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Patrick Bane - 2018 America

Patrick Bane - 2018 America's Pig Farmer of the Year

Raising pigs has been a life-long passion for Patrick Bane, whose family has been raising pigs for three generations. Bane raises 74,000 pigs on his farm in west-central Illinois, where he focuses on public health, hiring the best people and maintaining herd health.... More
Taking Care of the Pigs Basic Needs

Taking Care of the Pigs Basic Needs

Tending to their basic needs, we clean their stall, add new feeders and build and teach them how to drink from a new water system.... More
Sows mingle in group housing with electronic sow feeders

Sows mingle in group housing with electronic sow feeders

Hog farmer Kenny, from the RM of Springfield, took this video of his pregnant sows using electronic sow feeders in free-access stalls. Computer-controlled feeders allot each sow a specific amount of feed, dropped into the feed bowl over a limited period of time. Sows are able to decide when they... More
Pig Pen Park

Pig Pen Park

There are a lot of similarities between baseball and farming. But it's not often that they take place in the same space. The Brennemans built Pig Pen Park to share their love of baseball and farming with their community!... More
Socializing with piglets in a Manitoba nursery barn

Socializing with piglets in a Manitoba nursery barn

Hog farmer Hardy, from the Rural Municipality of Lorne in Manitoba, submitted May 2018's winning video of his piglets socializing. The video shows an animal care provider in a nursery barn interacting with young pigs, also known as weanlings or nursery pigs. These piglets are about 4 weeks old a... More
African swine fever – What You Need to Know

African swine fever – What You Need to Know

African swine fever is spreading through China and other countries. U.S. pork is not affected by the outbreaks of African swine fever in other countries. African swine fever virus is a highly contagious viral disease impacting only pigs and not people – so it is not a public threat or food-sa... More
African swine fever – Pork producers urged to ask questions of feed suppliers

African swine fever – Pork producers urged to ask questions of feed suppliers

As African swine fever continues to spread across China, the National Pork Board, along with the National Pork Producers Council, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, the Swine Health Information Center and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are working even more closely together to... More

 2018 America

2018 America's Pig Farmer of the Year Finalist - Brad Lundell

Being a good caretaker for the pigs is what drives Brad Lundell’s passion. Learning from the five generations of a family farming, Lundell hopes consumers see why pig farming is family-oriented. With the help of his wife Sarah, and four children Jonathan, Ally, Jacob and Jett, they also raise tu... More
Midwest Gains New Hog Packing Plants

Midwest Gains New Hog Packing Plants

By early next year, Iowa hog producer Rick Chipman should be able to point his livestock trailer in any direction.... More
Swine Muscle Fatigue From Transportation To Finishing Plant

Swine Muscle Fatigue From Transportation To Finishing Plant

Millions of dollars are lost each year by muscle fatigue in swine during transportation to finishing plants. Dr. John Gonzalez, Kansas State Animal Science, is conducting research on how to reduce this loss for producers.... More
2018 America

2018 America's Pig Farmer Of The Year Finalist - Patrick Bane

Raising pigs has been a life-long passion for Patrick Bane, whose family has been raising pigs for three generations. Bane raises 74,000 pigs on his farm in west-central Illinois, where he focuses on public health, hiring the best people and maintaining herd health.... More
2018 America

2018 America's Pig Farmer of the Year Finalist - Kevin Rasmussen

Employee care is important to providing a safe product at KLR Pork, where Rasmussen markets 26,000 pigs a year from his farrow-to-finish farm. As a fourth-generation Iowa farmer, he believes the employees who work for him are family – and that makes all the difference in the product they produce... More
Distance Running + Pig Farming: Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America

Distance Running + Pig Farming: Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America

In running and farming, there's one word that matters: Integrity. The Stevermers are hard working pig farmers from Minnesota, who run marathons in their free time. See how those two worlds collide in this video.... More
 Iowa Select Farms Celebrates Opening of Primrose Sow Farm

Iowa Select Farms Celebrates Opening of Primrose Sow Farm

Iowa Select Farms recently welcomed a brand new, 7,500 sow farm to our system – Primrose! To celebrate the joyous occasion, we held an open house for local neighbors, suppliers, employees and contractors.... More
 Gretchen Returns: Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America

Gretchen Returns: Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America

One year after a tragic accident caused spinal injuries, Gretchen will ride in RAGBRAI, a week-long bike tour across Iowa. The lessons she learned from pig farming helped her through recovery and kept her inspired to ride again.... More
 Higher Quality pigs through primal value and tenderness measurements

Higher Quality pigs through primal value and tenderness measurements

Neil Matthews, Validation Research Supervisor tells us how PIC is optimizing total carcass value by maximizing primal value, processing value and eating satisfaction.... More
Gestal 3G accommodates easier sow management, improved animal well-being, and decreased cost

Gestal 3G accommodates easier sow management, improved animal well-being, and decreased cost

Dr. Hyatt Frobose, Swine Nutritionist at Jyga Technologies tells us about the Gestal 3G an innovative, low-stress feeding system for managing group-housed gestating sows. The Gestal 3G combines the simplicity of a free-access stall with the accuracy and reliability of the Gestal feed delivery un... More
Hog Markets Reviewed By Lee Schulz

Hog Markets Reviewed By Lee Schulz

Hog Markets – Lee Schulz, Iowa State Extension livestock economist, gives his analysis of the latest USDA Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report.... More
Pig Farming Lessons from an All-Grown-Up Pig Farmer

Pig Farming Lessons from an All-Grown-Up Pig Farmer

Our littlest pig farmer Barrett (age 6) shares what he's learned about pig farming and how caring leads us to safer food, a safer workplace, and a better community... More
A new solution to reduce pre-ween mortality in piglets

A new solution to reduce pre-ween mortality in piglets

Megan Bible, Swine Nutritionist at Furst-McNess Company tells about Furst Boost and Furst Water Boost, two products that provide piglets with essential nutritional components that reduce mortality and output and profitability.... More
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