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Hog Slat Swine Barn Construction

Hog Slat Swine Barn Construction

Hog Slat brings over 50 years of industry experience in providing turnkey system solutions to livestock producers.... More
Dr. Mike Tokach: the past, present, and future of swine production and nutrition

Dr. Mike Tokach: the past, present, and future of swine production and nutrition

The biggest thing that I see around the world that separates the best producers in terms of achieving high productivity – and those that are not – is really around applying what we know from the science background and basics.... More
Individual Sow Housing

Individual Sow Housing

Dr. Andrew Bents discusses the advantages of individual sow stalls for gestation.... More
Intelligent Technology Smart Cowshed Cleaning Cow Goat Pig Farming Feeding Milking Machine Transport

Intelligent Technology Smart Cowshed Cleaning Cow Goat Pig Farming Feeding Milking Machine Transport

Intelligent Technology Smart Cowshed Cleaning Modern Cow Goat Pigs Farming Feeding Milking Automatic Hay Bale Machine Transportation Dairy Farming 2019 - 2020... More
Using Electronic Sow Feeders in Gestation

Using Electronic Sow Feeders in Gestation

Dr. Andrew Bents discusses the use of Electronic Sow Feeders (ESF) in gestation and the advantages of more precise feeding in a group setting and the need for daily attention to each individual sow.... More
Jonathon Hoek: Human capital in pig farms, issues and solutions

Jonathon Hoek: Human capital in pig farms, issues and solutions

Today’s episode will cover Human capital in pig farms: issues and solutions. “We need to learn how to help ordinary people do extraordinary things on these farms. Meaningful work is one of the best therapeutic solutions for folks.” – Jonathon Hoek.... More
Hams Across America: Pig Farmers Pay It Forward in their Communities

Hams Across America: Pig Farmers Pay It Forward in their Communities

More than 2 million servings of pork were donated by pig farmers from November 2019 through January 2020 to fight food insecurity in their local communities.... More

African Swine Fever

African Swine Fever's Effect on Poultry

With African swine fever (ASF) devastating the pork supply, how will it affect poultry production?... More
Dr. Gonzalo Castro: a life-long of swine production in 30 minutes

Dr. Gonzalo Castro: a life-long of swine production in 30 minutes

Today’s episode will cover A life-long of swine production in 30 minutes. “We need to improve our productivity by using data… data is the number one issue. If you don’t have the data, it’s going to be very difficult for someone to come in and try to get it right”.... More
Water-Nursery Pig Care

Water-Nursery Pig Care

Water flow rate is critical to making sure pigs get enough water every day. Watch as Jamie Pietig discusses water quality and tips to making sure your pigs get enough of this important nutrient.... More
The Finishing Barn: Pig Farming VR Experience

The Finishing Barn: Pig Farming VR Experience

Take a tour through a finishing barn, which pigs have space to grow to market weight.... More
Disease Prevention on the Farm: African Swine Fever

Disease Prevention on the Farm: African Swine Fever

African Swine Fever is in the news and on the move. Watch this video to learn why it is a big deal and what can be done to prevent its spread.... More
Vet Scripts - From Equine to Swine

Vet Scripts - From Equine to Swine

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about a bacterium that is crossing species from equine to swine.... More
Environment-Nursery Pig Care

Environment-Nursery Pig Care

Young pigs need a warm environment with fresh air. Jamie Pietig points out the signs you should look for to know that pigs are warm and comfortable.... More
A Pig Farmer

A Pig Farmer's Commitment

As pig farmers, we are making a commitment. Sustainability and continuous improvement are at the core of our commitment to deliver the safest, highest quality pork supply in the world.... More
How Wakefield Pork Works to Keep Their Pigs and Rural Communities Thriving

How Wakefield Pork Works to Keep Their Pigs and Rural Communities Thriving

The team at Wakefield Pork walks us through their farm from wean-to-finish, and the steps they take to ensure the well-being of their pigs and support their local communities.... More
A Look Inside A Pig Barn and the Safety of U.S. Food

A Look Inside A Pig Barn and the Safety of U.S. Food

It is no secret that the United States has the safest, healthiest and most affordable food supply in the world. Pork producers work hard everyday to make that happen. But a recent news story tried to put some doubt in consumers' minds about the nation's pork industry.... More
Strategies to move more pigs from birth to harvest

Strategies to move more pigs from birth to harvest

Litter sizes on US hog farms have steadily increased over the past couple of decades, with 14, 16, even 20 pigs per litter commonplace. But that’s a good-news/bad-news development as those large litters often come at a price, which is more low-birthweight piglets.... More
Swine Herd Health Basics

Swine Herd Health Basics

Dr. Andrew Bents discusses the three pillars of a successful swine herd health program; vaccinations, responsible antibiotic use and a good biosecurity program.... More
Meet Chris Hoffman - 2019 America

Meet Chris Hoffman - 2019 America's Pig Farmer of the Year Finalist

Growing up with a love of animals, Chris Hoffman has worked his way up to owning a pig farm now that sells 34,000 pig annually. Hoffman focuses on animal well-being on his farrow-to-finish farm. Additionally, he raises more than 235,000 broilers a year.... More
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