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The Real Pork Trust Consortium: Connecting consumers and the swine industry - Dr. Alexa Lamm

Sep 11, 2023

Video: The Real Pork Trust Consortium: Connecting consumers and the swine industry - Dr. Alexa Lamm

That's my first episode as one of the hosts for The Swine It Podcast Show, and to celebrate that, I had an exciting talk with Dr Alexa Lamm. Dr. Lamm shares her insights on how she helps address public concerns related to food production and environmental issues. Much of today's episode will delve into the workings and mission of the Real Pork Trust Consortium, which has emerged as a catalyst in bridging the gap between the public and the pork industry. As part of a robust research and training component, different institutions work hand in hand to ensure that accurate and comprehensive information circulates among consumers. “We have to always be thinking about who's our consumer market. Find out who they are, where they are, what message they want things framed in and then create that message to tailor to them." - Dr. Alexa Lamm