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The Risk of China

The Risk of China's Interference in Canada's Election

There is reason to fear that Canada’s federal elections in October could become the latest target in a mounting challenge to democratic processes worldwide. Given rising Sino-Canadian tensions, Ottawa needs to contend with the possibility of election interference by Beijing.... More
Nitrogen-Producing Plants

Nitrogen-Producing Plants

U of G research explores the use of special probiotics to help plants make their own nitrogen fertilizer.... More
Growing Biointensively with Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living

Growing Biointensively with Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living

Young Agrarians visited Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living on a property in Meadowbrook, BC. The society undertakes crop trials, workshops, tours, research and demonstrations following the biointensive growing principles of John Jeavons, found in his work 'How to Grow More Vegetables'.... More
Crop spraying July 14, 2019

Crop spraying July 14, 2019

Aerial crop spraying, Saskatchewan... More
Cleaning wheat seed for the 2019 crop year!

Cleaning wheat seed for the 2019 crop year!

Cleaning wheat seed for the 2019 crop year!... More
Organic Farming in the Prairie Provinces

Organic Farming in the Prairie Provinces

Boyd Charles (Farmer, Stoughton, SK) and Marla Carlson (Executive Director, SaskOrganics) share the why, what, and how of transitioning to organic production, and we see what yields Boyd got on an organic wheat field this year.... More
Crop rotation to mitigate crop disease

Crop rotation to mitigate crop disease

Crop rotation can reduce disease and pests by limiting the time host plants grow in a given field. Randy Kutcher of University of Saskatchewan came to WheatStalk in July 2018 to talk about the different crops that can go into a rotation to avoid fusarium head blight.... More

ESN Smart Grower Retailer Blair Mutcher recommends ESN to his Manitoba farm customers

ESN Smart Grower Retailer Blair Mutcher recommends ESN to his Manitoba farm customers

Nutrien Ag Solutions retailer Blair Mutcher believes good customer service begins with getting to know the customer’s land and farm. With a high amount of leaching in the Red River Valley, he recommends ESN for his Manitoba farm customers.... More
Big Farm Machines Harvesting Vegetables

Big Farm Machines Harvesting Vegetables

In this video we spend time hearing and seeing the big machines that harvest green beans, green peas, sweet corn, cucumbers, onions and potatoes.... More
Jake Leguee on Using Cover Crops

Jake Leguee on Using Cover Crops

Jake Leguee is a large-scale farmer in Saskatchewan, Canada, farming 13,000 acres of land. Managing pests on a crop this size is a challenge, as is changing weather conditions.... More


Agri-Day : Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario... More
Mental Health for Spring Planting - Stephen Broad

Mental Health for Spring Planting - Stephen Broad

Stephen Broad of Ontario Bean Growers says talking openly to people who can listen is a big relief when stress hits during spring... More
Getting home with our new treasures!

Getting home with our new treasures!

Getting home with our new treasures!... More
Syrian newcomer start farming in Calgary Alberta

Syrian newcomer start farming in Calgary Alberta

Syrian newcomer start farming in Calgary Alberta... More


On this video you can see the beauty and huge farm in the province. Wheat is the number one crops followed by canola and flaxseed ... manitoba is more diversified than in other prairie provinces... More
North America

North America's largest oat miller is growing in Saskatchewan!

Grain Millers is North America's largest oat miller, and they are finding success from Yorkton, Saskatchewan! Since opening its Canadian headquarters in Yorkton, they have experienced continuous growth with help from dedicated producers, skilled workers and a responsive government.... More
Mental Health for Spring Planting: Tanya Terpstra

Mental Health for Spring Planting: Tanya Terpstra

Sharing thoughts openly can really help others feel better during spring #Plant19, says Tanya Terpstra of Birch Lawn Farms in Listowel.... More
Meet Prof. Yu Na Lee (food price uncertainty, food security)

Meet Prof. Yu Na Lee (food price uncertainty, food security)

Yu Na is an economics professor in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics who studies how food price uncertainty affects food security, development and trade.... More
Meet Prof. Richard Heck (soil structure)

Meet Prof. Richard Heck (soil structure)

Richard is a professor in our School of Environmental Sciences who research soil structure and preservation locally and globally.... More
Value-added food can bring a lot to Canada

Value-added food can bring a lot to Canada

Senator Diane Griffin, Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, and committee members Senators Colin Deacon and Stan Kutcher share their observations on the value-added food sector.... More
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