 1C variant acro... More
We Had To Cut Open Our Grain Bin

We Had To Cut Open Our Grain Bin

We Had To Cut Open Our Grain Bin! After our circa flow wouldn't get going we had to resort to cutting a hole in the bin. One way or another we're gonna get this corn sold! We also sold two more loads of fat hogs. The fun never stops here at This'll Do Farm.... More
Sheep Farming: Why You Want Consistency In Your Flock/July 24, 2022

Sheep Farming: Why You Want Consistency In Your Flock/July 24, 2022

Today we discuss why it is desirable to have consistency in your flock and the many ways it is helpful not only for marketing lambs but for easy assessment of your flock. We also talk about why we don't like concrete floors in barns as we clean the rams' concrete platform. We also manage to dewo... More
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