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Soil Videos

Look through our collection of soil videos, ranging from videos on vertical tillage, zero or no tillage, soil management, testing, soil samples, and more.
Soil Tillage Videos (8) ›
Developing an Ontario Soil Information System | Asim Biswas

Developing an Ontario Soil Information System | Asim Biswas

Dr. Asim Biswas is an Associate Professor of sustainable soil management in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph. His research program aims to develop sensors and sensing technology make it possible to digitally map soils. He has recently created an online portal wher... More
Ask an Expert: Why do farmers test their soil?

Ask an Expert: Why do farmers test their soil?

If you’ve ever grown a garden, you’ll understand that plants need healthy soil to grow. But just what is soil? Soil is a living ecosystem made up of sand, silt and clay particles, as well as minerals, organic matter and pockets of moisture and air. Soil organic matter consists of both decayin... More
Soil testing at the University of Maine

Soil testing at the University of Maine

University of Maine Cooperative Extension shows you how to sample your soil, when the best time is to test your soil, and where to send your soil for analysis.... More
Soil Health & Nitrogen Management with Dr. David Burton

Soil Health & Nitrogen Management with Dr. David Burton

Dr. David Burton who is a Distinguished Research Professor from Dalhousie University. Dr. Burton’s research examines the role of the soil environment in influencing the nature and extent of microbial metabolism in soil. His current research programs involve an examination of the production and c... More
Why Do Our Soils Crust?

Why Do Our Soils Crust?

Many fields will experience soil compaction to some degree throughout the growing season. There are several different forms of soil compaction, all of which negatively affect crop growth and yield. Brad Mason, Pioneer Field Agronomist, highlights one of the types of soil compaction: surface crus... More
Are We Wrong About Tillage?

Are We Wrong About Tillage?

What does tillage mean? Well in this video I attempt to give a little definition and context to the words tillage and no-tillage.... More
How Your Soil Temperature Can PREDICT Pest Spread In Crops..

How Your Soil Temperature Can PREDICT Pest Spread In Crops..

How Your Soil Temperature Can PREDICT Pest Spread In Crops.. Welcome back to Down On The Farm, today on this channel we are going to talk about “Soil temperature can predict pest spread in crops” A new study from North Carolina State University shows soil temperature can be used to effectivel... More

Soil sampling demonstration with Integrated Ag Services

Soil sampling demonstration with Integrated Ag Services

Evan Delk from Integrated Ag Services talks with us during FSR 2020 about their soil sampling process.... More
Soil Test Conversions (From Ag PhD Show #1188 - Air Date 1-10-21)

Soil Test Conversions (From Ag PhD Show #1188 - Air Date 1-10-21)

Brian and Darren Hefty explain a few conversions you need to make to understand how much of certain nutrients is in your soil when it relates to making fertilizer decisions.... More
MAKE IT PAY - Cooking With Covers, Ep. 2

MAKE IT PAY - Cooking With Covers, Ep. 2

Oh Ethan! He has been working hard managing resistant weeds but cannot keep them under control. Luckily, Dan Petker has a recipe: Balance herbicide modes of action with #CoverCrops. It doesn't need to be costly! Use all the tools at your disposal and make it pay! MAKE IT PAY is the second ins... More
LEADS: Scott Leystra

LEADS: Scott Leystra

LEADS: Scott Leystra | OntarioSoilandCrop... More
OSCIA 2023 Soil Champion - Nick Stokman

OSCIA 2023 Soil Champion - Nick Stokman

OSCIA 2023 Soil Champion - Nick Stokman | OntarioSoilandCrop... More
Soil Amending Simplified

Soil Amending Simplified

What to add to the soil is a big question but it's also perhaps the wrong question. In today's video I attempt to simplify the idea of soil amending and give some important context to it that may demonstrate that you don't need to add much of anything. Addressed in this video: Adding nitrog... More
Improving Soil Health in 60-inch Rows of No-till Corn Inter-seeded with Cover Crops

Improving Soil Health in 60-inch Rows of No-till Corn Inter-seeded with Cover Crops

Join us as we visit Luke Bergler’s farm outside of Ridgeway, Minnesota and see first hand how inter-seeded cover crops are improving his profitability and soil health, while simultaneously feeding the soil biology. Luke has had great success interseeding diverse cover crop mixes into V2-V4 c... More
Den Donk Farms benefits from the Growing Your Farm Profits workshop

Den Donk Farms benefits from the Growing Your Farm Profits workshop

Den Donk Farms benefits from the Growing Your Farm Profits workshop | OntarioSoilandCrop... More
Using the Nitrogen Rate Calculators for Black, Dark Brown and Brown soil zones: Part 2 of 3

Using the Nitrogen Rate Calculators for Black, Dark Brown and Brown soil zones: Part 2 of 3

Agronomy Research Extension Specialist, Jeremy Boychyn, demonstrates hows to use the Nitrogen Rate Calculators for Black, Dark Brown and Brown soil zones.... More
Understanding Carbon Farming

Understanding Carbon Farming

In this video, I'll show you some information about Carbon Farming and how it can reduce agriculture's impact on the environment.... More
Sharing on-farm success: Clearwater Farm

Sharing on-farm success: Clearwater Farm

Sharing on-farm success: Clearwater Farm | OntarioSoilandCrop... More
Soil Compaction (11/14/15)

Soil Compaction (11/14/15)

Jason Warren demonstrates how to prevent soil compaction in new no-till fields.... More
Tools for Measuring Soil Compaction

Tools for Measuring Soil Compaction

Need to measure the depth of soil compaction in a field? Here is a quick demo of five different tools you could use. Francisco Arriaga, state specialist from the UW-Madison department of soil science and Jamie Patton, UWEX agriculture agent in Shawano county briefly describe how to use each tool... More
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