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Rural Lifestyle Videos

Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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Closed Border Reopens, Panama Canal Slowdown, Low Water on the Mississippi, Red Sea Shipping

Closed Border Reopens, Panama Canal Slowdown, Low Water on the Mississippi, Red Sea Shipping

In an attempt to stop thousands of undocumented people flowing across the nation’s southern border, officials with U.S. Customs and Border Protection temporarily cut off traffic on two major rail lines.... More
NASA in the Heartland

NASA in the Heartland

When you hear the term NASA, places like Houston, Texas, or the Kennedy Space Center in Florida might come to mind.... More
How I cleaned up my Disaster! (11/12/23)

How I cleaned up my Disaster! (11/12/23)

Chicken Coop is a Mouduler now! Retreiving the pieces. Not a great fealing. I... More
Fencing Like you

Fencing Like you've never and lessons from the pros!

Fencing Like you've never and lessons from the pros! Come along today as we get to work on pulling Tornado Wire around our farm! Learn from the pros so you can build your fence right! Contractors participating in the Expo today:... More
Diggin’ In at the Annual GFB Convention

Diggin’ In at the Annual GFB Convention

‘Diggin’ In’ - Georgia Farm Bureau Convention 2023: 86 Years of Tradition, Grilled PB&J Love, and a Special Announcement.... More
Fencing My Farm: What I Learned

Fencing My Farm: What I Learned

If you want to get on the mailing list for the new Toby Dog book that's coming,... More
Sick of watching folks build bad fence? Farm Fence ideas/techniques the pros use!

Sick of watching folks build bad fence? Farm Fence ideas/techniques the pros use!

Sick of watching folks build bad fence? Farm Fence ideas/techniques the pros use! Tired of watching people build fences that don't last....Come along today as we build a weaning cross fence on the farm with wood posts.... More

A Farm Christmas Miracle!

A Farm Christmas Miracle!

This was a Christmas I won't forget. So thankful God always shows up! Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas, too! We appreciate you being here! Until next time, Farm Hard Live Well! xx, The Bernards... More
Christmas on the Farm

Christmas on the Farm

We're getting ready for Christmas on the farm! The kids and I have a special project. I check in with the animals, including our newborn piglets. I do a little work in the shop, and Hilarie and I share our Christmas wishes for you all. Have a Merry Christmas!... More
StockTalk - Dec 7

StockTalk - Dec 7

Topics covered today: Developing Feeding Strategies Using Cowbytes Ration Balancing Program Alternative Feeding strategies Livestock and Forage Programs - Resilient Ag Landscape Program (RALP) Sustainable Ag MB, (SAM)... More
Molasses arrives, Tele-handler fuel issues & loading oats.

Molasses arrives, Tele-handler fuel issues & loading oats.

Molasses arrives, Tele-handler fuel issues & loading oats. | | Millionaire Farmer... More
Ask A Farmer Podcast: How is the agriculture industry managing plastic waste?

Ask A Farmer Podcast: How is the agriculture industry managing plastic waste?

Like other industries in Canada, in agriculture, there are some inorganic waste products that are used in the production of food. This includes containers for products, bags for grain and livestock feed, twine on bales, tubing for sap collection, and other materials. Barry Friesen is the Executi... More
Building a farm team that connects

Building a farm team that connects

Struggling to connect with your farm team? Dale Curd, Counsellor and Executive Coach, shares common communication barriers and how to address them. Filmed at the FCC Young Farmer’s Summit.... More
Vegetative Barrier

Vegetative Barrier

Vegetative barriers consist of permanent strips of stiff, dense vegetation established along the general contour of slopes or across concentrated flow areas.... More


TOP 5 ACCESSORIES for QUAD / ATV / UTV !? | | Doctor D.S.... More
Wetland Monitoring Project VR Experience

Wetland Monitoring Project VR Experience

Immerse yourself in a wetland near Trochu, Alberta with APG’s Nevin Rosaasen. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the wetland while learning about the effectiveness of vegetative filter strips and the importance of wetland biodiversity for crops. Smart device recommended for optimal viewing. Use your... More
Meet GFB’s Excellence in Ag Award Winners

Meet GFB’s Excellence in Ag Award Winners

From sweet corn, to advocating for agriculture, one couple defines ‘Excellence in Ag’. John Holcomb documents their love for farming, and why they feel it's all or nothing when the time comes to represent Georgia on the National stage.... More
Faces in Ag - BEL Tree Farm

Faces in Ag - BEL Tree Farm

In this episode of "Faces in Ag," Shelby meets with Michelle and Aaron Peck from BEL Tree Farm to discuss challenges they face and ways they have made their operation successful.... More
Let It Grow | Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba

Let It Grow | Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba

This December, your generosity reaches farther! Thanks to a matching pledge from MacDon Industries, every dollar you give to AITC-M will be doubled, up to $10,000. Double your impact, double the difference.... More
Christmas Shopping for Farmers (10 gift ideas his and hers)

Christmas Shopping for Farmers (10 gift ideas his and hers)

Christmas Shopping for Farmers (10 gift ideas his and hers) | | Brian's Farming Videos... More
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