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Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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SeedMaster Nova Air Cart

SeedMaster Nova Air Cart

Prairie Farm Report - SeedMaster Nova Air Cart... More
Leaders in Ag Safety

Leaders in Ag Safety

For many years, we've attended agriculture shows across the province and were often barely noticed in comparison to the best looking cattle, hi-tech seeds and fertilizers, or the coolest new combine, sprayer, or tractor. Many times, the few conversations we engaged in were with patrons who had s... More
Manitoba Ag Days - Day 2 Recap

Manitoba Ag Days - Day 2 Recap

Get up to speed with what happened on day 2 at Manitoba Ag Days 2020.... More
Hydraulic Chainsaw for Front Loader

Hydraulic Chainsaw for Front Loader

The Limbinator was developed by Frank Casey and a neighbor who wanted a better way to look after 500 Pecan trees. The 8 foot long saw can reach as high as 20 feet when it is attached to a front end loader on a tractor or skid steer.... More
Is Canada on losing end of CETA free trade agreement with EU?

Is Canada on losing end of CETA free trade agreement with EU?

Although not yet fully ratified, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) should allow Canada and the European Union to boost their trade, especially in meat exports. But at what cost? In Europe, opponents of CETA focus on fears over Canadian beef such as the use of growth hormones.... More
Unintended consequences of farm gifts / Focus on farm transition / FCC Knowledge

Unintended consequences of farm gifts / Focus on farm transition / FCC Knowledge

Look at your operation – are there things of value that are being exchanged and not tracked? In this episode of Focus on Farm Transition, Patti looks at the best way to handle farm “gifts” like labour and equipment to avoid unintended consequences.... More
Manitoba Ag Days - Day 1 Recap

Manitoba Ag Days - Day 1 Recap

Highlights from Day 1 at Manitoba Ag Days... More

FCC Ag Economics: Supply and Demand

FCC Ag Economics: Supply and Demand

Learn how using a commodity markets balance sheet that shows supply and demand can help you set expectation about prices.... More
Using legal agreements / Focus on farm transition / FCC Knowledge

Using legal agreements / Focus on farm transition / FCC Knowledge

Legal agreements are an important, but rarely used tool on the farm. In this episode, Patti talks with a lawyer and transition planning specialist on why you need them, which ones to consider and why in today’s complex environment, a handshake is simply not enough.... More
Planter Setup - Pioneer Agronomy

Planter Setup - Pioneer Agronomy

Pioneer Field Agronomist, Jonathan Rotz, is here with tips for your planter setup. Find out what you need to know before planting to start the season right.... More
Silage Zone - Optimize Net Farm/Dairy Income, part 1

Silage Zone - Optimize Net Farm/Dairy Income, part 1

The Silage Zone returns in this three part video series to discuss how to optimize your net farm/dairy income.... More
The Ardiels Part Two | Real Farm Lives

The Ardiels Part Two | Real Farm Lives

Being a successful apple farmer is all about growing… and not just out in the orchards. Kyle Ardiel is always looking for ways that can improve the apple harvest and evolve his family’s Apple Springs Orchards plot. From trellis systems that allow the family to plant more trees per acre to specia... More
The Ardiels Part One | Real Farm Lives

The Ardiels Part One | Real Farm Lives

Growing apples is a serious business. Just ask Shane Ardiel, who runs Apple Springs Orchards in Clarksburg, Ontario, with his son Kyle and wife Gail. Whether they’re battling a lack of rain or an attack of the woolly apple aphid, a lot of tough decision-making and hard work goes into growing t... More
The Englots Part Two | Real Farm Lives

The Englots Part Two | Real Farm Lives

For most students, college is about learning and living. But for Madison Englot, it goes much deeper. She hopes her agronomy degree can help secure a bright future for her family’s farm… or maybe she just wanted to be able to boss dad Norman around for once! We follow the pair as they go on a pe... More
The Englots Part One | Real Farm Lives

The Englots Part One | Real Farm Lives

This week’s episode is all about wheat, as we meet real farm family the Englots and get a glimpse of wheat farming and their life on Costa Lotta Farms in Saskatchewan. Owner Norman and his dedicated family of five work year round on over 3,000 acres of land together. But after 36 happy years on ... More
The Renwicks Part Two | Real Farm Lives

The Renwicks Part Two | Real Farm Lives

When he started managing the family farming business, Chris Renwick wanted to make his dad Tom proud. Now he has high hopes that his own son Shawn, or two daughters Sadie and Melyse, will carry on an Ontario farming dynasty that dates back to the 19th century. We hear from Tom, who’s as passiona... More
The Renwicks Part One | Real Farm Lives

The Renwicks Part One | Real Farm Lives

For more than 200 years, finding better ways to farm has been a top priority for the Renwick family on their Renwick Ridgeview Acres plot in the heart of Wheatley, Ontario. We go behind-the-scenes with seventh-generation farmer Chris, his wife Rachel and their three kids to find out how modern c... More
Living Roots

Living Roots

What if there were ways to farm intensively while helping combat climate change? One farmer has found a way to feed the world and protect the environment at the same time.... More
Best time to apply Reclaim II for Buckbrush

Best time to apply Reclaim II for Buckbrush

Reclaim II provides the best buckbrush control in your permanent grazing pasture and rangeland. Properly staging your buckbrush for application is important in order to provide effective control.... More
Follow a Field - Greg Smith - End of Season Check in

Follow a Field - Greg Smith - End of Season Check in

Follow a Field is a video series following Canadian canola and soybean growers and their experiences on the field. Introducing Greg Smith from Oakbank, MB, a Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System grower.... More
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