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Beef Cattle Videos

Watch educational videos on beef cattle from beef farmers and other cattle experts. Learn about beef cattle buying, handling, feed, corral setups, animal behavior, genetics, and other topics. Also see videos about general beef industry news.
Stockmanship and Stewardship: Ranch Horsemanship

Stockmanship and Stewardship: Ranch Horsemanship

Russell Nemetz talks with cattle handling expert Curt Pate about the basics of good horsemanship and the value of attending stockmanship and stewardship training sessions around the country.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says cattle producers need to have a plan for drought to help take emotion out of potential liquidations.... More
The Angus Report, February 19, 2018: CattleFax Market Update

The Angus Report, February 19, 2018: CattleFax Market Update

The cattle industry has seen beef quality grade improvements thanks to mass genetic improvement.... More
Ask Questions Get Better Results

Ask Questions Get Better Results

Jim Moore, Moore Cattle Co., Charleston Ark., improved his cowherd by asking questions and applying the answers.... More
Addressing Both Pasture Fertility and Weed Control

Addressing Both Pasture Fertility and Weed Control

Cattle producers know the value of grazed forages - and improving pasture production means better feed for your cattle and more profit potential for your operation. Matt Fleck takes us to Arkansas for a look at an exciting technology from Dow that can put more grass in your fields and more money... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk points out why the first four minutes of a backward birth can mean life or death for a newborn calf.... More
Challenges Facing the Beef Industry in 2018

Challenges Facing the Beef Industry in 2018

Thousands of cattlemen and women blazed a trail to Phoenix for the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. While there, we asked several folks from around the country to share their thoughts on the biggest issues facing them in the daily effort to raise cattle and grow their family ... More

Should You Use Cattle Implants?

Should You Use Cattle Implants?

Dave Lalman explains what implants can mean for growth potential of calves.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk has recommendations on how to combat respiratory acidosis during the calving process.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel analyzes the USDA’s latest Cattle Inventory Report and what increasing drought conditions mean for the livestock industry.... More
Why Cattle Producers Attend the Annual Convention

Why Cattle Producers Attend the Annual Convention

We just wrapped up the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in Phoenix. We asked cattlemen and women to share their thoughts on why it's important to attend this one-of-a-kind event.... More
The Angus Report, February 5, 2018: CattleFax Market Update

The Angus Report, February 5, 2018: CattleFax Market Update

This week's report is from Ethan Oberst, CattleFax market analyst.... More
 Just another day on the Ranch - Calving

Just another day on the Ranch - Calving

Calving update and just another day on the ranch... More
The Future of Beef

The Future of Beef

Anders Sormon-Nilsson, a futurist with Thinque, says cattlemen need to “connect analog hearts in a digital world.” This segment explains what that means.... More
USDA Cattle Inventory Report: Derrell Peel

USDA Cattle Inventory Report: Derrell Peel

Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State Extension livestock marketing specialist, reviews the USDA’s latest report on the size of the U.S. cowherd.... More
 Saskatchewan Cattlemen

Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association - How to reduce stress in calves

How should cattle be transported in Canada, and when should animals stay at home?When is the best time to castrate bull calves? You have the questions and we went looking for the answers.We talked to Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, an animal behavior, health, and welfare researcher at Agriculture a... More
Great Entertainment Options at the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention

Great Entertainment Options at the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention

Kristin Torres, NCBA's Executive Director of Meetings & Events, talks about the speakers, entertainment, and other fun activities that will be available to attendees at the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention.... More
 Just another day on the Ranch

Just another day on the Ranch

Just a normal day taking care of the cows.... More
Training Increases Sales Confidence

Training Increases Sales Confidence

Brian Jauregui, center of the plate specialist for Sysco San Francisco, talks about how he trains his team to sell more beef. This video news is provided by CAB and the American Angus Association.... More
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