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Beef Cattle Videos

Watch educational videos on beef cattle from beef farmers and other cattle experts. Learn about beef cattle buying, handling, feed, corral setups, animal behavior, genetics, and other topics. Also see videos about general beef industry news.
Cattle Prices Investigated

Cattle Prices Investigated

Ranchers and the US Department of Ag want to know why beef prices are high, and why ranchers are not seeing fair cattle prices.... More
Beef Is, and Always Will Be Sustainable

Beef Is, and Always Will Be Sustainable

There continues to be a lot of conversations in consumer and political spaces about beef's role in climate change.... More

Beef's Role in a Sustainable and Resilient Food System

Food companies are making commitments regarding sustainability that can be difficult to tackle given the complexity of the supply chain.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - EPDs

Cow-Calf Corner - EPDs

Mark Johnson explains how to read an Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) report and how it can be used to select a bull.... More
NSDA Convention | Kris Bousquet

NSDA Convention | Kris Bousquet

Nebraska State Dairy Association Executive Director Kris Bousquet discusses the 2021 Dairy Convention happening on March 18th and what people in attendance can expect.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says the feeder cattle markets are struggling, and they may be late to rally.... More
Cattle Market Legislation

Cattle Market Legislation

In the US Senate a new bill would create more transparency in cattle markets. The bill aligns with the American Farm Bureau policy book and helps even the playing field for ranchers.... More

Calving Nutrition | Karla Wilke

Calving Nutrition | Karla Wilke

Karla Wilke, Nebraska Extension Cattle Management Specialist, explains the nutritional challenges facing cattle producers during calving season and offers some management tips.... More
Room for Growth

Room for Growth

David Rutan, owner/manager of Morgan Ranches in South Mountain, Idaho, describes how cows help, but too many junipers hurt resource conservation in the high desert.... More
Calving Simulator Education

Calving Simulator Education

We learn how to pull a calf with Dr. Barry Whitworth and OSU Extension's calving simulator.... More
Managing Higher Feed Costs

Managing Higher Feed Costs

Scott Brown, University of Missouri Ag Economist, discusses the issues producers are facing with higher feed costs.... More
Cattle Grazing Crop Residue And It

Cattle Grazing Crop Residue And It's Benefits

K-State cattle nutritionist, Dale Blasi talks about the economic benefits for producers when letting cattle graze crop residue.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Winter Calf Birth Weights

Cow-Calf Corner - Winter Calf Birth Weights

Glenn Selk explains how weather can impact the birthweights of calves in winter.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel breaks down how the cattle markets were impacted by the cold weather across the Southern Great Plains.... More
Beef Exports in 2021

Beef Exports in 2021

Elliott Dennis, UNL Livestock Marketing and Risk Management Economist, gives his input on whether seasonality patterns for beef export sales and commitments will hold in 2021.... More
Feeding Cattle in Freezing Temperatures

Feeding Cattle in Freezing Temperatures

Paul Beck has advice for returning cattle to typical feed requirements following the colder temperatures.... More
Sustainability, A Priority Issue for NCBA

Sustainability, A Priority Issue for NCBA

Sustainability is one of the priority issues for NCBA this year.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Estimating Hay Needs

Cow-Calf Corner - Estimating Hay Needs

Glenn Selk explains how to estimate hay needs for lactating and pregnant cattle.... More
The New way to Market Feeder Cattle - THE FEEDER CATTLE REVOLUTION

The New way to Market Feeder Cattle - THE FEEDER CATTLE REVOLUTION

How is the feeder cattle market revolutionizing? Why should I participate in the revolution?... More
How Crossbreeding Impacts a Cattle Operation

How Crossbreeding Impacts a Cattle Operation

What role does hybrid vigor play in maximizing the genetic potential of an animal? Our panel of breed association reps discusses crossbreeding, and how it can impact an operation.... More
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