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Swine Videos

Simplifying the swine nutrition program - Dr. Mariana Menegat

Simplifying the swine nutrition program - Dr. Mariana Menegat

Simplifying the swine nutrition program - Dr. Mariana Menegat | Swine it... More
Hog Market Analysis

Hog Market Analysis

Iowa State Extension Livestock Economist, dissects the USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report. Lee also talks about how volatility in the grain markets is impacting producer feeding decisions.... More
Breeding Sows

Breeding Sows

Farmer Dan farms pigs and cash crops with his wife Janet, kids Hannah, Dominic, Aaron, Anthony, Jordan and Kate, and parents Matt and Fran in southwestern Ontario Canada.... More
Selling The First Cut Of Pigs At The New Hog Barn

Selling The First Cut Of Pigs At The New Hog Barn

Loading The First Cut Of Pigs At The New Hog Barn- In this one the boys start off the day loading out first cuts at Sawyer’s new hog barn. Then it’s on to selling a load of beans for some cash.... More
Pace of innovation in the swine industry - Dr. Amy Maschhoff

Pace of innovation in the swine industry - Dr. Amy Maschhoff

Pace of innovation in the swine industry - Dr. Amy Maschhoff | Swine it... More
Piglet management – indoor breeding

Piglet management – indoor breeding

Piglet management – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
A cost-effective alternative to treat and control a broad range of diseases in swine

A cost-effective alternative to treat and control a broad range of diseases in swine

Megan Schnur, Swine Technical Services Veterinarian at Norbrook, tells how Norbrook's research based solutions to generic pharmaceuticals makes their products more convenient and cost effective.... More

New technology in blend and phase feeding to accomplish nutritionals goals of pigs

New technology in blend and phase feeding to accomplish nutritionals goals of pigs

Dr. Hyatt Frobose, USA Commercial Director at Jyga Technologies tell us about their Gestal Evo System which combines feed intake and blended feed to optimize nutritional goals. Dr. Frobose shows us how their unique feeding system for sows that manages the individual animals diet and streamline l... More
Sundberg: Ramping up African swine fever preparedness and prevention

Sundberg: Ramping up African swine fever preparedness and prevention

The Swine Health Information Center is trying to close the window on African swine fever (ASF) so the virus doesn’t get into North America, said Paul Sundberg, DVM, executive director of the organization.... More
How PIC is leading in full value pigs marketed.

How PIC is leading in full value pigs marketed.

Dr. Saskia Bloemhof-Abma, Genetic Services Manager America at PIC tells us how PIC's 800 Boar is outperforming the competition in trials due to their investment genomic selection, focused breading goals and partnerships. This commitment has resulted in outstanding pork quality and leading prima... More
Individual sow care program reduce losses, optimize performance and well-being.

Individual sow care program reduce losses, optimize performance and well-being.

Emma Lasco, Pork Production Specialist at Zoetis tells us a about their Individual Sow Care program that aims to reduce sow mortality rates. The Zoetis Individual Care program is a comprehensive, on-farm training program that teaches caregivers and production managers the value of conducting hea... More
The biggest opportunities in swine nutrition - Dr. John Htoo

The biggest opportunities in swine nutrition - Dr. John Htoo

The biggest opportunities in swine nutrition - Dr. John Htoo | Swine it... More
Take baby steps for weaned pig transition success

Take baby steps for weaned pig transition success

Dr. Emily Otto-Tice, Sr. Swine Nutritionist, Technical Solutions Team at Purina Animal Nutrition tells us how complex ingredients are processed to provide higher nutrient quality and improved nutrient availability to the young pig. Therefore, they can pay off in improved feed intake and pig heal... More
A new approach to managing biosecurity risks in the swine industry

A new approach to managing biosecurity risks in the swine industry

Dr. Mark Lyons, President and CEO of Alltech, discusses the positive impact Alltech's Guardian has had in improving the safety in animal feed as a viral mitigant in the swine industry. Mark also shares the exciting lineup on speakers at this year's Alltech One Conference. More
The future of pig production - Dr. Gordon Spronk

The future of pig production - Dr. Gordon Spronk

The future of pig production - Dr. Gordon Spronk | Swine it... More
Sow husbandry – indoor breeding

Sow husbandry – indoor breeding

Sow husbandry – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
Hog Producers, Others Challenge California Statute

Hog Producers, Others Challenge California Statute

California’s economy is the sixth largest in the world. The agricultural sector alone accounts for two percent of the state’s revenue -- about $47.1 billion dollars.... More
Early Identification Critical in Preventing Sow Lameness

Early Identification Critical in Preventing Sow Lameness

Sow lameness continues to trouble hog operations in the US, causing high numbers of involuntary removals from herds.... More
Husbandry of the sow – indoor breeding

Husbandry of the sow – indoor breeding

Husbandry of the sow – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
A Full Day Of Modern Pig Farming

A Full Day Of Modern Pig Farming

Modern Pig Farming For Beginners- In this one the boys start out the day pulling pigs and adjusting feeders. Then it’s onto treating pigs and moving pigs up at Site 3. Lot’s of Pig farming in this one!... More
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