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Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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Ontario Dairy Producer Ron Toonders in RC Chippewa Switchgrass Field

Ontario Dairy Producer Ron Toonders in RC Chippewa Switchgrass Field

Ron Toonders of Williamsburg Ontario is one of the most experienced dairy producers in the province in growing and using switchgrass. He is the first Ontario farmer to field test the promising REAP-Canada cultivar RC Chippewa that is a targeted replacement for cave-in-rock.... More
Farm Technic: 8 Wheels of Power

Farm Technic: 8 Wheels of Power

Short Film of Case and John Deere 8 Wheel tractor rigs, used in different situations, 4 Case Tractors leveling fields. John Deere compacting silage.... More
Trivapro™ fungicide - How Solatenol® works

Trivapro™ fungicide - How Solatenol® works

Solatenol® fungicide, an active ingredient in Trivapro™ fungicide, is an SDHI with a different mode of action from the triazole and strobilurin products on the market. Solatenol is uniformly distributed on the outer surface of the leaf, the wax layer and the cellular tissue. It protects the leaf... More
Tractor Implements for the Market Farm - Vitruvian Farms

Tractor Implements for the Market Farm - Vitruvian Farms

Tractor Implements for the Market Farm - Vitruvian Farms... More
Ritchie Brothers Auction tour Part 2

Ritchie Brothers Auction tour Part 2

Ritchie Brothers Auction tour Part 2... More
Cruiser Maxx Vibrance Beans protects soybeans from insects and diseases

Cruiser Maxx Vibrance Beans protects soybeans from insects and diseases

Ted Labun, Seedcare Technical Lead, with Syngenta Canada, discusses how Cruiser Maxx® Vibrance® Beans seed treatment protects your soybean crop against a broad range of insects and diseases while delivering excellent Rhizoctonia control.... More
NEW HOLLAND TR 99 Upgrading The Combine!!!

NEW HOLLAND TR 99 Upgrading The Combine!!!

NEW HOLLAND TR 99 Upgrading The Combine!!!... More

Sugar End Disorder and Stem-End Chip Defect Stress Factors and Management

Sugar End Disorder and Stem-End Chip Defect Stress Factors and Management

Sugar ends is a physiological disorder that can occur at a tuber’s bud or stem end. The disorder’s symptoms usually aren’t apparent until the tuber’s exposure to colder temperatures — around 10 C or below. The stress that causes the disorder’s development occurs early in the growing season and m... More
Farming with an Electric Tractor

Farming with an Electric Tractor

Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back... More
Soil Fertility in Organic Grain Farming Systems

Soil Fertility in Organic Grain Farming Systems

Dr. Martin Entz, University of Manitoba. March 19th Coffee Shop Talk.... More
Ontario Announces Funding for Enhanced Biosecurity under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Ontario Announces Funding for Enhanced Biosecurity under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Ontario is helping agri-food businesses enhance biosecurity measures in the sector to improve competitiveness and open doors for Ontario food products, supported by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.... More
4R Nutrient Stewardship on Prince Edward Island

4R Nutrient Stewardship on Prince Edward Island

Fertilizer Canada and the province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) are committed to delivering sustainable solutions for local growers. A three year extension to an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed by Fertilizer Canada, the Government of PEI, the PEI Federation of Agricul... More
Innovation and continuous investment in imazamox-based herbicides

Innovation and continuous investment in imazamox-based herbicides

The financial and research investment required for a new active ingredient for crop protection products is substantial. Year after year, growers look for innovation in field chemistry to improve yields and enhance sustainability. Learn more about BASF's continued commitment to providing the best... More
Heat LQ on Canola - Dylan Myhr

Heat LQ on Canola - Dylan Myhr

Meet Dylan Myhr, a canola farmer from Preeceville, Saskatchewan. His experience straight cutting canola with the use of Heat® LQ mixed with glyphosate by aerial and ground rig application has provided a more efficient harvest with increased bushel weight.... More
Cruiser Vibrance Quattro protects cereals against insects, seed and soil borne disease

Cruiser Vibrance Quattro protects cereals against insects, seed and soil borne disease

Western Seedcare Technical Specialist Ted Labun talks about which insects and diseases can affect your wheat crop and how Cruiser Vibrance Quattro can help.... More
The Pros and Cons of Planting Whole Seed and Cut Seed Pieces

The Pros and Cons of Planting Whole Seed and Cut Seed Pieces

The whole seed model has been used in Europe for some time and is becoming more popular in the United States. The practice has had low adoption in Canada; however, that may change. Is a whole seed system possible for Canada? This webinar, hosted by SpudSmart Magazine, examines the possible advan... More
Unloading Peas! Heavy Snowfall

Unloading Peas! Heavy Snowfall

Since we got tons of snow..might as well unload the peas.... More
Using Urban Farming to Help At-Risk Youth

Using Urban Farming to Help At-Risk Youth

Using Urban Farming to Help At-Risk Youth... More

What's the value of a fungicide seed treatment?

Syngenta Field Biologist Marijke Van Andel explains how a fungicide seed treatment, like Vibrance® Maxx, can help keep your soybeans protected from early season diseases like Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium.... More
How to scout your canola stubble for signs of blackleg

How to scout your canola stubble for signs of blackleg

Agronomic Services Manager Chadrick Carley walks through last year's canola stubble and shows you how to look for signs of blackleg infection. He also shows how Quilt® fungicide can be a powerful addition to your integrated blackleg management strategy.... More
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