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Beef Cattle Videos

Watch educational videos on beef cattle from beef farmers and other cattle experts. Learn about beef cattle buying, handling, feed, corral setups, animal behavior, genetics, and other topics. Also see videos about general beef industry news.
Some more new cows and the pens in the barn get put back together!

Some more new cows and the pens in the barn get put back together!

Some more new cows and the pens in the barn get put back together! || South Sask Farmer... More
Feeding Cattle

Feeding Cattle

In this video I showed our newest project in the shop, and then went over to the feedlot.... More
Going to the Livestock Auction. Might buy some Cows.

Going to the Livestock Auction. Might buy some Cows.

I'm going on a field trip to a livestock auction. It's my first time and I want to get some cattle.... More
A White Buffalo? Behind The Scenes of a Bison Auction | Sights and Sounds Only

A White Buffalo? Behind The Scenes of a Bison Auction | Sights and Sounds Only

A White Buffalo? Behind The Scenes of a Bison Auction | Sights and Sounds Only || Broken Arrow Bison... More
2K Cattle Auction - Buying a Bull

2K Cattle Auction - Buying a Bull

I go to a cattle auction at the Bloomington Livestock Exchange and buy a bull to replace the one I lost this spring. Calving Ease Direct, or CED, is the most effective tool when deciding which bulls to mate to first-calf heifers. Expressed as a probability percentage, CED aims to predict the p... More
Hauling Cows Home And Selling Calves!!

Hauling Cows Home And Selling Calves!!

We haul from all our pastures and then sold the calves!... More
First Set of Purebred Cows show up on the farm!

First Set of Purebred Cows show up on the farm!

Introducing 6 Purebred Fullblood Full Fleckveih Cows... More

HUGE Maintenance On Our Barns!!

HUGE Maintenance On Our Barns!!

HUGE Maintenance On Our Barns!! || SaskDutch Kid... More
Beef Quality Assurance

Beef Quality Assurance

Millions of cattle are currently being transported across the United States as this year's fall run continues. This can be a stressful time for cattle and its important producers and haulers do what they can to limit the stress on those animals. If you would like to learn more about beef quality... More
The Nile Cattle Show!! 2022

The Nile Cattle Show!! 2022

The Nile Cattle Show!! 2022 || Straight Pipe Acres... More
Cows are Moving Out!!!!

Cows are Moving Out!!!!

Custom Grazing Cattle are Moving out! Fixed Gallager Fence Reel! Water Lines are Needing to be emptied. Moving Cattle to Fresh Grass!... More
Cows are Home from Pasture!

Cows are Home from Pasture!

Cows are Home from Pasture! || South Sask Farmer... More
Ranch of the Future

Ranch of the Future

Since the inception of the Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory in the early 1980's, research and educational programs have become more diverse and team oriented. This has resulted in several advancements in range livestock nutrition, reproduction, and grazing systems just to name a few. We were for... More
Latest update on #BoveeFire, Sustainable Beef, LLC breaks ground

Latest update on #BoveeFire, Sustainable Beef, LLC breaks ground

It has been a notable week in terms of agriculture news. To catch up on all the latest, we turn to Alex Voicoskie.... More
Cattle Industry Faces Tough Drought and Economic Headwinds

Cattle Industry Faces Tough Drought and Economic Headwinds

Nearly every acre of Oklahoma is locked in drought. Liquidations and prices at the packer door are weighing the industry's future.... More
Sometimes Cows are Idiots!!!!

Sometimes Cows are Idiots!!!!

Cows are Out Again! Hauling Round Bales! Moving Cows to Bush Pasture!... More
Ear corn from field to feed picking and grinding cattle feed

Ear corn from field to feed picking and grinding cattle feed

From field to cattle feeder ready we go out and harvest ear corn and with our IH 1486 and two row new idea picker and get a wagon full then head up to the barn yard and get out the new Holland 354 grinder mixer and grind it up with our Gro-Tec recipe if you are interested in the supplements we u... More
Cleaning the Corral & A Quick Cattle Update!

Cleaning the Corral & A Quick Cattle Update!

Cleaning the Corral & A Quick Cattle Update! || South Sask Farmer... More
A Place for the Birds, the Bees and Beef Cattle: Grey Dufferin Community Pasture Farm

A Place for the Birds, the Bees and Beef Cattle: Grey Dufferin Community Pasture Farm

The Grey Dufferin Community Pasture Farm provides a unique place for young farmers to pasture their cattle while also providing a home for many different species of birds, bees and wildlife.... More
Need to Move Cows!!!!

Need to Move Cows!!!!

Treating Cattle, one calf has lost a piece of skin! We might have a predator problem! Breeding season, letting bulls out!... More
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