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People in Pork Production Just as Important as Pigs

People in Pork Production Just as Important as Pigs

While their schooling focused on pigs, veterinarians on the job spend a lot of time working with clients and members of their staff.... More
Sows with a low average piglet birth weight will always have a low piglet birth weight

Sows with a low average piglet birth weight will always have a low piglet birth weight

Sows with a low average piglet birth weight will always have a low piglet birth weight | Swine it... More
A Day On A Family Pig FARM..

A Day On A Family Pig FARM..

A Day On A Family Hog Farm- In this one the boys take you through a day on their family pig farm. They start by getting the north hog barn all ready to go for some pigs. The next morning they start unloading baby pigs and filling the barn. Finally, Sawyer takes you up to the hog barn site and gi... More
Loading Pigs - Pastured Pork Heading To Processing

Loading Pigs - Pastured Pork Heading To Processing

Loading Pigs - Pastured Pork Heading To Processing. Tonight we are loading our pastured pigs onto the trailer to go to processing tomorrow.... More
How To Raise The Happiest Pigs In The World!

How To Raise The Happiest Pigs In The World!

Use these tips to raise the healthiest pigs on the farm. The pigs love their marshmallow treats. It's time to move their water tank and finally use the water line we ran down to the pig pen.... More
Moving 300lb Fully Grown PIGS

Moving 300lb Fully Grown PIGS

In this one my dad and I show y'all a little update on how our corn crop is doing and explains why it may or may not be coming along the way we want it to. Next we head into the hog barn to move some fully grown 300lb pigs around. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to pig farming.... More
The Pig Farming Grind Never ENDS..

The Pig Farming Grind Never ENDS..

Pig Farming Grind- In this one Dad finds a problem in our grain bin. Then the boys meet up and start getting the pig barn ready for some baby pigs. Flipping feeders, replacing water lines, and bringing mats in.. kinda Tork had a little bit of a farm injury..... More

Dietary feed technologies to improve pig performance under stress

Dietary feed technologies to improve pig performance under stress

This video from the fourth virtual session of Iowa Swine Day 2020 features Dr. Nick Gabler of Iowa State University presenting "Dietary feed technologies to improve pig performance under stress.”... More
Baby piggies on pasture

Baby piggies on pasture

Some baby piggies being raised on pasture with their mom. We pasture raise everything and the quality of out livestock shows why this is worth it... More
Sow Housing

Sow Housing

As pig farmers continue to raise safe and nutritious pork, they ensure their animals are comfortable and well cared for by selecting the appropriate housing for their sows, or mother pigs.... More
Host Genetic Response to PRRS Vaccination and Infection in Sows

Host Genetic Response to PRRS Vaccination and Infection in Sows

This video from the third virtual session of Iowa Swine Day 2020 features Dr. Nick Serão of Iowa State University presenting "Host genetic response to PRRS vaccination and infection in sows.”... More


In this one I do a ton of pig farming. Including checking bins, ordering feed, pulling pigs, flipping feeders, and ending the night with some mowing. We’re getting closer to the end of our Site 1 pig group.... More
Manitoba Pork Chair - low hog prices plaguing western producers

Manitoba Pork Chair - low hog prices plaguing western producers

A change must be made to the pricing of hogs, in order to ensure the ongoing viability of hog farmers in Western Canada.... More
Gut microbiome and feed efficiency of pigs

Gut microbiome and feed efficiency of pigs

Gut microbiome composition differences among breeds impact feed efficiency in swine.... More
What is the biggest mistake I see in swine nutrition - Dr. Hans Stein

What is the biggest mistake I see in swine nutrition - Dr. Hans Stein

What is the biggest mistake I see in swine nutrition - Dr. Hans Stein | Swine it... More
Sorting and Loading Hogs in Northwest Iowa

Sorting and Loading Hogs in Northwest Iowa

Here is a great look at real hog farming in 2020! From sorting to loading with some amateur hog calling.... More
Evaluating Sow Feeding Strategies on Litter Performance and Piglet Survival

Evaluating Sow Feeding Strategies on Litter Performance and Piglet Survival

In this video, Kiah Gourley, Kansas State University, explains the research done to evaluate different feeding strategies prior to farrowing and the impact on sow and litter performance, farrowing duration and piglet survival.... More
Where do swine nutrition and health meet?

Where do swine nutrition and health meet?

Where do swine nutrition and health meet? | Swine it... More
Pig Farming in the SUMMER..

Pig Farming in the SUMMER..

In this one we start out by pulling some fallback pigs in the first group we got. Next we start mat feed the youngest pigs before the truck arrives. I go in depth on how we feed our fallback pigs and what we give them to get them back to an average pig again.... More
Antibiotic Resistance in Swine: Antibiotic Surveillance

Antibiotic Resistance in Swine: Antibiotic Surveillance

Data from nearly 2 decades of experience in a large veterinary practice indicate minimal resistant infections in swine, but that will not deter efforts to maximize preventive care and minimize the need for antibiotics.... More
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