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Poultry Farming Videos

Watch educational poultry farming videos about chickens, turkeys, and other fowl from poultry farmers and researchers. Learn about the latest news in the poultry farming industry, as well as how to take care better care of poultry. Videos discuss poultry science, feeding, antibiotic usage, handling, and more.
An Enriched Barn Renovation with Planeview Farms

An Enriched Barn Renovation with Planeview Farms

Canada has made a commitment to hen welfare and is phasing out conventional cages, replacing them with innovative enriched housing, or cage-free housing. By 2036 all conventional cages will have been replaced. Making the transition from conventional cages to a different type of housing is not... More
Inside a free-run aviary system

Inside a free-run aviary system

In Barn #2, another day has started for Kurt and Harley Siemens’ hens. The lights slowly start to come on at 3 a.m., signaling to the hens that it’s time to start waking up. The hens lay their eggs 1-5 hours after they wake up, and each hen lays approximately one egg per day. After the hens lay ... More


Chicken litter can be an excellent fertilizer! It makes good use of something you may already have on your farm. You can use it yourself or make extra cash selling it to others. It works so well as a fertilizer because it contains the three nutrients that are included in most conventional fertil... More
Spreading chicken litter

Spreading chicken litter

In this video we show you how we spread chicken litter. We are using our 8R250 to pull our chicken litter spreader, and our 7430 to load it.... More
Quick and Easy Chicken Feed for Any Size Farm

Quick and Easy Chicken Feed for Any Size Farm

Quick and Easy Chicken Feed for Any Size Farm | | Our Wyoming Life... More
I Made My Own Chicken Feed, Here

I Made My Own Chicken Feed, Here's What Happened

Using new food and lights to increase winter egg production.... More
Getting Back to Work: Good News in Action on the Farm

Getting Back to Work: Good News in Action on the Farm

Its good news in action today...Tweaking our successful fly control system, working on the barn project, making our rounds with the animals doing chores, celebrating the success of our grazing system as proven in the dress weights of our first steers of the year, and being fully stocked with por... More

Meet the Farmer: The Siemens Family of Conation Farms

Meet the Farmer: The Siemens Family of Conation Farms

Join us as Bryan Siemens shows us around Conation Farms in Abbotsford, BC, and introduces us to his free-range hens.... More
Manitoba Egg Farmers Family Fun Day 2023

Manitoba Egg Farmers Family Fun Day 2023

Manitoba's egg farmers came together in June 2023 to celebrate the new MEF Learning and Research Centre out at the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre. Farmers explored the place and had fun with their families and fellow egg farmers. Bring your family to the centre today!... More
Meet Marie-Pier

Meet Marie-Pier

Egg producer, Ferme St-Ours, Quebec – See how Marie-Pier uses sustainable practices to ensure the continuity of the farm for other generations.... More
Caring for Broiler Breeder Poultry

Caring for Broiler Breeder Poultry

If you’re not sure what a broiler breeder chicken is, you’re about to watch the right video. You’ll tour a Canadian broiler breeder poultry farm, see inside the barn, hear how the farmer cares for their flock, and more. Ready? Then get crackin’!... More
We have labeled our Chicks!!!!!!

We have labeled our Chicks!!!!!!

Getting chickens ready for pasture! Swapping Winter tires for Summer tires.... More
Incredible but real! 80,000 Chickens Survived the EF-3 Tornado in Louin, MS!

Incredible but real! 80,000 Chickens Survived the EF-3 Tornado in Louin, MS!

An EF-3 tornado in Louin, Mississippi, June 18, 2023, also leveled a large poultry farm, leaving an estimated 80,000 chickens unsheltered.... More
Meet the Farmer: Jake and Lori of K&W Farm

Meet the Farmer: Jake and Lori of K&W Farm

Meet Jake and Lori, of K&W Farm in Abbotsford, BC. Watch as they show you around their farm and share their story about raising egg laying hens in an enriched housing system.... More
Meet the Farmer: The Siemens Family of Planeview Farms

Meet the Farmer: The Siemens Family of Planeview Farms

The Siemens family has been farming eggs in BC for three generations! Meet George Sr. and Maria, who started it all, their son George who owns Planeview Farm, and his son Rob and son-in-law Jeremie, who help with the day-to-day running of the farm.... More
How Eggs Are Graded: Inside A Grading Station With BC Egg

How Eggs Are Graded: Inside A Grading Station With BC Egg

BC Egg takes you inside a grading station to show you how eggs are washed, candled, graded and packaged.... More
4D Farms Enriched Housing Laying Hen Barn Tour

4D Farms Enriched Housing Laying Hen Barn Tour

Tour of the laying hen barn on 4D Farms in Springstein, Manitoba... More
Schoen Eggs Producer - the Thiessen family farm

Schoen Eggs Producer - the Thiessen family farm

Jason Thiessen is an egg farmer near Winkler, Manitoba. He cares for approximately 6,000 hens in an enriched housing system. Jason represents the third generation on their family farm that mainly produces grains, and his kids represent the fourth generation. Jason’s family are always keen on ... More
How we avoided the mysterious reduction in EGG production.

How we avoided the mysterious reduction in EGG production.

How we avoided the mysterious reduction in EGG production. | | Millionaire Farmer... More
Egg Prices Cracking Record High

Egg Prices Cracking Record High

While consumers have become accustomed to paying higher prices for groceries, the ever-increasing cost of eggs have caused quite the sticker shock recently. Damon Jones reports on the culprits behind these record prices and why they might be here to stay.... More
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